If you stand on the side of the gates where you go for the 3rd boss you wont get hit by red circles. For yellow one I didn't know how much it hit, I simply always cleansed it and went on.
And 1 more question for Aerro. I have seen that campaign main hand and offhand are exactly same considering damage and stats. I realized also that in rakata gear I could take offhand barrel out and put it in my old columni main hand (had no luck with drops). This week I got campaign offhand and atm I'm still waiting for augmented weapon crafts due to lowest server population. When that 1 armstech on the server crits 2 of my pistols I'll check if it actually works. In this case we could take 2 offhands and keep MH drop for other classes.
We still have a problem on 8man HM last boss though. Everything goes extremely smooth but than half of the raid always dies on the purple aoe boss does after he pulls all together. Yes, we lack marauder so we are massively crafting blue quality potions for exactly that
Got any other suggestion?