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  1. #1001
    has anyone tested the 16m version yet?

  2. #1002
    nah haven't tried 16 man...finished up TFB, started on S&V, 1st two bosses meh. More of the same.

  3. #1003
    hey papa, there is a rumor in the german swtor scene that they buff crit ratings scaling, could back up that claim?!

    Wildstar Black Ops - loved by strangers

  4. #1004
    sigh pizza you are breaking my heart about the nightmare modes. It seems BW thinks its catering to the 1% crowd with nightmares but it sounds more like the 30% crowd

  5. #1005
    Scarab Lord Forsedar's Avatar
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    Yeah I am not at all pleased with this so called 'nightmare mode' content.

    "Nightmare Mode Terror From Beyond. It’s got vicious new mechanics and is definitely not for the faint of heart."


  6. #1006
    It is possible they've scaled it down for PTS so people can test for bugs. We'll just have to see. As far as crit goes Keren, The same formulas that I have from live are still holding true on my character sheet so as far as I can tell, no change to crit scaling.

  7. #1007
    they are damned :/ it can really not that hard to adjust the divisior from 0.9 to 0.75 - that would already bring everyone to care about rating we would want to have...

    Wildstar Black Ops - loved by strangers

  8. #1008
    Field Marshal
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    "Pre-Game Update 2.0 gear that had the same set bonuses (or affected the same abilities) as Post-2.0 gear no longer stacks the bonus effects. The first set bonus placed on the character will take affect but the second one will not."

    Hope every one is prepared =]

  9. #1009
    Quote Originally Posted by Syzyx View Post

    "Pre-Game Update 2.0 gear that had the same set bonuses (or affected the same abilities) as Post-2.0 gear no longer stacks the bonus effects. The first set bonus placed on the character will take affect but the second one will not."

    Hope every one is prepared =]
    wipe that silly grin off ur face boy

  10. #1010
    Field Marshal
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    hehe yeah... I just hope keren's sim is able to distinguish that the 2 sets dont stack any more. I'm sitting with arkanian stuff =/ Still need 3 pieces of Underworld just for the armorings.. other than that im needing x2 implants and about 3 more initiatives to cover the accuracy loss from using microfilament reflex d-enhancer x2...

    still need a few adept 31's as well =/ I'm still pretty far from BiS. But at least i have arkanian set bonuses ready for the "nerf".

  11. #1011
    you can select each set boni you want o.0

    just dont pick the old one and activate the +8% damage... or use the old one with cheaper rail shot
    Last edited by Keren; 2013-05-30 at 07:11 AM.

    Wildstar Black Ops - loved by strangers

  12. #1012
    since I cant use the sim because it hates my freeware office apps I was wondering. Is it better to use the old 4 pc vs the new 4 pc dpswise?

  13. #1013
    Quote Originally Posted by Requiem4aDr3am View Post
    since I cant use the sim because it hates my freeware office apps I was wondering. Is it better to use the old 4 pc vs the new 4 pc dpswise?
    nope, the loss of 4 * 16 Aim is harsh, to use the old set is a loss of about 35-45 dps. But its easier heat management which some might happy to preserv

    Wildstar Black Ops - loved by strangers

  14. #1014
    Quote Originally Posted by Keren View Post
    nope, the loss of 4 * 16 Aim is harsh, to use the old set is a loss of about 35-45 dps. But its easier heat management which some might happy to preserv
    but less rapids shot so more dps, isn't it ?

  15. #1015
    I simmed the difference and didnt call it out from my head. 64 aim loss are somewhat like 12,8 dps, + some crit. So, the setbonus as self with + 8% more rail shot damage is accountable for ther rest difference + the loss from using more rapid shots. Rail Shot does about 10% of our damage = ~30 dps gain from setboni with BIS.

    Wildstar Black Ops - loved by strangers

  16. #1016
    glad I collected the new armorings then. Swapping in for the 4 pc. BTW I noticed in patch notes that it only mentions fixing the stacking of the pvp relics. Who wants to bet that BW and their laziness overlooked stacking 1 pvp relic with 1 pve relic for the double proc?

    ---------- Post added 2013-05-30 at 06:43 AM ----------

    *shines up his new Big Game Hunter title* Gonna wear that until I finish grinding HM FE for my meatbag title:P

  17. #1017
    Quote Originally Posted by Requiem4aDr3am View Post
    glad I collected the new armorings then. Swapping in for the 4 pc. BTW I noticed in patch notes that it only mentions fixing the stacking of the pvp relics. Who wants to bet that BW and their laziness overlooked stacking 1 pvp relic with 1 pve relic for the double proc?
    We did test that befor the actual patch, when the pvp ones procced, the pve one triggered its cooldown. When pve proccs first, pvp could still procc...

    Wildstar Black Ops - loved by strangers

  18. #1018
    Field Marshal
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    Just did 1 parse on the target dummy on my ship.... it doesnt look like they fixed the 2pc/2pc... Im still showing a 57% crit rate on tracer missile

    of course now im not so sure.. the last parse on that list is one of just spamming tracers and rapid shots. Came out to be a 30.43% crit chance.. Maybe I got lucky on the first one?? Seems strange to me though...

    Last 2 parses are with the 4pc. Seems strange how different my crit chance is on tracer missile between each parse =/ Its so all over the place it doesn't seem right... 15% tracer missile crit chance + 23.14% character sheet crit chance should be around 38.14% chance to crit.. but i was anywhere from 30% to 57% ... seems like a big range

    Although my average crit chance between all 6 parses with 3 fights wearing 2pc/2pc .. and 3 fights wearing 4pc .. My avg crit chance was 38.16%..

    So maybe they did fix it.

    edit #8000:

    I'm not seeing a very big difference in the 4pc bonus either.. If any one else is noticing a big difference on their dps I'd love to see it. 8% more rail shot dmg should boost our dps by a noticeable amount. I dont see it though..
    Last edited by Syzyx; 2013-05-30 at 06:32 PM.

  19. #1019
    Quote Originally Posted by Keren View Post
    nope, the loss of 4 * 16 Aim is harsh, to use the old set is a loss of about 35-45 dps. But its easier heat management which some might happy to preserv
    Keren I'm getting different results...Here's my sim layout...I'm simming with the relics that I currently have which are CN + BA FYI...I will do sims with SA + BA in a bit. I made sure to adjust aim accordingly, I played around with different priorities and Rail shot takes the cake either way, only with the new set bonus, 4 tracer lock minimum came out on top whereas with old set bonus, Rail shot without the minimum came out on top:

    Edit: Same results with SA+BA maybe 3-5 dps increase to both is all

    With Old 4pc Set Bonus

    Above HL

    Below HL

    HL: 23
    TSO: Only w/Fusion
    Use Vent Heat At: 75
    Power Surge Usage: Never
    Useable Relic Usage: On CD

    # of simulations: 2000
    Duration: 300s

    Avg DPS: 3212.35

    With New 4pc Set Bonus

    Above HL

    Below HL

    HL: 23
    TSO: Only w/Fusion
    Use Vent Heat At: 75
    Power Surge Usage: Never
    Useable Relic Usage: On CD

    # of simulations: 2000
    Duration: 300s

    Avg DPS: 3202.98

    Old Set bonus wins by 10 dps here...

    ---------- Post added 2013-05-30 at 12:56 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Syzyx View Post
    I'm not seeing a very big difference in the 4pc bonus either.. If any one else is noticing a big difference on their dps I'd love to see it. 8% more rail shot dmg should boost our dps by a noticeable amount. I dont see it though..
    The reason you don't see a difference is cuz even though 8% rail shot damage boost should be significant, you're having to use rapid shots 2 more times per minute when you're doing it flawless. This is because every 15s with the old set bonus you're saving 8 heat which results in about 32 extra heat pool per counters the bonus you'd receive from new set bonus.

    ---------- Post added 2013-05-30 at 01:28 PM ----------

    Also BTW old 4pc is only coming about 15dps short of 2pc/2pc on simulator with adjusted priority systems, however like i've stated several times, the increased usage of TM in boss fights widens that gap so I'll be interested to see how my boss parses change
    Last edited by odawgg; 2013-05-30 at 08:29 PM.

  20. #1020
    Scarab Lord Forsedar's Avatar
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    A 10 DPS increase isn't much, as a perfect situation on Live is not bound to happen. Granted, 10 DPS shows that it is better, I wouldn't be too upset about this (not saying that you are!)

    I'm just glad I can now use 4pc

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