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  1. #1241
    How high accuracy do you need to stop missing hits with unload? I currently have 402 rating in accuracy (99.60%) and i miss around 15% of unload.

  2. #1242
    Quote Originally Posted by Ekot View Post
    How high accuracy do you need to stop missing hits with unload? I currently have 402 rating in accuracy (99.60%) and i miss around 15% of unload.
    you would need 100% to be save that each of you main hand shots will hit the target. However, Offhand attacks inherit a 33% penalty to the hitchance. Thats why some of the smaller hit of rapid shots and unload will always miss the target!

    15% is just the standard miss chance when mainhand and offhand hits are calculated together, nothing to worry about =)

  3. #1243
    Overall ppl put to much emphasis on dps. Don't ignore dps but also look at total dmg in a fight and dmg taken tabs. Before maint last was running a quick raid and I only looked at the last parse but I beat the biggest sniper in guild in total dmg but he beat me on dps.

    looking at a few different things can give context. Can be better to take less dmg while putting great dmg on a boss for obvious reasons.

  4. #1244
    Im currently using UWSA and UWBA relics but im thinking about switching the BA to a CN instead. Is it Worth gettin an Arkanian CN instead of UWBA untill i get a UW one?

  5. #1245
    UWBA does slghtly higher dps than UWCN, so not really. The main reason to go with CN instead of BA is ease of use rather than dps gains (though the difference is marginal iirc).

  6. #1246
    eventhough pyro is the goto spec atm I didn't like seeing this thread all the way down at page 10. Arsenal Mercs NEVER FORGET!

  7. #1247
    Scarab Lord Forsedar's Avatar
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    Mad sad

    Kind off miss this smallish community. Hope all is well for everyone!

  8. #1248
    Quote Originally Posted by Forsedar View Post
    Mad sad

    Kind off miss this smallish community. Hope all is well for everyone!

    HEEEEY welcome back to the fold all us mercs did miss you as well (well least i did)

  9. #1249
    Scarab Lord Forsedar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WoWGoneBad View Post
    HEEEEY welcome back to the fold all us mercs did miss you as well (well least i did)
    I still creep around this forum, as some posts need some moderation (though there really isn't much debating going on as much anymore).

  10. #1250
    Quote Originally Posted by Forsedar View Post
    I still creep around this forum, as some posts need some moderation (though there really isn't much debating going on as much anymore).
    Shame that I really enjoy a nice mass debate

  11. #1251
    Yeah I check from time to time. It is pretty well accepted in terms of builds and rotations at this point.

    2.7 should be really exciting and as someone who still plays arsenal spec will be interesting to see how that reflects on torparse.

    99% of all mercs I check in the top 50 are running pyro these days. Watch them all come crawling back

  12. #1252
    Well, it's always dependant on the fight. Can't imagine doing Draxxus with Pyro :P

  13. #1253
    Maybe Powertechs can hope for a "maybe we'll look into it, even though we're happy with class balance as it is" answer, when they're allowed to have a Class Rep ask questions from the developers again in 10+ months.

    All joking aside, the turnaround time and attitude toward class Q&A through representatives is just awful.The WoW devs are up front with Twitter questions every day, fielding anything from the serious to the mathy to the inane. BioWare devs are acting like El Presidente from Tropico.

  14. #1254
    Yeah not a big fan of the commando questions, either these questions were given a response when the mercs had their shot or is being addressed in 2.7

    Mercs will be in a very good position come 2.7

    Im hoping that it drops in the next week or so

  15. #1255
    Okay mercs/mandos time to wake up and make this thread active again.
    I have been having discussions with my fellow mercs about the importance of crit as it pertains to boss encounters rather than parsing on a dummy. I am of the opinion that 324-400 crit rating is where mercs should be for maximum efficiency whereas others are saying stack that crit high some say as high as 500 crit. Those others say that because the DR is such a steady slow arc and eventhough they are getting only around .95-.97% crit past 400 that crit is superior. Now I have parsed higher on occasion vs these people in boss fights and vice versa thanks to the rng gods. This is in both specs pyro and arsenal. I was curious if anyone has done the math to find the exact point at which crit becomes less effective? I don't have access to keren's simulator since I dont use microsoft office.
    What are other mercs thoughts on crit rating?

  16. #1256
    So 3.0 is just over a week away and there is significant changes coming to the class.

    What are eeveryone's impressions from the dev stream ?

    Changes to how alacrity works and how that will have a impact on us. The increased mobility of the class is going to be a welcome change.

    Thoughts, comments, opinions ?

  17. #1257
    Quote Originally Posted by Maban View Post
    So 3.0 is just over a week away and there is significant changes coming to the class.

    What are eeveryone's impressions from the dev stream ?

    Changes to how alacrity works and how that will have a impact on us.
    I still don't think you will be stacking it but I think you might actually want some now but till the NDA comes off who knows how much is worth it.

    I've been keeping an eye out for information on it but found nothing. S I hope some beta tester has a nice write up and is just waiting for the NDA to be lifted before posting about it.

    The increased mobility of the class is going to be a welcome change.

    Thoughts, comments, opinions ?
    I love the idea of increased mobility. WHile I think it's mainly for PVP I can see a number of times it might be really nice for PVE. Few things worse than having to move in the middle of full auto killing that DPS.

    I do not think their being changed that much as far as play style goes. Just some added benefits. At least that the way I see it form what I read. Play may be different in the end but it doesn't seem like it.

    I do question the longer cool down on interrupts and far less cleanses though. That bothers me but as long as they adjust the content and don't put out something like nefra or the gate commander, then it might be OK.
    Last edited by quras; 2014-11-24 at 03:01 PM.

  18. #1258
    Scarab Lord Forsedar's Avatar
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    Despite not playing this game, I did notice that they are *somewhat* resolving the issue Mercs had when I played when it came to movement. We were pretty much a pinned cannon that only did well when we didn't have to wait time moving. Sure, more movement = less heat issues, but our efficiency dropped as 'capping' on heat is a sin. Of course this all pertains to Arsenal, as Pyro was more forgiving when it came to movement.

  19. #1259
    After 3.0 being released for a little while there is a few things we know for sure. NDA has been lifted also.

    With the drop of accuracy we really have to stack a bit of accuracy to get to 100% this should be everyone's priority.

    Other than that we have lost our bonus to main stat so stacking power or main stat is so trivial it comes to personal choice imo.

    It seems they have fixed arsenal from how it was on the PTS so both that and pyro is viable.

    Alacrity would be nice to play with a little more but having to stack a bit of accuracy means that's harder yo do.

    The increased mobility is a welcome change for pve and pvp. I've noticed the longer cd in pvp

    Hopefully 198 gear will allow us to play around with alacrity a bit more.

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