Ugh, I hate the female Pandas. Blizzard made them everything I didn't want them to be. Chinese school girls.
I like the male dance but female is horrible
I'm not that surprised, it was only a matter of time before we got Caramelldansen and Party Rock Anthem.
The animations also look fantastic.
People were expecting the dances to not be something ridiculous?
Do you people who are complaining about them even play this game?
What I find the most hilarious about this is Caramelldansen isn't even Asian, in spite of its constant association with Japanese Animation.
This close |---| to now rolling a female pandaren. So close.
Might still go with night elf or blood elf though. Love the very well animated dances, none-the-less.
Female: Why am I not surprised... Wonderful. =P
Male: Ridiculously extreme... Love it. =D
lol people complain about dance emote really? You must be as silly as the dance emote itself.
Everyday I'm shufflin
I remember reading months ago people making posts predicting that the female dance would be Caramelldansen or the Haruhi Suzumiya dance. And no other predictions beside those. It's amazing how spot on people were. I love the dance and female pandaren in general. And that every day the males are shufflin' only makes it better.
Last edited by DrahkenKahn; 2012-05-09 at 05:29 AM.
What the hell did they smoke when they created the female dance ? It's so silly, I simply don't get it.