I love all these people saying they're going to quit over a /dance. Every xpac its the same story LOL. You know your not quitting so just stop all the hate. I think both dances are funny as hell. I never really liked the Lady Gaga dance the female worgens do, but oh well, its just a video game.
I hate the kind of song that goes with the female character. I actualy prefered when I didn't know about the origin of the dance. Everytime I hear these noise I keep thinking about Dance Dance Revolution lol. I guess some people are into this kind of music. Meh, will let them have it, At least the Party Rock dance is somewhat cool, not that I am a true fan of them either.
I dislike the choice of carmelldansen only for the fact it is horribly old and overdone.
Maybe I am a bit bias because I go to anime cons and stuff and people there seem to always do it.. but ugh. I hate it. It isn't as common as it once was, but it's still horribly overdone.
That effing Female Pandaren dance. I know where it's from and as soon as I saw it all I thought was "please god no". It's...soooo...horrible. But sooo mezmerizing.
if i got some time and the full beta downloaded with the modelviewer, i'll take like 15 pandaren males and make them dance at the same time and put the music in it all in one video take