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  1. #101
    If there is a mercyful god, then let me ask:

    Why God, why does it have to be Caramelldansen?

  2. #102
    Quote Originally Posted by Frontenac View Post
    The only good thing about female dance is that we won't hear the mind-dumbing music that comes with it.
    The second good thing is when the next race comes out you wont have to read idiots spamming, "Make the female dance carameldansenz!!!" ever again.

  3. #103
    The dances are exactly as they should be: ridiculous. They always have been, and they always should be. Anyone complaining about it either doesn't quite get the purposes of the dances or is just bitching for the sake of bitching.

  4. #104
    only one thing is missing now.Japanese school girl uniform for my female belf :-)

  5. #105
    anyone think the pandaren male is kind of like the orc male dance al ittle

  6. #106
    Im sorry blizz but caramelldansen and shuffling.. really?? Your not making this easy to believe the "This is not a joke" statement.

  7. #107
    Mechagnome Scratches's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kanegasi View Post
    Reading some of the comments here... all I can say is...

    Did you really have to say that in comic sans though? /wrists lol

    On topic: I love that they went with Caramelldansen. It's by no means a song that originated from China or Japan, but it certainly has that ultra-hyper DDR Japanese-esque 120bpm feel to it, and that's more than enough for me (we need more dances based off music like that, imo, lol).

    My only complaint about it (albeit an extremely minor one) is that they went with the Ty Lee version instead of the original -- although I can see why they did (the original is kind of bland in comparison).. /shrug

    Oh, and, uh... brb, reserving Shufflebot name for my male Pandaren... lol

  8. #108
    YES!!!! Caramelldansen!!!!! YEEEES!!!!!!

  9. #109
    Field Marshal WyvernVin's Avatar
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    Now i'm starting to think i won't play my female Pandaren anymore. Sorry but i don't like that Caramelldansen >.<

  10. #110
    Quote Originally Posted by krethos View Post
    To you people saying you are quitting over a Dance emote in a Video-game.

    Do it, seriously, you won't be missed, at all.

    Party Rock awwww yeahhh
    Like this

  11. #111
    Best dance males. Female is meh. Both WAY WAY better then gob dances.

  12. #112

  13. #113
    there's a little something that the female pandaren's dance doesn't fit, not saying that i hate it, it's just that there's something...
    Rexxar ♥ 2008-2022 / Steam / ArtStation Page / YouTube / Twitter

  14. #114
    Quote Originally Posted by Nekosom View Post
    The dances are exactly as they should be: ridiculous. They always have been, and they always should be. Anyone complaining about it either doesn't quite get the purposes of the dances or is just bitching for the sake of bitching.
    what is the purpose of the /dance then? I thought it was to look cool... not look like a retard. I mean some of the other races have cool dances...

    When I heard what the pandarian dances were going to be... I was like damn looks like my panda will be a boy just like my worgen was ... but omg they messed up the shuffle so bad it's like not even worth it to make it male for the dance.

  15. #115

    To all those who would not quit because of a dance:

    keep dancing dancing dancing
    though they are hatin'
    keep them sayin' coming, rawr
    dont try to stop them
    just /dance and /rude and /laugh at them
    soon they will be screamin', mad and sad
    boy, my heart is calculating
    my true goal, its bi-winning; be waitin' for more haters to be hating
    All of Time and Space, Everything that has happened or will happened, Where do you want to start?

    "If you ever see a rogue, either rogue is overgear or the rogue has problems"

  16. #116
    Free Food!?!?! Tziva's Avatar
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    Male panda looks so damn happy to be dancin'

    Go panda man, go.

  17. #117
    Sadly you are right... Right when there's tons of people defending Blizzard saying pandaren are NOT childish, they go and add this.... *sigh*
    Too bad the major demographic that listens to this song and this shit is well over 18. Britney Spears BE Dance is more childish than Carmelldansen based off the audience that listens to the song the dances were taken from.

    and for the Party Rock, I really hope you don't concider that childish, with wonderful lyrics such as

    I'm running through these hoes like Drano
    Last edited by Eggowaffles; 2012-05-09 at 04:41 AM.

  18. #118
    I love the male panda dance - a really good job with the animation. The female panda dance is cute.

  19. #119
    Quote Originally Posted by Boob Jiggle 5000 View Post
    yeah no fucking boob jiggle.
    hhhmmmm no..... not exactly already but.... some other thing
    Rexxar ♥ 2008-2022 / Steam / ArtStation Page / YouTube / Twitter

  20. #120
    Hmm the male dance looks just stupid because of the weird facial animation and the part where he flings his legs around seems strangly animated as well, dunno what it is, looks like hes just floating in the air there. Would probably look better on a race that actually has joints in the legs and not just one stump.

    The female one is missing some elements of the dance as well. I kinda dig that dance now, because I assiciate it with the boobtastic version. Thanks for that btw, despite me detesting female pandaren and their dumb face, this will make me not kill myself when I see it ingame.

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