1. #1

    Lightbulb GW2: a lot of storage - without cash-shop

    Some people think that buying "storage space" in the shop is the only option to have access to a lot of storage.
    take a look at this:

    1. Create a guild "1"
    Quote Originally Posted by GW2-Wiki
    As of the April 2012 beta weekend event, guilds can be created for zero cost through the guild panel by opening the guild panel, clicking the "Create Guild" button and entering a guild name and guild tag.
    2. Gain influence
    Quote Originally Posted by GW2-Wiki
    Influence is earned by participating in events, pvp, or solo content while representing a guild. Coin may also be exchanged for influence at the Guild Promoter.
    A Guild Promoter is a type of vendor who sells influence points for your Guild in exchange for coins.
    Levels of influence purchased:

    • Toast to the Guild - For the cost of a few drinks we'll toast your guild and increase the guilds influence by 10 points. Cost: 10
    • Drinks on the House - Purchase drinks for the nearby villagers, compliments of your guild. This will increase the guilds influence by 100 points. Cost: 1
    • Drinks for the City - Enough alcohol to share with the entire city. A night of celebration of everyones favorite guild. This will increase your guilds influence by 1,000 points. Cost: 10
    • Drinks for a Week! - The citizens of the surrounding area wont soon forget your guilds generosity as you host a week of revelry and celebrate your achievements. Increases the guilds influence by 10,000 points. Cost: 100
    -) earn it by participating in events, pvp or solo content (which I do anyway)
    -) pay 10 Gold for 1000 points influence = 50 slots storage

    3. Unlock the Guild storage
    Quote Originally Posted by GW2-Wiki
    Guild storage is unlocked through spending influence on architecture upgrades. There are three tiers of guild storage for a total of up to 250 item slots:

    • Guild Stash – 50 slots
    • Guild Treasure Trove – additional 100 slots
    • Deep Cave – additional 100 slots
    Once guild storage has been built, players who have the appropriate rank in their guild can access it by speaking with a guild banker NPC.

    4. Conclusion 1: You can unlock 250 storage slots yourself without having to spend real money.

    5. Ask a friend / friends to do the same and work together:

    6. Create a guild "2"... +250 storage slots = 500 storage slots
    7. Create a guild "3"... +250 storage slots = 750 storage slots

    Note: you can only lead one guild (as far as I know), so you need friends for more than +250 slots. You can still join as many guilds as you like!

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Maarius View Post
    Great news
    I maxed out a banking toon's guild bank in wow so this will be a nice feature for me.

  3. #3
    Pandaren Monk Chrno's Avatar
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    hmm sweet. Not really a fan of bank alts, but even i HAD to make two bank alts in WoW
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  4. #4
    I am Murloc! Mif's Avatar
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    I wonder if guild bank alts are feasible. Because a Guild GM cannot be in another guild, so I wonder if that works across the entire account.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Mif View Post
    I wonder if guild bank alts are feasible. Because a Guild GM cannot be in another guild, so I wonder if that works across the entire account.
    Rly? I didn't know that. Big shame. I thought it was you can't be GM of more than 1 guild and I want to belong to at least 3 I think.

    Shucks......there go my plans for an asura only guild aimed at world domination then.

  6. #6
    I am Murloc! Mif's Avatar
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    Hmmm... I can't seem to find any info on it. Maybe I heard something wrong.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Mif View Post
    Hmmm... I can't seem to find any info on it. Maybe I heard something wrong.
    You........you....can't find some information? Oh Mif...
    Contact Accenture. They do good information data solutions I've heard they can be paid in cookies.

  8. #8
    I am Murloc! Mif's Avatar
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    One cannot find that which doesn't exist

  9. #9

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowcat101@GW2Guru
    I personaly testes this today on the stress test. As the GW2 beta is now, you can make as many guilds as you want and lead them all. This might be a bug and might get fixed.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Mif View Post
    One cannot find that which doesn't exist
    Then one merely creates the world one wants to see
    We all know ur really Colin. Get it implemented!

    ---------- Post added 2012-05-15 at 11:03 AM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Maarius View Post
    Oh...nice then xD

  11. #11
    interesting and useful as I'm an unabashed packrat. I had 2 dedicated bank alts and 3 tabs of a Gbank stuffed when I quit WoW at last. Not sure how much of this will be neaded though. 90% of what my bank toons normaly hold is crafting materials with the rest being oddball turnins in case a new alt needed them. If they add the rare crafting items to the colectable tab I'll probably never need more than 1 bank slot anyway. Still I'm planing on maxing out my accounts bank tabs over time anyway, either direct buy or gold>gems

    Who is John Galt?

  12. #12
    Also a confirmed packrat, as is my better half.

    Between us, 3 guild banks full of stuff in WoW when we called that game quits.

    We planned ahead for GW2, and already have a third account ready to set up that will be our new communal "bankers guild"

  13. #13
    Bloodsail Admiral Rhywolver's Avatar
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    Just found this one in the stickied thread 'Community Guides & Discussion Index'.

    Any update on the bank alt guild? Especially on

    Quote Originally Posted by Mif View Post
    I wonder if guild bank alts are feasible. Because a Guild GM cannot be in another guild, so I wonder if that works across the entire account.
    Sing like no one is listening - Love like you've never been hurt
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  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhywolver View Post
    Just found this one in the stickied thread 'Community Guides & Discussion Index'.

    Any update on the bank alt guild?
    I joined a guild, then I created my own guild and I can swap between the two however much as I like. I haven't earned that much influence on my own guild yet so I haven't checked if that part works, but there's no reason why it shouldn't.
    "In order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must be intolerant of intolerance." Paradox of tolerance

  15. #15
    Just an FYI, in order to buy the guild stash you need arch level 2. To buy the treasure trove you need arch level 3. Arch level 2 costs 1000 points. So to get that you need 2500 influence which takes a bit unless you have a lot of players in the guild or level your char high. I got 2000 points for my guild at around level 50 by contributing to the guild and I got an item from my personal story around there.

    Arch level 3 costs 5000 influence so you're talking about 7500+ to get that second part.

    You also only gain influence for the guild you're representing so if you and 2 buddies want to spend 2 months doing this for the extra bank slots I'm sure it'll work, otherwise it seems like farming silver to buy gems to buy bank slots would be far easier.

    Edit: Sorry math is off. It'd be 2000 for arch 1(500), arch 2(1000), guild stash (500). It'd be that 2000+arch 3(5000)+treasure trove(5000) for the next section.

  16. #16
    Would like to add a tip. If you are in a guild by yourself and are trying to get guild bank space. Create as many alts as you can and have them all represent the guild. And each time you play just log in each character for a few seconds (even if you don't intend on doing anything else with them). Each character log in will get you 10 influence points for a total of 50 a day.

  17. #17
    I've been doing that Red but it's very hit&miss whether it registers the log in.
    I log in to 7 toons a day for this very reason but normally only get 1or 2 'hits'.
    They all represent btw.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Slurms McKenzie View Post
    I've been doing that Red but it's very hit&miss whether it registers the log in.
    I log in to 7 toons a day for this very reason but normally only get 1or 2 'hits'.
    They all represent btw.
    Yeah I have noticed that. I think each log in is counted, it's just that the server has cycles that I haven't figured out yet. So, I'll log in all my characters and maybe two will get counted after a few minutes. Then in six hours I'll log in all five again and it won't show any update for credit. But after another amount of time it will show credit for eight log ins in that period.

    It's very haphazzard

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