In trying to figure out which DH skills could do the most burst damage in the shortest period of time I found myself trying to work out each Skill's exact damage frame by frame. I figured I may as well share what I found with you guys starting with the Hatred Builders:

This video is more about napkin math and less about demonstration so apologies if you find it a bit dry. I planned on showcasing the abilities in another video, but I'm quite burned out of DIII at this point so I dunno; if you guys find this helpful I might summon the willpower to continue on with the other abilities, but it was A LOT of work so we'll see.

Also, if you were interested this was the build I came up with:

"The Sapper" a.k.a. "The Flustercluck":

It's more about giving the middle finger to Inferno than anything else. I'm tired of Tentacle spam.

Thanks guys. =)