1. #2181
    So I'm looking for a game.

    Something MMO, preferably. Unsharded, if at all possible, but if it's sharded, with at least a large number of players per shard (tens of thousands, preferably).

    It has to have a good player-driven economy, where someone can invest their time gathering and crafting, and make a (halfway) decent profit.

    Would prefer a sci-fi setting, if possible.

    Basically, I like games in which I can just get online, do my own thing (crafting, gathering, etc) and only really interact with other players when it comes time to sell the things I've gathered/crafted... And when I do so, it actually feels like it was worth my time to do so.

    I haven't really found anything like that so far... I mean, WoW kinda has some of those points, but the player economy seems secondary to the raiding economy. Also, I haven't played WoW since Cata, and I don't really enjoy the leveling process very much anymore, nor do I really want to buy 2 xpacs to get up to speed.

    It's an option, I suppose, just would prefer something better.

  2. #2182
    Pit Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by playcrazy View Post
    can you recommend me a game where the main character is woman?
    There's quite a few of those, but you'd really have to specify one or a few genres.

    There's the obvious Tomb Raider, but also things like Child of Light, Transistor, Trails in the Sky, Portal, any game where you can choose from multiple characters such as Borderlands and Dead Island, any game where you make your own main character like Skyrim, Fallout etc., a bunch of PS3 JRPGs, Alice: Madness Returns..i could go on but yeah.

    Re: the post above me, last time I played it FFXIV had a pretty player-driven economy. It's not sci-fi though, has seperate servers, and you have to invest a decent chunk of time (or money) in gathering/crafting to get anywhere. Gathering/crafting professions are also classes of their own, so you don't have to level a combat class if all you really want is to gather/craft. (on the flipside: you have to level both seperately if you do care about more than just gathering/crafting.)

    Besides that, I haven't really played an MMO with such an economy in ages.
    Last edited by Cattleya; 2014-08-13 at 07:43 PM.

  3. #2183
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    I'm looking for games suggestions for two couples using the PC. We are burned out on WoW, or that would be the obvious choice. Genre doesn't really matter, but fun, engaging and advancement are important.

    Really need some help here. Thanks!

  4. #2184
    Quote Originally Posted by eddow View Post
    Hands down age of mythology the titans. With the recent re-release on steam the game got braught back to life again. It may not be the best graphics, but gameplay wise still the best.
    I have the Extended Edition, played through and thoroughly enjoyed it. However, I'm looking for an MMORTS, not just an RTS. Did some extra research and it seems that there aren't any good MMORTS games out though, so ...

  5. #2185
    What about Archeage? Anyone have any thoughts or experience with this one? it's still in beta but it seems to have potential.

  6. #2186
    Quote Originally Posted by CosmicKobal View Post
    What about Archeage? Anyone have any thoughts or experience with this one? it's still in beta but it seems to have potential.
    i'm sure http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/...ox-quot-MMORPG can help you out.

    but from what i have seen in beta its alot of fun. never had that much fun with a tab/click mmo since wow. but don't want to spend to much time in beta and be burned out before it is even released. but the few hours i spend in archage i had alot of fun.

  7. #2187
    I would like to suggest you to play Diablo 3 Its really amazing game.

  8. #2188

    Switching to a new MMO until WoD.

    Hello! My name is [----]

    I would like to ask the community what MMO I could check out until WoD comes out.

    As a preface, I enjoy many styles, I've played FFXIV, WildStar, ESO, of course WoW, was a huge fan of city of heroes in the past.

    Just looking for something to kill time

    I mainly want a game that's not dead, I'd even go back to FF if I knew if the community was still alive.

    Thoughts? Suggestions?

  9. #2189
    Quote Originally Posted by Ceruion View Post
    Hello! My name is [----]

    I would like to ask the community what MMO I could check out until WoD comes out.

    As a preface, I enjoy many styles, I've played FFXIV, WildStar, ESO, of course WoW, was a huge fan of city of heroes in the past.

    Just looking for something to kill time

    I mainly want a game that's not dead, I'd even go back to FF if I knew if the community was still alive.

    Thoughts? Suggestions?
    every other mmo is dead/about to be dead or f2p.

    You can check out archage as they are doing beta weekends, if you dont like pvp though I don't know what else to recommend

  10. #2190
    Quote Originally Posted by xpose View Post
    every other mmo is dead/about to be dead or f2p.

    You can check out archage as they are doing beta weekends, if you dont like pvp though I don't know what else to recommend

    That was encouraging D:

  11. #2191
    Runescape has weekly updates, a large community, vocal devs and limitless hours of gameplay. Its a lot less grindy, lot better graphics and much more to do since 2004-2008 when most people heard about it/played it. Its music rivals WoW's as well.

  12. #2192
    Quote Originally Posted by Humbugged View Post
    Runescape has weekly updates, a large community, vocal devs and limitless hours of gameplay. Its a lot less grindy, lot better graphics and much more to do since 2004-2008 when most people heard about it/played it. Its music rivals WoW's as well.
    I was a long time RS player, but the updates have gotten out of hand. It's also more about Quality, not Quantity.

  13. #2193
    Eve Online is the only MMO worth checking. The rest are either bad wow-clones or "We can do better then Wow because we are so different" but failed to do so.
    ( ^ This is opinion, not a fact.)
    Last edited by OmniSkribe; 2014-08-22 at 02:33 PM.

  14. #2194
    I am Murloc! Terahertz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ceruion View Post
    I was a long time RS player, but the updates have gotten out of hand. It's also more about Quality, not Quantity.
    You could try oldschool runescape. I've been playing osrs waiting for WoD and I'm absolutely loving it. Setting your own goals, doing stuff that actually feels rewarding etc.

    I'm also playing TERA on and off which is fun, but what I dislike most about it is the movement feeling cheap as well as the combat feeling clunky. You could try getting into the ArcheAge beta weekend as well. I got my beta key yesterday and I can't wait trying it out.

    GW2 could be fun but I didn't enjoy it quite as much. The camera movement felt weird draggy and camera/movement is everything to me.

  15. #2195
    By the list you wrote out it doesn't really sound like you enjoyed those games since you seem to have quit them so quickly. Why don't you try something other than a theme park MMO?
    Quote Originally Posted by Zillionhz View Post
    By fiber be purged

  16. #2196
    Herald of the Titans ATZenith's Avatar
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    I am switching to a game called Destiny. Haven't been feeling WoW or WoD tbh.

  17. #2197
    Quote Originally Posted by Ceruion View Post
    Hello! My name is [----]

    I would like to ask the community what MMO I could check out until WoD comes out.

    As a preface, I enjoy many styles, I've played FFXIV, WildStar, ESO, of course WoW, was a huge fan of city of heroes in the past.

    Just looking for something to kill time

    I mainly want a game that's not dead, I'd even go back to FF if I knew if the community was still alive.

    Thoughts? Suggestions?
    ok well try wildstar its a great game , but if you want soemthing f2p go Neverwinter online , its a good game to pass these couple moths :P

  18. #2198
    Playing on really good active realms in both Wildstar and Realm Reborn and enjoying both, plenty of Archeage beta keys around if you want a Vanilla wow type sandbox game.....they are all very good

  19. #2199
    GW2 and Rift are probably the best after WoW. SWTOR has a good story for levelling to 50, but a poor engine and gameplay.

    I think FF is doing pretty well.

  20. #2200
    Vindictus is really fun imo :3

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