1. #5761
    This guy just found out why Zana's Fracturing Sea Witch maps (which I seem to get like 66% of the time) are a bit scarier in Beyond http://www.twitch.tv/zergass/c/5144337

    Though to be fair they did kind of fall asleep because you could see Desecrates being dropped for several seconds before shit hit the fan.

  2. #5762
    Quote Originally Posted by Lysah View Post
    Can't wait to see how long it takes =p
    I't not that bad tbh, Zana is now level 7 and 10% towards level 8.

  3. #5763
    Quote Originally Posted by Redblade View Post
    I't not that bad tbh, Zana is now level 7 and 10% towards level 8.
    A person saying "it's not that bad" when they have 7 challenges complete after 3 weeks...makes it pretty bad

  4. #5764
    It's all about the maps for masters. If you dedicate the time to running as many master missions in the maps you can level them pretty quickly. Playing groups, efficient builds, chain questing, etc- all help.

    A lot of stuff in POE is just achieved by sheer dedication. The rest is luck.

  5. #5765
    Quote Originally Posted by Redblade View Post
    I't not that bad tbh, Zana is now level 7 and 10% towards level 8.
    And the rest are 8? Are you just speed clearing white 66s or what's your strategy?

    I'm still just now barely closing in on 7 level 65s (lost my Witch at 64 and a half luls).
    Last edited by Lysah; 2014-09-19 at 01:33 AM.

  6. #5766
    I just got Eleron to level 7 the other day. Kinda regretting inviting Vorici to the hideout. I really don't use Vorici's services much and would rather have Haku for a variety of reasons. Also I skip Vorici missions as I feel they are the hardest for me to complete- I fail most of them outright. :/

    Zana is toughest for me to level though. She rarely spawns.

    Also, Master update coming next week:


    We're planning to deploy the 1.2.3 Content Update late next week. Today's news post includes some information about what's intended for the update, but shouldn't be treated as full patch notes. There are many other changes that aren't included in this post.

    A large component of 1.2.3 is increased mission variety. Tora has now found new kinds of monsters she'll ask you to hunt down, including bosses with all-new skills. Haku's bosses have been improved and have all-new effects that occur when you pick up the Spirit. Vagan has a new combat variation, new companion variations, and sometimes drops traps around his arena before the fight starts. At higher difficulties, Elreon missions can now have waves that include Magic, Rare, and Unique monsters. Some improvements have also been made to the Vorici guards.

    As mentioned earlier, we're including three new microtransaction pets in this patch: Blue Land Crab, Formosan Deer and Nursery Web Spider.

    We have added a monster designed by a Ruler of Wraeclast! You will find it in some of Tora's missions and the heavily forested areas of Act Two.

    We are adding two new Unique Maps, designed by supporters. Both are are very challenging maps with appropriate rewards to go with those challenges.

  7. #5767
    Quote Originally Posted by Lysah View Post
    And the rest are 8? Are you just speed clearing white 66s or what's your strategy?
    Zana 7 with 202730/1457240
    Vorici 7 with 102531/950820
    Elreon 7 with 411808/961090
    Vagan 6 with 222850/288120
    Catarina 7 with 1001/949250
    Tora 6 with 224015/274350
    Haku 7 with 649/961090

    I run white 66-72 maps killing perhaps 30-50% of the mobs in it, mainly to refill my quicksilver. I also have two other guys farming them off and on where we share masters between us. Zana for example turned 7 a few days ago only, Vorici turned 7 two days ago.

    Edit: Helps being 93 running a Incinerate build with 5k GMP tooltip as well.
    Last edited by Redblade; 2014-09-19 at 05:33 AM.

  8. #5768
    You still got a lot of work ahead of you, it seems =p
    I'll probably have to be happy with the free 5/8 cosmetic this time around.

  9. #5769
    Quote Originally Posted by Fencers View Post
    Molten Shell is kinda underwhelming in CWDT, IMO. It doesn't seem to mitigate enough damage relative to the situations when you need it most. And in those times I prefer to just have Immortal Call which is about as safe as you can get in CWDT.

    I like to use CWDT+End Cry+Immortal+Enfeeble or CWDT+End Cry+Immortal+Inc. Duration.
    I think the main benefit of a (low level) Molten Shell CWDT is that it indicates whether you're desynced when you take a lot of damage, as the explosion animation always occurs where you are server-side. Pretty useful if you've got the spare link, but I would never prioritize it over having an Immortal Call setup; that's just silly with how good CWDT Immortal Call is.
    Last edited by aggixx; 2014-09-20 at 03:50 AM.

    Druid / Demon Hunter SimulationCraft Maintainer

  10. #5770
    Laughed so hard at this:

  11. #5771
    Well fuck it, started going through the lesser vaal fragments trying to get more midnight ones, have 110 to go though.
    Done 35ish so far and got one midnight and 28 more lesser fragments, using the hideout device for the massive 5% boost, i'm listing the other stuff that drops and will see if it's worth while.

  12. #5772
    Quote Originally Posted by Fencers View Post
    Laughed so hard at this:

    That's awesome. What the hell is he doing though, multiboxing? I don't understand the clicks he's making after almost dying.

    Also...just for Fencers...found my 3exalted this league ^^

  13. #5773
    He is multiboxing Dominus runs.

    Found two Pledge of Hands yesterday.

  14. #5774
    Found two....chaos today!

    Actually I did find my first portal gem ever as well my first exalted orb ever over the past week, so I'm sure I'll be finding shavs and mjol soon. Chris has been blessing everyone lately it seems, our prayers do not go unanswered!

    Also that multiboxing is ridiculous, I'd rather just spam chat for a culler :x

  15. #5775
    Heh, I actually found a portal gem today in a 67 map. My second.

  16. #5776
    Chanced my second Pledge of Hands today and got a Kaom's Heart as a drop. :P

  17. #5777
    Legacy Koams or it doesn't count.

  18. #5778
    Over 100 lesser vaal fragments used in the portal device to try get some more midnights, from the original pool i only have one full set, in return i got,

    And some uniques, and quality gems(enlightened is just standard) and some gear, belts and rings are excess i'll be using for the chaos recipe.

  19. #5779
    If you watch only one Path of Exile video, let it be this one. It's amazing.

  20. #5780
    Oh my God that reaction, I don't know if I'm crying because laughing too hard or legitimately feel bad for him.

    Just watch his eyes right before he turns and you lose sight of his face, he looks so hurt :<

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