1. #6701
    I have chanced an awful lot of judgements...but I have never had a successful chance orb yet. Still working on that achievement, and the 6 link one, and the level 1 unique one
    I have mostly given up on occultists though, if my first and last successful chance is a troll mantle I might break something.

  2. #6702
    Quote Originally Posted by Lysah View Post
    I have mostly given up on occultists though, if my first and last successful chance is a troll mantle I might break something.
    I must have chanced at the very least 10-15 of those...

  3. #6703
    I remember running like a 72 map and getting a troll mantle drop. Literally screamed aloud when it dropped, literally cried when I looted the item.

  4. #6704
    So what level people are finishing act IV normal and merc?


  5. #6705
    Quote Originally Posted by Clerigon View Post
    So what level people are finishing act IV normal and merc?

    You'll be starting act 4 at about level 33 but it's hard to tell what level you'll finish it as, there are still bosses and i assume areas to be added, so 40+

  6. #6706
    When is awakening out, is there a release date yet?

  7. #6707
    Quote Originally Posted by MissMin View Post
    When is awakening out, is there a release date yet?
    Beta was said to last 6-8 weeks but could be longer or shorter as well depending on how the testing goes.

  8. #6708
    Quote Originally Posted by MissMin View Post
    When is awakening out, is there a release date yet?
    Don't know and no.

  9. #6709
    Thanks for the replies, looking forward to trying the new changes

  10. #6710
    Chris just announced a 1 month league so expect another 5-6 weeks minimum for sure.

  11. #6711
    The Lightbringer theostrichsays's Avatar
    10+ Year Old Account
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    May 2013
    In my douche canoe crossing the Delaware.
    Haven't played the game in a looooong time. Quit playing about a year ago, was running a double totem, witch. Logged in, all skills reset, forgot how imposing the talent tree can be, plus how punishing doing the talents wrong can be.
    Quote Originally Posted by Axelhander View Post
    Thank you for mansplaining how opinions work.
    Also you're wrong, the people who agree with you are wrong, and you're probably ugly.
    Ever been so angry at everyone on the internet you tell a woman she is mansplaining?

  12. #6712
    Anyone watching the Q&A with Ziggy and Rory?

  13. #6713
    This along with Trine and Torchlight keep me away from Diablo.

  14. #6714
    Quote Originally Posted by Iamanerd View Post
    Anyone watching the Q&A with Ziggy and Rory?
    Watched the vod of it now and found out why Incinerate sucked so much while I leveled up...the stages doesn't work currently so I'm only getting tooltip DPS. It's a miracle I even made it to merciless.

  15. #6715
    Quote Originally Posted by Redblade View Post
    Watched the vod of it now and found out why Incinerate sucked so much while I leveled up...the stages doesn't work currently so I'm only getting tooltip DPS. It's a miracle I even made it to merciless.
    Yeah I heard that, hopefully it's corrected soon. I'm curious on how the EB change will play out as they monitor it and how they'll end up changing it. Also the dual totems with the splinter gem is freaking awesome haha.

  16. #6716
    I sorta like the EB change. I rolled two characters with new EB now and it's terrible early game. The main problem is that ES recharge isn't quite so good on it's own compared to Mana regen. However, if you have decent mana regen and leave some unreserved mana the new EB is quite empowering.

    I see the new EB as an aura enabling node. If you are not sacking 90~99% of your mana then there is no reason to grab EB. EB unlocks a lot of power for summoners and self casters that can find synergy in the Herald auras, old auras and curses.

    There should be a stronger ES regen node cluster behind EB or a node that effects Mana Regen relative to ES regen when you take EB. That would eliminate the crazy, no-fun gameplay of being OOM on new EB but still provide the awesome potential new EB holds without the downsides of MoM, AA, etc.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I am worried that there won't be enough jewel sockets on the new tree. Right now it's pretty hard to make a build that doesn't use jewels, which means certain paths on the tree are mandatory.

    How would I gain by not using jewels? I can't.

  17. #6717
    Quote Originally Posted by Fencers View Post
    I sorta like the EB change. I rolled two characters with new EB now and it's terrible early game. The main problem is that ES recharge isn't quite so good on it's own compared to Mana regen. However, if you have decent mana regen and leave some unreserved mana the new EB is quite empowering.

    I see the new EB as an aura enabling node. If you are not sacking 90~99% of your mana then there is no reason to grab EB. EB unlocks a lot of power for summoners and self casters that can find synergy in the Herald auras, old auras and curses.

    There should be a stronger ES regen node cluster behind EB or a node that effects Mana Regen relative to ES regen when you take EB. That would eliminate the crazy, no-fun gameplay of being OOM on new EB but still provide the awesome potential new EB holds without the downsides of MoM, AA, etc.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I am worried that there won't be enough jewel sockets on the new tree. Right now it's pretty hard to make a build that doesn't use jewels, which means certain paths on the tree are mandatory.

    How would I gain by not using jewels? I can't.
    Agreed, jewels I feel are pretty powerful and will dictate a lot of build paths. Plus Rain of Splinters being really good for a dual totem build, must say I'm loving it!

  18. #6718
    Judging by what Rory said on the stream a lot of the jewel's will probably be toned down though.

  19. #6719
    In case if anyone needs the beta skill tree.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Anyone playing a dual totem build? Really nice right now, I'm using ball lighting right now and it's pretty crazy with the revamp to totems.

  20. #6720
    I am considering a return of Spark Totem. But I am concerned that the totem gems will be too weak to make it all work as it does in the beta. Rory seemed to indicate on the stream that GGG know the added projectiles are a bit much.

    If they don't mess with the totem jewles and the buff to the totem nodes themselves goes through, I think Shadow Spork is looking very strong.

    Although I have been playing a PCoC self cast Spark Shadow in beta that is really strong. With the new EB and the speed of the spark clear the mana hit is negligible for the most part. However, you have to be careful. Ball Lightning is also an option but is more link hungry.

    Some tuning needs to happen obviously.

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