1. #14701
    Quote Originally Posted by solinari6 View Post
    holy cow, thanks for all that! When I’m done with work later, I’ll start weeding through it to see if I can make any sense of it all. Lol.
    The positive thing is there's a LOT of room to improve across the board to try to make the build concept more functional, I just don't know exactly how functional you can reasonably make it without needing to craft/trade for at least a few pieces of gear to plug some holes.

  2. #14702
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Heh, you've got as good/better gear than my scuffed as fuck EA Ballista elementalist I just made on Sanctum SSF at the last minute to try for a few Sanctum uniques for my core SSF characters (also because I wanted an EA Ballista elementalist on SSF and was too lazy to turn my witch into one).
    Ok, I think here's a link to my tree:
    But...what's your primary damage focus? Looks like Absolution technically, but your points are a bit all over the place and you've got some things like minion crit nodes + crit strike support but no crit multi support which is usually paired with it to actually meaningfully benefit from the higher crit chance. You don't seem anywhere near poison capped so the SRS totem isn't really doing too much for you, it's some free damage but it looks very negligible.
    So Absolution is my main spell, I have a totem there just because I like having an extra button to push to get more damage when things are going nuts, and I choose SRS because those were helping a lot when I was trying to do Sanctum. (Throw a totem towards the edge of the screen, and those SRS would actually travel pretty far off screen to kill things. I've kind of given up on Sanctum though, so I'm not married to SRS.
    Also, not sure what crit multi support is LOL

    Looking at your gear...weapon craft is a waste since it's modifying your weapon damage. Don't think you have any actually good crafts you can slap on, but even something like lightning to spells would be more useful.
    Hmm, my thought was that since Absolution is a physical spell, (that I'm converting to lightning) that more physical would equal more lightning (for me at least, I know that doesn't help the minions). No?

    Your tree is...all over the place as well. I don't think you're really getting too much benefit from investing in golems or the onslaught node so you can save a bunch of points there.
    which is the onslaught node? I don't see that one ... the golems I took solely because I thought both of their auras would help the minions. Is the damage negligible so that's not worth it?
    You should take Sovereignty (mana reservation efficiency nodes on the left side of the tree) which will give you a decent amount of flexibility to work in other auras - especially something like Zealotry if you are focusing on crit for you/minions. Runebinder isn't doing anything for you since you have 3 brands by default and I'm not sure how you're actually using a totem with that up (and honestly hexbloom isn't really doing much for you on arcanist brand, but not sure if there's anything else worth putting in with conductivity so it might be better to simply selfcast it on bosses).
    I don't think I'm taking Runebinder, at least I wasn't intending too. Hexbloom was there just because I had an empty open spot, and I initially tried the hexed ground support, but that seemed pretty lame, so I gave hex bloom a shot. I prefer conductivity on a brand, just because it's easier to aim with a brand on console

    Sigil of Power is kinda a good idea with Absolution though since your minions will benefit from it. I haven't played a proper Absolution build or really any minion build in a bit so my knowledge is likely very outdated, but I'd drop SRS for specters (free power/frenzy charges) there. You have some other silly options you can do like getting a Profane Proxy ring and running Skitterbots with Conductivity replacing the shock aura, so you're getting free curse on everything + the additional benefit of the 10% chill (something like 17% chill if you link skitterbots with unbound ailments).
    I've never been a fan of spectres from a gameplay view... they always seemed like such a hassle finding and keeping the spectres you wanted. Is that pretty much required for a good minion build though?
    I initially was running skitterbots while leveling up instead of wrath, but wasn't sure if it was doing anything, so I switched to wrath, and didn't really notice any difference. The whole shocking mechanic is kind of a mystery to me. I had Overcharge support on absolution for a while, but then decided that I really had no idea what it was doing, so figured it was better to take it off.

    Beyond that, with this build, I'd probably suggest focusing a bit on armor (determination/defiance banner maybe) and some block. You should be able to nab Glancing Blows and get a decent chunk of flat attack/spell block which will help as well (since spell suppression will be hard).

    Do you have/use PoB? If so I'll see if I have time later to take a stab fixing up your passive tree a bit because you've got a fair number of points that can safely be moved around for more actual damage or defense (like the starting spell dmg points you took aren't doing much for you and you're better starting/connecting via the minion damage nodes and saving a few points).

  3. #14703
    Quote Originally Posted by solinari6 View Post
    Ok, I think here's a link to my tree:
    Dope, I'll tinker around tonight some.

    For a nice source of ideas/help, big recommendation on PoE Ninja. I'll often go there to see if there's anyone building a skill I'm thinking of building or checking how others are building compared to me for potential ideas on improvements/fixes. Absolution is very, very non-meta but there are a handful of tracked builds (including some necro's) that you can look at for ideas: https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds?skill=Absolution

    Quote Originally Posted by solinari6 View Post
    So Absolution is my main spell, I have a totem there just because I like having an extra button to push to get more damage when things are going nuts, and I choose SRS because those were helping a lot when I was trying to do Sanctum. (Throw a totem towards the edge of the screen, and those SRS would actually travel pretty far off screen to kill things. I've kind of given up on Sanctum though, so I'm not married to SRS.
    Also, not sure what crit multi support is LOL

    If you're going crit and have a high crit chances (50%+) crit multi is going to be very strong and will work for your minions as well. I'd trade minion speed for it but PoB might say there's a better option that's a bigger damage boost.

    SRS is going to be great for Sanctum, poison SRS is stupid strong and super popular this league. But if you're not investing in it I'm not sure what you could replace with that would actually be useful. Specters for sure, so that might be a good spot for specter/minion life/meat shield/carrion golem. Linking them to a totem is kinda cool though and it would be great if they could be used to passively apply something to enemies but short of hextouch (which I don't think would work with that setup) or poison that you're not scaling I don't know of any good options.

    Quote Originally Posted by solinari6 View Post
    Hmm, my thought was that since Absolution is a physical spell, (that I'm converting to lightning) that more physical would equal more lightning (for me at least, I know that doesn't help the minions). No?
    Nope. PoE has lots of rules that are largely consistent and clear once you learn them, but learning them is a pain.

    Yes, physical damage will increase the base damage of your Absolution, but only things that affect physical spell damage or global physical damage (I believe). That craft is a local mod meaning that it only affects the wand and attacks done with the wand - same for the crit strike chance mod and leech on it. You can see that with the damage/crit numbers being blue, meaning they're being modified by local mods. It's like the +armor/es% mods on armor, it's all local so it only affects the stats of the armor and not your overall armor/es. And even then the global phys / additional phys spell damage would only apply to your cast of Absolution so your minions would not benefit from it (and you're getting most of your damage from/scaling them, primarily).

    Things you really want on weapon/OH and amulet = minion modifiers (obviously), + global/physical spell gems (skill levels are HUGE for any spell and are a great way to scale them, including minions), and I think that's about it honestly.

    Quote Originally Posted by solinari6 View Post
    which is the onslaught node? I don't see that one ... the golems I took solely because I thought both of their auras would help the minions. Is the damage negligible so that's not worth it?
    It's the minion nodes just above the golem nodes you took. Probably great for clear and it's a lot of cast speed for your minions, but it's going to do a lot of nothing for you on single target if you don't have something like Writhing Jar that you can pop mid-fight to have your minions proc onslaught again.

    As for golems they're nice, but unless you're investing more into them they're not really worth it in my experience. You'd need to focus more on golems, including getting the Primordial gems and whatnot that help them shine. Carrion golem is the go-to for the vast majority of minion builds since it's so strong overall with its passive damage buff for your other minions.

    Quote Originally Posted by solinari6 View Post
    I don't think I'm taking Runebinder, at least I wasn't intending too. Hexbloom was there just because I had an empty open spot, and I initially tried the hexed ground support, but that seemed pretty lame, so I gave hex bloom a shot. I prefer conductivity on a brand, just because it's easier to aim with a brand on console
    Ah, must have been mistaken on Runebinder because I was confused on that one lol. Fair on the practical use of brands to apply the curse though, but shame you can't realistically get double curse since it would be perfect to slot something like Assassin's Mark into for even more crit for your minions. If you wanted to get cheeky with your Arcanist brand, you could slot in Desecrate there and use it to keep a steady supply of corpses for Flesh Offering, or even slot all four together and completely automate it. You don't have Mistress of Sacrifice (ascendency point) so you're missing out on the 50% effectiveness for yourself, but it should keep Plaguebringer active for the AoE/damage.

    Quote Originally Posted by solinari6 View Post
    I've never been a fan of spectres from a gameplay view... they always seemed like such a hassle finding and keeping the spectres you wanted. Is that pretty much required for a good minion build though?
    Probably not "required", but in my experience basically, yeah. Even with temp minions they're super helpful, and you've only got three temp minions that refresh their duration so there's minimal downside to that part.

    I don't think it's changed too much, but you realistically will just need to go and get a Carnage Chieftan for frenzy charges and Host Chieftan for power charges. You can go 2:1 on them in either direction and it should keep charges up across the board on all your minions and yourself.

    Once you have them they should be in your "bank", and will appear when you cast Desecrate in case you need to resummon them. It can be finicky and I don't know if the option exists on console, but on PC there's an option to let you "target" corpses so you can see which corpse in the Desecrate you're targeting to revive as a Specter so that you're not accidentally bringing the wrong dudes.

    Real though, 12% more damage/cast speed from frenzy charges alone is going to be fairly significant. ("More" increases is calculated after all "Increased" increase calculations, so it's big).

    Quote Originally Posted by solinari6 View Post
    I initially was running skitterbots while leveling up instead of wrath, but wasn't sure if it was doing anything, so I switched to wrath, and didn't really notice any difference. The whole shocking mechanic is kind of a mystery to me. I had Overcharge support on absolution for a while, but then decided that I really had no idea what it was doing, so figured it was better to take it off.
    Wrath is generally good and you're going to get very good damage out of it since it applies to your and your minions, and I imagine you're shocking everything so that portion of Skitterbots isn't useful. The chill will help, though if you're not doing Sanctum less so (it's a nice defensive layer either way though, just a flat 10% reduction in enemy action speed). Really only suggest them if you find a Profane Proxy as having skitterbots curse everything for you is very nice QoL.

    You do NOT want Overcharge on Absolution. Overcharge is basically for taking a skill and gutting its damage, but allowing it to apply a very strong Shock - which increases the damage an enemy takes (i.e. 12% shock = take 12% increased damage from hits). Usually something like you using Elemental Focus on your main skill (Absolution) so it can't apply shock, but hitting enemies with a 3-4 link Arc to apply a powerful shock. If you moved away from crit (which is probably going to net you more damage overall but require a lot of regrets to respect) this would probably be the route to go, maybe using a totem to apply the shock for you or something, and you can pair with Unbound Ailments to increase the duration of the shock and ensure you're getting as much bang for your buck as you can out of shock, which goes up to 50%.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by solinari6 View Post
    Ok, I think here's a link to my tree:
    So it's hard to figure out some points without knowing your gear/stats as you do have flexibility to get some things like additional resists and whatnot that can fill some holes in your current setup (if you're not res capped) or simply free you up to replace gear without dropping below cap, but giving it a stab...


    Maybe off by a point or so but I think this should net you more overall life/defenses (while allowing you to work in Determination and a bit of scaling for armor) and a bit more damage for your own casts. Room for additional specter as well which will help when you make that transition.

    Realistically you're likely better off not going crit initially as I believe you need a bit of investment for it to really start working well with minions so you might be better off transitioning away from crit focused supports/nodes and going for straight damage (elemental focus if you have another way to apply shock is great, you can work in minion damage support as well), potentially being cheeky and taking Elemental Overload on your tree though I believe that only will apply to you.

    Looks like you swapped Plaguebringer for Mistress of Sacrifice already which is great because that's a very nice QoL/offensive bonus even at 50% reduced effect. I don't know where necro's put their last two points since they replaced the +2 minion gem node with unnatural instinct (eyyy, it's getting some use with poison SRS at least!) so your last 2 ascendency points whenever you get them would likely best be used getting Bone Barrier. If you have enough armor then Molten Shell shits all over it (it always does, molten shell's scaling is bonkers and it's stupid good), but otherwise it's the strongest unscaled guard skill by a longshot (Absorbs 2K dmg) while having a long duration and making you freakin immune to bleed while active. So unless you eat some wicked bad bleeds while it's on cooldown you can just slap this sucker on left click (works like normal movement and just casts the skill on cooldown) and enjoy ignoring bleed.

  4. #14704
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    If you have enough armor then Molten Shell shits all over it (it always does, molten shell's scaling is bonkers and it's stupid good), but otherwise it's the strongest unscaled guard skill by a longshot (Absorbs 2K dmg) while having a long duration and making you freakin immune to bleed while active. So unless you eat some wicked bad bleeds while it's on cooldown you can just slap this sucker on left click (works like normal movement and just casts the skill on cooldown) and enjoy ignoring bleed.
    Don't think I can do stuff like that on console Is it worth putting molten shell with that cast when damage taken support?

    Thanks for the help, I'll give those tree changes a try and see what happens!

    Oh yeah, if I do try out spectres, is there a specific one that is easy to get that everyone uses?
    Last edited by solinari6; 2023-01-31 at 02:20 PM.

  5. #14705
    Herald of the Titans bloodwulf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by solinari6 View Post
    Don't think I can do stuff like that on console Is it worth putting molten shell with that cast when damage taken support?

    Thanks for the help, I'll give those tree changes a try and see what happens!
    If you scale any armor at all, CWDT + Molten shell is a free a layer of defense for 2 sockets. It wont save you from Shaper Slams, but it will give you a lot of effective hp.

    As an aside, i need to throw a controller on my pc and try the controller ui for a bit, just for morbid curiosity.
    We live in an era of "me versus them", an era where something is done that you don't like means you are personally attacked. People whine too much.
    Let us play video games and be happy.

  6. #14706
    Quote Originally Posted by bloodwulf View Post
    If you scale any armor at all, CWDT + Molten shell is a free a layer of defense for 2 sockets. It wont save you from Shaper Slams, but it will give you a lot of effective hp.
    What level of gem do you keep those 2 skills at? I've tried that before but it seems like it rarely ever gets called for me.

  7. #14707
    Herald of the Titans bloodwulf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by solinari6 View Post
    What level of gem do you keep those 2 skills at? I've tried that before but it seems like it rarely ever gets called for me.
    So the higher the CWDT level, the more damage it takes to trigger. I think most builds tend to keep CWDT at level 1 or 2, and Molten Shell at the highest it can be while still be triggered by CWDT. Look at the CWDT gem, and it will say supports skills up to level xx. As long as the level requirement for Molten Shell is under that it will trigger.
    We live in an era of "me versus them", an era where something is done that you don't like means you are personally attacked. People whine too much.
    Let us play video games and be happy.

  8. #14708
    Quote Originally Posted by solinari6 View Post
    Don't think I can do stuff like that on console Is it worth putting molten shell with that cast when damage taken support?

    Thanks for the help, I'll give those tree changes a try and see what happens!

    Oh yeah, if I do try out spectres, is there a specific one that is easy to get that everyone uses?
    It works, but you'll probably want a leveled cwdt so you're going to take some damage before it procs. That's lame if you can't bind it to your movement "key" on console. I'd look into it since that will make it much easier, also as mentioned you'll probably want to replace that with Bone Armor when you unlock that - unless you start scaling a ton of armor and can get Molten Shell to like 4K+ damage absorbed.

    But for specters -


    These are the most generally useful as they provide frenzy/power charges to you and your minions. There are a few other strong support specters out there, Drox (Sirus guardian dude) maps have a mob that casts a 20% attack/cast speed buff periodically if you can keep your power/frenzy charges up but that's very optional and more for down the road once you've gotten the big upgrades out of the way.
    Last edited by Edge-; 2023-01-31 at 05:42 PM.

  9. #14709
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    It works, but you'll probably want a leveled cwdt so you're going to take some damage before it procs. That's lame if you can't bind it to your movement "key" on console. I'd look into it since that will make it much easier, also as mentioned you'll probably want to replace that with Bone Armor when you unlock that - unless you start scaling a ton of armor and can get Molten Shell to like 4K+ damage absorbed.
    Ok, I made as many of those changes as I could, it's hard to say if things are better yet, since a lot of the gems I switched to are so low. ie: my spectres keep dying even with minion life support. (I suppose that's expected until they level up). And I haven't been able to change my gear to stack armor much yet.

    I double checked, and console's definitely can't bind movement keys like that, which is a bummer. I did want to get Molten shell autocast in there somehow, though, so I ended up putting it on my wand, and changed my wand enchant (since the physical% damage wasn't helping at all) to "cast a socketed spell when you cast a spell". so now at least molten shell goes off every 8 seconds LOL. I made an armor flask with "auto use when you use a guard skill" but sadly molten shell being called that way doesn't trigger the flask I need to change that to something better, but I'm out of those flask orbs. What would be the best option? use flask when full? When taking a big hit? or when encountering a rare?

  10. #14710
    Quote Originally Posted by solinari6 View Post
    Ok, I made as many of those changes as I could, it's hard to say if things are better yet, since a lot of the gems I switched to are so low. ie: my spectres keep dying even with minion life support. (I suppose that's expected until they level up). And I haven't been able to change my gear to stack armor much yet.
    If you need to get some easy xp, Blood Aqueducts is excellent for leveling up some gems from scratch. Minions (and spells) scale very well with gem level so once they start catching up to the rest of your gems you should be fine. If you have links, Meat Shield is excellent as well as that's both a life increase and it will prevent them from running off and dying.

    Quote Originally Posted by solinari6 View Post
    I double checked, and console's definitely can't bind movement keys like that, which is a bummer. I did want to get Molten shell autocast in there somehow, though, so I ended up putting it on my wand, and changed my wand enchant (since the physical% damage wasn't helping at all) to "cast a socketed spell when you cast a spell". so now at least molten shell goes off every 8 seconds LOL.
    Not a bad solution : P

    Not exactly good, but not bad for the time being.

    Quote Originally Posted by solinari6 View Post
    I made an armor flask with "auto use when you use a guard skill" but sadly molten shell being called that way doesn't trigger the flask
    It does, this is yet again one of those "PoE is very, very specific and pedantic". Your Molten Shell is now being triggered by your want, meaning that any mechanics that require you to use a guard skill or something won't work because you aren't using it, your wand is casting it for you.

    Quote Originally Posted by solinari6 View Post
    I need to change that to something better, but I'm out of those flask orbs. What would be the best option? use flask when full? When taking a big hit? or when encountering a rare?
    You should be able to craft them at your bench if you have those crafts unlocked, though I've never really bothered with flask crafting and still mostly just treat the keys like a piano.

    I wouldn't suggest using when full unless you have a way to regularly fill them up in combat (outside of kills). I'll let other who flask craft chime in, but the only one I've found useful is "use adjacent flasks on use" or whatever so you can hit one key and activate 3 utility flasks or 2 utility and a life or something. If you don't need to use Granite for any ailment immunity I'd recommend alteration spamming it until you get the +% armor suffix so it'll do even more heavy lifting for you.

  11. #14711
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    You should be able to craft them at your bench if you have those crafts unlocked, though I've never really bothered with flask crafting and still mostly just treat the keys like a piano.
    I wish I could play the flasks like a piano! On console, we pretty much just manually use the far left and far right flasks (L1 and R1). the other 3 are mapped to the d-pad, as left, right, and up. I've tried to use those in the middle of fights before, but you have to take your thumb off the movement joystick to do it, and that's never a good idea. "Let me stand still for a second while I drink this flask!" LOL

  12. #14712
    Quote Originally Posted by solinari6 View Post
    I wish I could play the flasks like a piano! On console, we pretty much just manually use the far left and far right flasks (L1 and R1). the other 3 are mapped to the d-pad, as left, right, and up. I've tried to use those in the middle of fights before, but you have to take your thumb off the movement joystick to do it, and that's never a good idea. "Let me stand still for a second while I drink this flask!" LOL
    In that case, big ups on "use adjacent flasks" craft on them. One flask press = 3 flasks used.

  13. #14713
    Superfuse is released in Early Access on Steam for $20. It's pretty cool for ARPG fans looking for a diversion or change of pace.

    Has a freeform "link your skills together" system that would be familiar to POE players.

    It's a fun game.

  14. #14714
    Quote Originally Posted by Fencers View Post
    Superfuse is released in Early Access on Steam for $20. It's pretty cool for ARPG fans looking for a diversion or change of pace.

    Has a freeform "link your skills together" system that would be familiar to POE players.

    It's a fun game.
    Did you try it? I only watched a bunch of videos, and have my hands full right now. Just wanted to know if it's something to keep an eye on.
    Non ti fidar di me se il cuor ti manca.

  15. #14715
    Quote Originally Posted by Coldkil View Post
    Did you try it? I only watched a bunch of videos, and have my hands full right now. Just wanted to know if it's something to keep an eye on.
    Yup. I played about 9 hours over the last few days. I took each class to level 10ish.

    Pretty fluid. The haracter building is straightforward but has depth even in the early game. You get a lot of skill modifiers to play with early on.

    The game follows POE logic in skill building; connect "faster projectiles" to your fireball skill, then attach "barrage" so you toss out several fireballs, etc.

    It had a cell shaded comic book style to it. But the story is actually kinda serious. There doesn't seem to be a lot of humor or silliness despite its art style.
    Last edited by Fencers; 2023-02-05 at 11:40 PM.

  16. #14716

    Someone on Reddit noticed the Distant Memory maps each show their respective bosses on them. It's blurry, but that's absolutely the correct bosses.

    I love this kinda shit, and it's crazy to me that this shit has just been staring us all in the face for years and nobody noticed until now.

    Got my first Sanctified Relic of the league!!! It's %evasion and blinded effect. So not totally useless, but not really useful either. At least Elementalist doesn't need shit for gear for EA Ballista, because I'm on a 6L with fairly trash other gear and very little dot multi but it's pumping out respectable damage. PoB says around 2.6M which is hilarious if true, because I'm somewhat tanky despite not being Champ even. Brother's struggling on Champ even with lucky drops (Perserverance for a bunch of free attack speed and explode damage and +1 totem quiver) because the damage just isn't there.

    Also, I continue to really like the MTX's they put out. Rather than just armors or skin swaps for skills, they actually still do shit. The primal beast helmets that can actually get super annoying, the different debuff effects, the life flask effect. Sure it's mostly all screen clutter and shit, but I totally bought the plant life flask. It's cool, man. I'm still bloody tempted by that stupid Voidborn pack man...all that shit looks so stupid fuckin cool but damn it's so expensive >.<

  17. #14717
    Quote Originally Posted by Fencers View Post
    Yup. I played about 9 hours over the last few days. I took each class to level 10ish.

    Pretty fluid. The haracter building is straightforward but has depth even in the early game. You get a lot of skill modifiers to play with early on.

    The game follows POE logic in skill building; connect "faster projectiles" to your fireball skill, then attach "barrage" so you toss out several fireballs, etc.

    It had a cell shaded comic book style to it. But the story is actually kinda serious. There doesn't seem to be a lot of humor or silliness despite its art style.
    Nice to know. I have my hands kinda full now but i liked the art style and wanted to see if mechanically was good.

    Between this, D4 and Last Epoch i'll be completely lost into arpgs again XD
    Non ti fidar di me se il cuor ti manca.

  18. #14718
    Kinda in the same boat but I’ve been putting in some hours into Chronmicon and boy the building and the itemization and the QOL all are just fun as hell.

    I’m sure the graphics have turned a lot of people away from playing but I do reccomend.

  19. #14719
    A little question that I was not able to google. It gives all sorts of "immortal minion" build guides and such.

    I'm wondering what are those mobs, so far I find them in delve, that just dont die. They have a "minion" tag. They are often small easily killed mobs. Yet, when you kill them, they come back alive after 2-3 secs. I imagined there is some bigger rare somewhere that will cause its minions to die once it dies, but I cannot find any. Couldn't google what it is either.

    Its pretty rare so I think it might just be some bug too, but I feel like I managed to look up it long ago, but have just forgot it.

  20. #14720
    Fuck my brother.

    Gets Perserverance on his SSF character which is a great starter belt for EA Ballista, plus the +1 totem quiver.

    Gets a reliquary key. Fuckin shiny mageblood. I claim credit since I called it after he linked the key.

    Then finds the Dyadem belt for EA Ballista that's BiS shortly after.

    And got the amulet off the last Sanctum boss after like 3 kills.

    Fucker has been playing this league for like 2-3 weeks.

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