1. #14761

    A tree for Pledge of Hands.

    Now I'm actually getting excited. I get they want to preserve a lot of surprise and shit for the league, but lead with this kind of shit if you're going to talk up the league opening up more build options and then post a set of patchnotes that's mostly just nerfs all the fuckin way down.

    Seriously, just highlight a few bonkers interactions and show them off and let folks know the kind of insane builds that might be viable this league as a result.

  2. #14762
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    A tree for Pledge of Hands.

    Now I'm actually getting excited. I get they want to preserve a lot of surprise and shit for the league, but lead with this kind of shit if you're going to talk up the league opening up more build options and then post a set of patchnotes that's mostly just nerfs all the fuckin way down.

    Seriously, just highlight a few bonkers interactions and show them off and let folks know the kind of insane builds that might be viable this league as a result.
    For all they're hyping it up I'm just worried that all the good stuff will be excessively rare and it will somehow be a giant disappointment. At least they're tradable unlike sanctum relics, so I'm thinking the smartest thing to do is stick to a build using 1handers so if you need to buy a cheap base with a decent tree already on it, at least you don't need to worry about then having to 6 link it.

  3. #14763
    Quote Originally Posted by Fencers View Post
    Respecs are not that hard to come by really.

    A lot of things in POE are obtainable based on how well you ascribe value and can use the game systems. That is a huge part of the appeal- the initial harshness is dissolved by player knowledge.

    I have seen people respec 70 skill points and run out to a map with killer gear in an hour.
    I suspect they are the minority

  4. #14764
    Quote Originally Posted by pahbi View Post
    I suspect they are the minority
    That is the promise of the game design though. The developers of Path of Exile have said they want the game to reward player knowledge and skill.

    GGG decided to create a game by design to not cater to the sort of player put off by this barrier. I can't recall the exact wording Chris Wilson used but in an interview with Josh Strife Hayes, Wilson said GGG decided the type of player overwhelmed by the systems of POE are not their audience.

    Not every band is aiming to play So-fi Stadium or MSG. Some are cool to play the Double Door or the Acheron.

  5. #14765
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    A tree for Pledge of Hands.

    Now I'm actually getting excited. I get they want to preserve a lot of surprise and shit for the league, but lead with this kind of shit if you're going to talk up the league opening up more build options and then post a set of patchnotes that's mostly just nerfs all the fuckin way down.

    Seriously, just highlight a few bonkers interactions and show them off and let folks know the kind of insane builds that might be viable this league as a result.
    don't fall for the 'check out this awesome loot in this league, you'll never see it!' posts
    "It's 2013 and I still view the internet on a 560x192 resolution monitor!"

  6. #14766
    Quote Originally Posted by NoiseTank13 View Post
    don't fall for the 'check out this awesome loot in this league, you'll never see it!' posts
    I'm...kinda warming up to the idea, honestly.

    GGG's biggest historic problem was permanent power creep that they're still trying to unwind in the leadup to PoE2. If they're operating how I think they are, their new approach is to try to get a fairly locked "core" of skills and items and whatnot and try to get that into a decent enough spot, with each league existing as temporary power creep that largely disappears at the end of the league. Allows them to add all kinds of different types of power creep and experiment without longterm ramifications.

    Just will require players wrap their heads around this and understand that leagues are more likely to be temporary rather than permanent additions to a game that's already grown in size and complexity quite considerably and at a rate that's honestly not sustainable in the longterm.

    I'm hoping for some juicy trees and combinations. A lot of the best item showcases have been in leagues like Scourge where you had a nice mix of absolutely hilarious memes/trash items and some super rare, unethically powerful items.

  7. #14767
    I am Murloc!
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    The only thing that concerns me is how often stuff like that appears. I still remember scourge league weightings on certain things appearing and it was pretty abysmal odds of getting any of the good ones. At the very least it probably unlikely that they brick your build that much lol.

  8. #14768
    Quote Originally Posted by Tojara View Post
    The only thing that concerns me is how often stuff like that appears. I still remember scourge league weightings on certain things appearing and it was pretty abysmal odds of getting any of the good ones. At the very least it probably unlikely that they brick your build that much lol.
    Kinda depends how complicated your build is. There's a lot of stuff that relies on specific breakpoints etc that could get gimped pretty easily by getting random modifiers on your weapon... but I guess you can just leave the weapon tree unallocated in those cases though.

    But it's now confirmed that there's going to be merged tree only skills, so have fun with that RNG.

    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    I'm hoping for some juicy trees and combinations. A lot of the best item showcases have been in leagues like Scourge where you had a nice mix of absolutely hilarious memes/trash items and some super rare, unethically powerful items.
    I do like a good item showcase, but at some point I'd also like to get these really cool things myself and not just watch like 0.01% of other players get them. Especially if it's only going to last 1 league and be dropped.

  9. #14769
    Quote Originally Posted by Trifle View Post
    I do like a good item showcase, but at some point I'd also like to get these really cool things myself and not just watch like 0.01% of other players get them. Especially if it's only going to last 1 league and be dropped.
    I feel you. Despite doing a fair amount of Sanctum I only got a few really generic/medicore sanctified relics which felt super lame. Tons of cool ones getting posted and some legit build-enabling ones, but meanwhile I get like a bonus to evasion...wheeeeeeee.

    I love the game, but GGG is very intentional with the type of audience they want playing it. And it kinda continually feels like I'm less and less of that audience : /

  10. #14770
    "It's 2013 and I still view the internet on a 560x192 resolution monitor!"

  11. #14771
    Quote Originally Posted by NoiseTank13 View Post
    Honestly seems like it would have way more use as an actual fuckin damage increase with the stacking attack speed more than anything else.

    Man, them just straight up removing a support gem that wasn't actually a problem in any capacity outside of races, where they could just fuckin disable it, is the kind shit I'm talkin about. Yeah, watching racers rush ascendent for it before playing their actual character is lame, but losing access to that gem for leveling alts and shit is way more lame.

    Vaal Domination looks super juicy for non-boss content since you can use it to maintain up to 3 auras from rare sentinels, assuming you can reasonably "target" them to ascende/maintain them. Either way honestly it almost makes me want to give dominating blow another go. Almost. Maybe one day I'll retry my dominating blow/battlmage cry used to proc absolution combo.

    Primatic burst might be a fun gem for some ele builds though.

    Shattering/splitting steel buffs are sure weird given they removed the gems that made those skills marginally usable. I guess it's a buff for duelist leveling though so yay?

    More impactful buffs for leveling: Apparently melee splash is just 40% less damage at all levels now. Not bad for low level where it sees some minimal use until some builds can start getting proper AoE.

    - - - Updated - - -


    It's jank as fuck given the multiple translations and IT IS DATAMINED SO VERY VERY (I'm on hopium right now) LIKELY DEEPLY INCOMPLETE

    But here's the datamined list of weapon passives from the recent patch. CTRL-F to find any skill you want and see what's available.

    It's gotta be deeply incomplete because holy crap some skills have amazing passives while others appear to have completely worthless ones (Toxic Rain having more...bleed damage? And phys conversion? Hilariously useless).
    Last edited by Edge-; 2023-04-05 at 06:24 AM.

  12. #14772
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    It's gotta be deeply incomplete because holy crap some skills have amazing passives while others appear to have completely worthless ones (Toxic Rain having more...bleed damage? And phys conversion? Hilariously useless).
    Seems perfectly in line with expectation. You fuckers want meta shift? Here's some meta shift for you. Gotta get to endgame and grind for a few days before you find out what it is tho.

  13. #14773
    Merely a Setback Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Man, them just straight up removing a support gem that wasn't actually a problem in any capacity outside of races, where they could just fuckin disable it, is the kind shit I'm talkin about. Yeah, watching racers rush ascendent for it before playing their actual character is lame, but losing access to that gem for leveling alts and shit is way more lame.
    honestly how much they nerf/take out things to cater to the super high end and event runners has always been the worse part of Poe and it really hurts the general player.

    But here's the datamined list of weapon passives from the recent patch. CTRL-F to find any skill you want and see what's available.
    can’t search on my phone any thing of note for shield throw by any chance?
    All I ever wanted was the truth. Remember those words as you read the ones that follow. I never set out to topple my father's kingdom of lies from a sense of misplaced pride. I never wanted to bleed the species to its marrow, reaving half the galaxy clean of human life in this bitter crusade. I never desired any of this, though I know the reasons for which it must be done. But all I ever wanted was the truth.

  14. #14774
    Quote Originally Posted by Segus1992 View Post
    Seems perfectly in line with expectation. You fuckers want meta shift? Here's some meta shift for you. Gotta get to endgame and grind for a few days before you find out what it is tho.
    Man, finding/crucible crafting a decent base is going to be a fuckin nightmare, especially since trade site won't really support the mechanic even after it gets updated.

    I don't know why I keep thinking GGG will get out of their way and give us exciting shit. Every fuckin time it's like Triggerbots, "Here's a strong, niche, and really cool new concept! And also we're making it expensive to take advantage of and functionally kneecapping half the reason we updated the tree as a result. Oh and also we nerfed traps/mines for sabo's as well despite sabo's still being mediocre as fuck."

    I'm actually rethinking my TR Pathfinder choice a bit unless I go a variant with something like ballista totems as well. Mechanic seems like it's going to benefit tankier builds that can sustain channeling the crucible for longer (RF gonna be great, probably) if you really want to have a chance at getting a good crucible base tree on a decent actual weapon base to craft on from there (or rolling uniques endlessly)

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Lorgar Aurelian View Post
    can’t search on my phone any thing of note for shield throw by any chance?
    # "Shield Crush and Spectral Shield Throw do not gain Added Physical Damage based on Armour or Evasion on shield"

    # # "Shield Crush and Spectral Shield Throw gains {0} to {1} Added Lightning Damage per 15 Energy Shield on Shield"

    # "{0}% of Shield Crush and Spectral Shield Throw Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage"
    Again, thinking it's incomplete, but I guess a lightning variant? Not sure if that really opens any new doors or anything, cold convert SST (I think on raider?) is already a thing and is usually better (and more expensive) than bleed glad, but even then the performance is still super duper meh. Especially for the investment required.

    This might make it a bit easier to convert at least?

  15. #14775
    Merely a Setback Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Again, thinking it's incomplete, but I guess a lightning variant? Not sure if that really opens any new doors or anything, cold convert SST (I think on raider?) is already a thing and is usually better (and more expensive) than bleed glad, but even then the performance is still super duper meh. Especially for the investment required.

    This might make it a bit easier to convert at least?
    Oh Jeez that’s pretty awful I sure hope it’s incomplete.

    The lighting conversion could be useful I guess if you go heavy negative res with Doryonis which I have done before but that only really frees up one support/watchers eyes and is a bit of a hassle so it’s not great.
    All I ever wanted was the truth. Remember those words as you read the ones that follow. I never set out to topple my father's kingdom of lies from a sense of misplaced pride. I never wanted to bleed the species to its marrow, reaving half the galaxy clean of human life in this bitter crusade. I never desired any of this, though I know the reasons for which it must be done. But all I ever wanted was the truth.

  16. #14776
    Quote Originally Posted by Lorgar Aurelian View Post
    Oh Jeez that’s pretty awful I sure how it’s incomplete.

    The lighting conversion could be useful I guess if you go heavy negative res with Doryonis which I have done before but that only really frees up one support/watchers eyes and is a bit of a hassle so it’s not great.
    Yeah, I don't really see Doryani's even carrying it with a full conversion. Plus needing to scale damage via ES which is harder to come by than armor/evasion. I'm sure there will be a cool niche build or two, maybe boring-ass stat stacking because that seems to be one of the generally good ways to scale a lot of skills even if it's super lame IMO.

    Again, assuming this is an incomplete list. Or maybe I'm just slamming my face into a desk covered in hopium and breathing deep.

  17. #14777
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Again, assuming this is an incomplete list. Or maybe I'm just slamming my face into a desk covered in hopium and breathing deep.
    Unless you can find skills that don't have at least 2 entries in the list I'd say it's probably complete.

  18. #14778
    Merely a Setback Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Yeah, I don't really see Doryani's even carrying it with a full conversion. Plus needing to scale damage via ES which is harder to come by than armor/evasion. I'm sure there will be a cool niche build or two, maybe boring-ass stat stacking because that seems to be one of the generally good ways to scale a lot of skills even if it's super lame IMO.

    Again, assuming this is an incomplete list. Or maybe I'm just slamming my face into a desk covered in hopium and breathing deep.
    Ya I can’t really see any way this would be worth using unless the lighting value was crazy high.

    Like reasonably you can get like what 400 es on a high end shield if your going for multiple divine ones, compared to 1800-2800 armour/evasion for physical scaling and then use it in multiple ways.

    I’d like to say I have hope, but honestly I’ve been maining shield throw for to many leagues to have any left over.
    All I ever wanted was the truth. Remember those words as you read the ones that follow. I never set out to topple my father's kingdom of lies from a sense of misplaced pride. I never wanted to bleed the species to its marrow, reaving half the galaxy clean of human life in this bitter crusade. I never desired any of this, though I know the reasons for which it must be done. But all I ever wanted was the truth.

  19. #14779
    Quote Originally Posted by Segus1992 View Post
    Unless you can find skills that don't have at least 2 entries in the list I'd say it's probably complete.
    I mean they do...but I'm still huffing hopium. Because TR was going to be my character (or at least leaguestarter) and holy shit the fuckin passives are beyond dogshit. Like, seriously, who the fuck has literally every played hit-based TR or bleed TR? Are those builds that have literally ever been played in the history of PoE? >.>

  20. #14780
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    I mean they do...but I'm still huffing hopium. Because TR was going to be my character (or at least leaguestarter) and holy shit the fuckin passives are beyond dogshit. Like, seriously, who the fuck has literally every played hit-based TR or bleed TR? Are those builds that have literally ever been played in the history of PoE? >.>
    I guess the idea in that case is to be like alternate quality gems? I assume some gems are harder to make exciting effects for, TR feels like one of those.

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