1. #15761
    My children have abandoned the cause. I am in this alone as I move room to room spamming LOGIN.

    I will not stop.

    - - - Updated - - -

    We're back!

  2. #15762
    got 5mins of play time at least!

  3. #15763
    Titan -aiko-'s Avatar
    10+ Year Old Account
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    May 2010
    The House of All Worlds
    Noooooooooooooo! I was level 3. My heart can't take much more of this xD

    - - - Updated - - -

    For what it's worth the WASD movement is fantastic

  4. #15764
    Sonuvabitch! I was rolling! I skipped everything to speed run this bitch.

  5. #15765
    even the little spike throwing guys hit pretty hard if you get cocky :'D

    But i got my skele / alien spawn thing from unearth lil army rocking

    not that it matters theyre gonna wipe all the characters again
    Last edited by Volatilis; 2024-12-06 at 09:27 PM.

  6. #15766
    Legit, that was probably some of the best first 6 minutes of ARPG gameplay since D2 LOD.

  7. #15767
    Titan -aiko-'s Avatar
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    The House of All Worlds
    I started hardcore SSF and people were dropping like flies. It was pretty funny.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fencers View Post
    Legit, that was probably some of the best first 6 minutes of ARPG gameplay since D2 LOD.
    Totally. WASD movement felt so smooth and the minions seemed responsive. The atmosphere was spot on. Let me back in!!!

  8. #15768
    ques back up

    Its simple but ive always wanted dodge, its nice to not have to devote a movement slot even though u probably will.

    I still have my witch!

  9. #15769
    Hum bought a pack quite some time ago on steam, pre-downloaded it and now came back from work, try to connect and it tells me I do not have an access and need to buy one. I suppose it has something to do with the fact that their website is down in the poop hole and the auth cannot happens between steam and them hm... disappointing, hopefully its fix sooner than later

  10. #15770
    I bought Early Access on Steam today and was able to get as far as account creation earlier (though I could never actually create an account because the web site and its services are all down). Then they shut it all down because they messed up in adding database instances at the last minute and ended up with a bunch of characters getting duplicate IDs, so they had to "wipe the databases" and start over.

    After they did that, I now get the "You do not have Early Access through steam." error, so I feel like they somehow managed to lose some/all of the Steam account authorization keys in the process of messing with the database(s).

    Anyhow, I requested a Refund from Steam and will come back when things get straightened out or it enters general release.

  11. #15771
    Click to move feels bad. It causes my hand to hurt. I dislike the skating feeling of click-to-move, but WASD requires too much dexterity (for me) to slap buttons.

  12. #15772
    Grelwood is a cool zone and only just getting started. No lag playing either just bit of load in time.

    But the game play/atmosphere is great we got something special for sure

  13. #15773
    A lot of monsters and effects are hard to see as well. Diablo 4 did the same thing and hated it too. A brown monster on a brown floor with a brown ground effect is awful.

    If these are old lady complaints, good. I am one. I can't see what is shooting me.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I can't even see my minions because they are brown on brown. Come on now, GGG.

  14. #15774
    Going to bed, should have went sooner.

    Refreshing difficulty (it's harder than I expected)
    Looks great

    Iceskating combat (using mouse movement) doesn't feel great
    Skills don't always target where I click at first after I've evaded
    Some effects are hard to see still, but seems better than PoE at least

    Excited to continue tomorrow, itemization and loot seems interesting.
    "In order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must be intolerant of intolerance." Paradox of tolerance

  15. #15775
    Another thing, most of the old MTX doesn't work. Only the MTX from the past 8-10 months works. All my vintage skins and armors from POE1 are "unavailable".

    - - - Updated - - -

    I could really use a quicksilver flask or something. This witch moves like she is wearing lead boots.

  16. #15776
    Titan -aiko-'s Avatar
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    The House of All Worlds
    Great so far, just a few issues:

    - Picking up items seems janky...I'll often spam my left mouse ability instead of picking it up. Can maybe fix with different settings
    - It seems like abilities are cast in the direction of the nearest enemy to your cursor instead of your cursor itself, dunno if intentional

  17. #15777
    You start slow, but once you get rolling this is pretty fucking good.

    Act 2 is kinda nasty. The difficulty curve is all over the place.

    Like that guy who used Bladefall was very tough for me to kill. But my husband breezed through him as a monk.

  18. #15778
    man the feeling of progression in this feels awsome,got my ass handed by that worm as a warrior,came back 2 levels later with better gear and it was a cake walk

  19. #15779
    I like the way Catalysts work here.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Oh shit, Zana! Time travel shenanigans.

    ...ah, I see. I think I understand what is going on.

  20. #15780
    Yeah my minions were getting eaten so quick but now I got arborists at least with extra projectile and area of effect increase support gems and now I'm cooking

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