1. #15781
    This kinda feels like... Improved Ruthless. And I am a Ruthless enjoyer.

    - - - Updated - - -

    This is really good so far. You can see the framework and thoughtfulness of GGG's design here. It feels, like, an essay.

  2. #15782
    Titan -aiko-'s Avatar
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    I'm just sitting here waiting for a level 5 gem so I can get my frosty skelly boys.

  3. #15783
    Damage over Time and Cold skills are incredibly strong.

    I'm playing a Witch poisoning everything and my husband is freezing/chilling every thing. Absolute destruction.

    That basic staff skill that is basically Frost Blades is bonkers.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I don't understand how people can move with WASD and spam skills bound to Q,E,X,C,Z... what in the actual fuck.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Act 2 is long. These areas are huge and everything takes a lot of hits. The caravan area never ends. Sweet mercy, is Moses leading these people through the desert?

  4. #15784
    Honestly not a fan of the game, sad to say. I had massively high hopes but I shouldn't be getting my butt handed to me in act 1 of the campaign. And no, I'm not rushing, I'm 2 levels higher than mob level.

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  5. #15785
    Titan -aiko-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NightZero88 View Post
    I shouldn't be getting my butt handed to me in act 1 of the campaign.
    Disagree. Act 1 in a brand new game that we're all trying to figure out is the exact right time to be getting your ass beat. You will get better, the community will figure more things out, and in the future it won't be nearly as bad to clear the campaign. How boring would the campaign be if everything melted like butter?

    To each their own, of course, but I'm glad this is the direction they took. I have no doubt power creep will be insane as we get deeper into the game but I'm enjoying the challenge so far. It feels fair and rewarding.

    - - - Updated - - -

    omg that Act 1 boss was so hype. The music, the visuals, the encounter itself...

  6. #15786
    Last boss for act 1 is pretty god tier

  7. #15787
    Finally got home after a fucking miserable day traveling for work.

    Rolled warrior, level 4 so far. My brother was bitching hard about but like...yo this shit is kinda rad? I can see why he'd say combat is more "tedious" now, but I like actually moving around while fighting and figuring out how to combo abilities so far.

  8. #15788
    Game has serious issue for people with X3D processors.

    Crashes entire PC on some loading screens. Happened to me 3 times now. Tons of forum posts about it.

    I'd wait for a fix if you have one. Could fuck up something in your PC.

    Sucks... was enjoying my monk.

  9. #15789

    Holy shit it's great. Just fuckin wipes packs. Rolling Slam in to prime, enter the Bonezone to clear. Does decent damage on bosses, too. Just got Shockwave Totem and...yep, pairs well. I need to get to the first boss, the witch, which my brother said should humble me. I look forward to dying.

  10. #15790
    Quote Originally Posted by Mojo03 View Post
    Game has serious issue for people with X3D processors.

    Crashes entire PC on some loading screens. Happened to me 3 times now. Tons of forum posts about it.

    I'd wait for a fix if you have one. Could fuck up something in your PC.

    Sucks... was enjoying my monk.
    I have X3D and 4090 and haven't crashed, or had fps drops or problems in loading screens of any kind. I very much doubt this is universal. 200 fps+ with ultra/high settings.

  11. #15791
    Quote Originally Posted by NightZero88 View Post
    Honestly not a fan of the game, sad to say. I had massively high hopes but I shouldn't be getting my butt handed to me in act 1 of the campaign. And no, I'm not rushing, I'm 2 levels higher than mob level.
    It's okay not to be a fan of this kind of game.

    It's not exactly casual friendly. It's hard, it's complex, it's full of unforgiving mechanics. It has very little horizontal segmentation. It requires planning and meticulousness to be good. That's just too much for some people to handle - not because they can't do it, but because they don't want to, or simply don't like to.

    I'm in the same boat. I think this is a phenomenal game. But I'm not going to play it. I'm entirely happy to recognize its quality while simultaneously admitting that it's not for me. I wouldn't want them to change the game to make me like it more; I'll simply play other things.

    I suspect many people will discover this as the launch moves along, but many will also be playing PoE for the first time and discover they do like it. And that's great.

  12. #15792
    Quote Originally Posted by sensei- View Post
    I have X3D and 4090 and haven't crashed, or had fps drops or problems in loading screens of any kind. I very much doubt this is universal. 200 fps+ with ultra/high settings.
    Seems to be affecting a large number of people with X3D + New windows update

    So if you haven’t updated windows yet, that could be why your not having issues

    It runs fine. It’s just crashing PCs due to some bug

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by NightZero88 View Post
    Honestly not a fan of the game, sad to say. I had massively high hopes but I shouldn't be getting my butt handed to me in act 1 of the campaign. And no, I'm not rushing, I'm 2 levels higher than mob level.
    I happen to see a clip of Asmon ragequit warrior because melee was too hard

    And rolled a witch and proceeded to faceroll/brute force through everything with ease

    If your melee I’d try a ranged if it’s too hard
    Last edited by Mojo03; 2024-12-07 at 09:34 AM.

  13. #15793
    Quote Originally Posted by Mojo03 View Post
    Seems to be affecting a large number of people with X3D + New windows update

    So if you haven’t updated windows yet, that could be why your not having issues

    - - - Updated - - -

    I happen to see a clip of Asmon ragequit warrior because melee was too hard

    And rolled a witch and proceeded to faceroll/brute force through everything with ease

    If your melee I’d try a ranged if it’s too hard
    True I haven't updated Windows nor have I updated the new Geforce drivers.

  14. #15794
    Quote Originally Posted by -aiko- View Post
    Disagree. Act 1 in a brand new game that we're all trying to figure out is the exact right time to be getting your ass beat. You will get better, the community will figure more things out, and in the future it won't be nearly as bad to clear the campaign. How boring would the campaign be if everything melted like butter?
    Also, a lot of people seem to be forgetting... it's still an early access beta. It was even mentioned in the interviews that the difficulty tuning is still in progress since there hasn't been that many bodies testing it (especially in the end game, but it applies to the campaign too). I find it rather silly that someone would write off a game when it's still being tested, especially over an aspect of the game that isn't a core design issue but rather numbers tuning. At this stage of development, player skill will likely matter quite a bit when clearing content in order to overcome bugs or unbalanced gameplay... doesn't meant that difficulty level is intended or will stay at that level when the game leaves beta. Heck, it could technically get more difficult, but I doubt it.

    Right now, I imagine there's a combination of tuning that will happen between adjusting player gem abilities along with the monsters/bosses themselves. Even after the first act with only one class I can tell there will be adjustments to skills since their effectiveness and damage output are very hit-or-miss, and that's not even factoring in how things will change with support gems and gear as time goes on. There's even some interactions that are a bit wonky, but they're things you would expect to find in a beta. Maybe people are used to Blizz beta phases where there's tons of things wrong that are reported and still make it to live? I mean GGG can only catch and fix so much, but they certainly have time to do so since they mentioned this early access beta could last around a year.
    Last edited by exochaft; 2024-12-07 at 10:24 AM.
    “Society is endangered not by the great profligacy of a few, but by the laxity of morals amongst all.”
    “It's not an endlessly expanding list of rights — the 'right' to education, the 'right' to health care, the 'right' to food and housing. That's not freedom, that's dependency. Those aren't rights, those are the rations of slavery — hay and a barn for human cattle.”
    ― Alexis de Tocqueville

  15. #15795
    Quote Originally Posted by NightZero88 View Post
    Honestly not a fan of the game, sad to say. I had massively high hopes but I shouldn't be getting my butt handed to me in act 1 of the campaign. And no, I'm not rushing, I'm 2 levels higher than mob level.
    You will get bodied in Act 2 and 3 as well. Cruel difficulty is not just a little harder either. It's a LOT harder.

    Monsters will only get more dangerous. Bosses become... very challenging. This game is difficult.

    That is part of the selling point, "The Dark Souls of ARPGs." and they kinda meant it.
    Last edited by Fencers; 2024-12-07 at 02:57 PM.

  16. #15796
    It's not that hard it's just some people expect to one shot everything without clearing the map before the boss and getting another level or skill gem. It's like people have forgotten sometimes you need to grind abit

  17. #15797
    The Unstoppable Force Gaidax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volatilis View Post
    It's not that hard it's just some people expect to one shot everything without clearing the map before the boss and getting another level or skill gem. It's like people have forgotten sometimes you need to grind abit
    Well, you can just roll Firewall Witch like I did and then you do one-shot everything you first see. I had trouble later Act 1, but then I discovered those fire spirit bois with firewall and they melted all my troubles away.

    Mid Act 2 now.

  18. #15798
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    Got home, booted up the game, played for 5 min then looked outside. Somehow the sun came up just that fast...

    Obviously had fun but its 100% a title in EA. Had a boss just disappear on me. Got pinned to walls and not just body blocked but stuck because the server and client couldn't agree where I was at. I appreciate the bump in difficulty, the change in pace, but its overtuned. There are various tweaks here and there on the backend the need to be changed but thats a given. I didn't have a problem seeing stuff, I did adjust my color settings before even starting the game, though. Theres needs to at least be an outline for enemies, things can defin blend together if you're not locked in. Like the aesthetic, needs some contrast in the color palette.

  19. #15799
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    well its been a great time and i've had a blast but that might be it for this weekend. For a couple hours now i just instantly disconnect whenever i try to go into town.

  20. #15800
    going to wait and see. from what i see it looks fun. But the same people ( asmon etc) are hyping it up. And some of those hyped games failed hard.

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