1. #15801
    Quote Originally Posted by Volatilis View Post
    It's not that hard it's just some people expect to one shot everything without clearing the map before the boss and getting another level or skill gem. It's like people have forgotten sometimes you need to grind abit
    You can still one shot a lot of trash. The game is much harder though. Mobs hit harder, effects trigger faster, your effects trigger slower, and the scale and density of what you fight is asymmetrical to your character power.

    Those walking spider tanks with a bazooka that points in every direction, the electricity werewolves, the desert tornadoes and the double poison bombers... these mobs you can encounter all at once and their density alone will wreck you in seconds. Despite the fact they are relatively soft targets.

    Bosses have white hits that exceed player animation frames.

    This is exactly how a difficult action game is made by Team Ninja, From Soft, or Platinum. All the same design elements are here.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I would like a high contrast option. Too much stuff blends into the background.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Don't even bother allocating skills as Blood Mage until you have the gear to support it. You will just kill yourself and there is no upside to Sanguinmancy until you have more skill points and gear for the sub class.
    Last edited by Fencers; 2024-12-07 at 03:04 PM.

  2. #15802
    Loving it so far,but i have to say i have issues with some design choices coming from 4k hours in Grim dawn and diablo

    -maps reseting instead of staying discovered
    -everything respawning when you die is just annoying,i dont want to kill everything again every death
    -again like poe1 nothing interesting drops for many hours,got one legendery and nothing else cool like you get in grim dawn constantly
    -bag space is pure cancer
    -getting mobed by an army of exploding mobs that stagger/stun and you cant even dodge over and insta dying is just dirty
    Last edited by deenman; 2024-12-07 at 05:16 PM.

  3. #15803
    Quote Originally Posted by deenman View Post
    -maps reseting instead of staying discovered
    -everything respawning when you die is just annoying,i dont want to kill everything again every death
    -getting mobed by an army of exploding mobs that stagger/stun and you cant even dodge over and insta dying is just dirty
    I agree with these. They make the later stages of the game feel like a chore. Especially in Cruel. The difficulty curve is all over the place. Those blowgun guys are assholes and the electric werewolves are the most annoying enemy since the leaping berserkers in D4.

    -again like poe1 nothing interesting drops for many hours,got one legendery and nothing else cool like you get in grim dawn constantly
    I disagree strongly here. I think the way loot is tuned makes things quite exciting!

    I jumped out of my chair and yelled 'hell yeah' when I got a very good chest piece with ES/Regen. My husband got a rare shield and was so excited he rerolled to use it.

    Steam says I have over +300 hours in Grim Dawn. I can't recall a single gear piece that was exciting by comparison except for that one meme shield in the desert. I have all the DLCs too.

    The item scarcity makes things in POE2 feel meaningful and the gold crunch lends it self to a feeling of consideration that I rarely encounter outside of POE1 Ruthless.

    Last edited by Fencers; 2024-12-07 at 07:09 PM.

  4. #15804
    Eh, this is fun but I hate how slow the gameplay is. I'm hoping that we can work back up to the insane speed of PoE1 at some point. The only real danger is getting bodied, but otherwise this just requires you to pay a little more attention, which I like. I just want to do this level of difficulty but.. Faster

    Also, the amount of players who get stuck at the red wall after looting their first skill gem has made me lose all faith in humanity
    Dragonflight Summary, "Because friendship is magic"

  5. #15805
    Bought it played it for about a hour than refunded it.

    Its huge information overload and the exact same issue I had with POE1. I figured I would give it a shot since its fresh and it just isn't for me. Hope those who play it enjoy it.
    Check me out....Im └(-.-)┘┌(-.-)┘┌(-.-)┐└(-.-)┐ Dancing, Im └(-.-)┘┌(-.-)┘┌(-.-)┐└(-.-)┐ Dancing.
    My Gaming PC: MSI Trident 3 - i7-10700F - RTX 4060 8GB - 32GB DDR4 - 1TB M.2SSD

  6. #15806
    Having alot of fun, doing a strength/life witch with alot of minions, fire and Ignite.

    Really enjoy the slower pace too compared to first game so far but i know its mixed feeling on that.

    Playing on a controller on pc too so i can sit on my couch and play on the tv and it works great other then some targeting spells.
    Last edited by ParanoiD84; 2024-12-07 at 07:44 PM.
    Do you hear the voices too?

  7. #15807
    Im not impressed. My warrior is trash. Whether or not its because game is hard, build is trash, my items are trash, it doesnt really matter at this point. I watched as little information as possible about poe2. I wanted as close as possible the "new player" experience. If this is the new player experience...

    Im failing campaing bosses, I cannot do ascendancy trial. Everything I can do is slow and tedious.
    This might be because of my character being trash, but should I be expert at the game instantly?

    Unless it turns out that GGG nerfs things during early access, I dont think I'll be playing this game much.

    I dont want dark souls arpg or ruthless or anything.

  8. #15808
    I've only played D4 and LE, but this game feels a lot worse than both of them, both in terms of gameplay smoothness, build crafting, and QoL. Some major things stand out to me:

    1) No autosorting of inventory.
    2) Crafting / Quest items take up inventory space
    3) No auto-compare when hover, you have to hold shift
    4) Can't click to equip / store items, you have to drag
    5) "Identifying" an items seems completely arbitrary and takes up inventory space with scrolls of wisdom (which should be separate anyways).
    6) The UI font is really ugly and hard to read.

    Like this is worse than D4 at launch, and people lambasted that game heavily for its lack of QoL. (People who I assume played PoE1). But this seems way worse.

    There's a severe lack of mobility in the game, just rolling around is not fun. Where's teleport, blink, charge, etc.? Everything seems way overtuned as well. Going from level 1 to 20 doesn't feel that different, I feel like I'm still pressing the same abilities and they do the same thing overall. Watched a couple of streams of people doing maps and game still looks pretty sluggish. I'm not expecting super zoom zoom, but this is not fun.
    Last edited by infinitemeridian; 2024-12-07 at 08:23 PM.

  9. #15809
    Quote Originally Posted by infinitemeridian View Post
    I've only played D4 and LE, but this game feels a lot worse than both of them, both in terms of gameplay smoothness, build crafting, and QoL. Some major things stand out to me:

    1) No autosorting of inventory.
    2) Crafting / Quest items take up inventory space
    3) No auto-compare when hover, you have to hold shift
    4) Can't click to equip / store items, you have to drag
    5) "Identifying" an items seems completely arbitrary and takes up inventory space with scrolls of wisdom (which should be separate anyways).
    6) The UI font is really ugly and hard to read.

    Like this is worse than D4 at launch, and people lambasted that game heavily for its lack of QoL. (People who I assume played PoE1). But this seems way worse.

    There's a severe lack of mobility in the game, just rolling around is not fun. Where's teleport, blink, charge, etc.? Everything seems way overtuned as well. Going from level 1 to 20 doesn't feel that different, I feel like I'm still pressing the same abilities and they do the same thing overall. Watched a couple of streams of people doing maps and game still looks pretty sluggish. I'm not expecting super zoom zoom, but this is not fun.
    Those are all pretty minor gripes. I wouldn't mind an auto sort so I can dump my inventory into stash.

    But quest items taking up space/wisdom scrolls really isn't that big of a deal...

    And this plays a lot better than a rubber banding horse teleporting you around that was d4 launch

  10. #15810
    Quote Originally Posted by infinitemeridian View Post
    4) Can't click to equip / store items, you have to drag
    This is not true. Ctrl+Click.

    Like this is worse than D4 at launch, and people lambasted that game heavily for its lack of QoL. (People who I assume played PoE1). But this seems way worse.
    Also, just a reminder here; Diablo 4 was a full-price release. Path of Exile 2 is a paid Early Access beta still 6-10 months away from release if not more.

    POE1 was in beta for years. Even on release, POE1 was refined over 10 years; as a Free-to-Play game with less than 120 developers. Path of Exile 2 will be Free-to-Play on full release as well.
    Last edited by Fencers; 2024-12-07 at 08:58 PM.

  11. #15811
    Finally found a few hours to play. The game is awesome, hopefully EA is the time to refine it (particularly QoL) and not fall in the same trap that D4 did where they did not care what the competition does. They need to go ahead and borrow some stuff from LE.

  12. #15812
    I rolled a Titan this morning. Having the gold and gear/gems banked from the endgame helps speed things up greatly.

    Titan is a motherfucking boss. Facetank everything. Boneshatter/Slam/Scream and go.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Monk is pretty nuts at the endgame. I do decent damage as a SRS witch but my husband is killing huge packs before I can even summon all my stuff. I'm like shooting Ice Shards in the back like a chump.

  13. #15813
    Quote Originally Posted by infinitemeridian View Post
    I've only played D4 and LE, but this game feels a lot worse than both of them, both in terms of gameplay smoothness, build crafting, and QoL. Some major things stand out to me:

    1) No autosorting of inventory.
    2) Crafting / Quest items take up inventory space
    3) No auto-compare when hover, you have to hold shift
    4) Can't click to equip / store items, you have to drag
    5) "Identifying" an items seems completely arbitrary and takes up inventory space with scrolls of wisdom (which should be separate anyways).
    6) The UI font is really ugly and hard to read.

    Like this is worse than D4 at launch, and people lambasted that game heavily for its lack of QoL. (People who I assume played PoE1). But this seems way worse.

    There's a severe lack of mobility in the game, just rolling around is not fun. Where's teleport, blink, charge, etc.? Everything seems way overtuned as well. Going from level 1 to 20 doesn't feel that different, I feel like I'm still pressing the same abilities and they do the same thing overall. Watched a couple of streams of people doing maps and game still looks pretty sluggish. I'm not expecting super zoom zoom, but this is not fun.
    Personally I hate the hyper mobility that games are commonly doing now and think the slower pace is refreshing. I think the bigger issue is the map size and not enough variety on them to keep them from getting a bit boring. They should add more incentive to explore or mix up the mob types more.

    One of the reasons I don't like POE1 much (or D4) is the zoom zoom, 1 button, brute force everything instant dead gameplay. The slower, more strategic angle they seem to be going for is more interesting to me.

    It seems like the witch/sorc are mindless faceroll OP currently. So if that's what you chose that's probably why it's boring.

    Monk is pretty dam cool in this game starting out and has some actual strategy. It's already starting to devolve sadly as I'm insta killing almost everything in act 2 now. Maybe that will change, I don't know yet.... but if it doesn't I'll probably just not play this game like I didn't POE1 because I think that form of gameplay is boring.

    I agree with you on the font. It's the one gripe I really have. (ugly af)
    Last edited by Mojo03; 2024-12-07 at 11:20 PM.

  14. #15814
    Quote Originally Posted by Mojo03 View Post
    It seems like the witch/sorc are mindless faceroll OP currently. So if that's what you chose that's probably why it's boring.
    This is not the case. They have the worst survivability, late-game blooming subclasses and press the most buttons. Range is at a significant disadvantage in this game.

    I have completed the campaign (including Cruel) on Witch (Blood Mage) and Sorc (Storm Weaver) and am about to enter Cruel as a Warrior Titan.

    Monk (Invoker) and Titan are very powerful.

    The endgame is brutal difficulty.

  15. #15815
    Quote Originally Posted by Fencers View Post
    This is not the case. They have the worst survivability, late-game blooming subclasses and press the most buttons. Range is at a significant disadvantage in this game.

    I have completed the campaign (including Cruel) on Witch (Blood Mage) and Sorc (Storm Weaver) and am about to enter Cruel as a Warrior Titan.

    Monk (Invoker) and Titan are very powerful.

    The endgame is brutal difficulty.
    You've beaten the campaign twice? That's super impressive.

    What class would you recommend for someone playing solo that wants an easier experience than sorc because I've died 76 times and barely into act 2 and can't beat the trial.

    Signature Created by Jassinta

  16. #15816
    I found an amulet with +100% crit **chance** but crits don't deal extra damage anymore.
    Since I have literally 0% crit otherwise (or whatever base there is) I thought I'd use it and now wonder: what's the benefit.

    I think ailments are then more likely to trigger?
    Is that the purpose of the amulet? Does it help stunning as well?

    Never played PoE before.

    Also, how do I know if grenades are affected by nodes such as "increase damage of two-handed weapons" or "increase damage of crossbows"
    Is there a way to tell?
    And how do I know how much damage the detonator stuff does.
    Posion+Fire grenade for example.

    And am I attack-speeding grenades or cast-speeding grenades....?
    It's a bit confusing. It says "Attack" on the skill, so I'm assuming attackspeed helps?(????)

    The slower combat is so freaking great.
    I've never had more fun doing boss fights in an ARPG.
    I wish D4 had even 1% of this game in terms of combat - I still weep for my 60$ that I used to purchase the basegame+addon, thinking I'd at least get a working campaign experience before I clear whole screens in 0,000001 seconds while doing letters as damage numbers.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; 2024-12-08 at 02:08 AM.

  17. #15817
    Quote Originally Posted by Volatilis View Post
    Those are all pretty minor gripes. I wouldn't mind an auto sort so I can dump my inventory into stash.

    But quest items taking up space/wisdom scrolls really isn't that big of a deal...

    And this plays a lot better than a rubber banding horse teleporting you around that was d4 launch
    How are these minor gripes? Basic loot and inventory management in a loot game should be the bare minimum. People were shitting all over D4 when itlaunched for missing basic QoL and being too console-centric with it's UI. This game is just as bad, if not worse.

    I looked it up and PoE1 doesn't have autosort and also has this ridiculous "item-identifying" + crafting mats in the inventory. So it's likely these things will NOT be changed. How is this considered the "King of ARPGS"? Last Epoch does this way better, feels better to play, and the actual build crafting is more than just % increases, which is what this game seems to consist of mainly.

    I'm not saying there's no depth, but I've heard nothing but condescension from PoE players towards D4 and LE and this is what you guys were hyping up? Just a huge disappointment across the board.

  18. #15818
    So they're making this serious, dark, depressing game and all and then in Ogham Village they just straight up have flaming suicide pigs run out of buildings and blow up at you.

    I'm dying. Not like, literally to them, but this shit is fucking hilarious.

  19. #15819
    Quote Originally Posted by NightZero88 View Post
    You've beaten the campaign twice? That's super impressive.
    Not too hard or impressive. I am just a regular person. Not a super gamer/elite player.

    I play with my son and husband. They are better at game than I am. Working together we have a loot multiplier and can help each other by passing each other gear. Gear is the secret to progress in POE2 moreso than POE1.

    Just the way we can disenchant collectively to Regal and Alch gear is a big deal. Rerolling flasks with auto charges, having full move speed boots, max spirit gear, etc.

    As I said above, I started a Warrior Titan this morning solo. It's a breeze largely from the gear and gold of those 2 previous endgame characters I ran through.

    What class would you recommend for someone playing solo that wants an easier experience than sorc because I've died 76 times and barely into act 2 and can't beat the trial.
    If you are good at slamming buttons, Invoker Monk. Absolutely cracked class. This is what my husband plays, but it's a lot of buttons and combos. Not for everyone.

    Merc Legionaire if you want to AOE/stun lock the screen. This is the easiest class to play and has the most crowd control easily. You start every fight on your own terms. This is the class my son plays. My husband and son have continued into the endgame together and left me behind. This is a powerful combo; Merc / Monk.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by infinitemeridian View Post
    How are these minor gripes? Basic loot and inventory management in a loot game should be the bare minimum.
    It's often the case in ARPGs that players who complain about inventory management are just looting inefficiently.

    That was the case in D4 as well. You definitely do not need to pick up most of the stuff on the ground in D4, POE 1 & 2, LE, TL: I, Undecember, or Grim Dawn. All but two of those games have player customizable loot filters.

    Inventory management is a player problem. You don't know the value/time cost of things yet.

    People were shitting all over D4 when itlaunched for missing basic QoL and being too console-centric with it's UI. This game is just as bad, if not worse.
    I played D4 and POE2 on console. POE2 is hardly console centric. It's awful on PS5 compared to D4. Controller on PC is even WORSE for POE2.

    Where are you seeing this claim POE2 is console centric in volume?

    I looked it up and PoE1 doesn't have autosort and also has this ridiculous "item-identifying" + crafting mats in the inventory.
    As I said above, you don't understand the value of these items. Especially in POE1 where virtually any type of drop can have a use based on build, season, recipe, materials, and by level - which all can be filtered dynamically based on all the aforementioned per user, per class, per league, per level on the fly.

    You wouldn't necessarily want those to be separated screens in POE1 (although it does have that via HQ crafting benches). It matters in how you craft and trade via various systems to have influence over both the craft and materials.

    It just doesn't apply to the game design and intention in POE1/2 as in the more deterministic Last Epoch. Or D4 with the loot rework.

    How is this considered the "King of ARPGS"?
    System complexity and interactions. Games are about gameplay.

    Gameplay is expressed as a metaphor for a player interaction as a system of rules. Such as sneaking under a cardboard box in metal gear. Or a limited resource of a nation being expressed as Wood in Age of Empires.

    Path of Exile 1 has the most expansive system complexity in a non-linear and non-prescriptive expression among ARPGs.

    If I so desired I could login to POE1 right now and construct a character that is a Necromancer Witch class that fights bare handed in melee using physical damage to scale fire damage and creating minions from the enemies I defeat. I would need to consider (at my choosing) if I do this as a literal 1HP build. A build that used a shield for either offense, defense, utility or all 3. Used mana as my life pool. Used mana as my defense layer. Used tempary energy shield as a defense layer (and further whether that temp shield was also my light source, secondary def layer, primary def layer, a mana source, stun threshold, or benefited my minions directly OR indirectly). Or if I wanted to create shadow copies as defense. or If I even felt like doing damage directly with my fist or via a proxy agent such that I would only need to pantomime using my fist.

    This is a build I just dreamed up and it's 100% possible to donany of what I mentioned by the systems in POE1 alone. I can even export the code for you to build it.

    There isn't any other ARPG that is as system robust or has the degree of granularity to its gameplay systems as POE1.

    POE2 is currently in beta.

    POE1 took 10 years to get where it is today and the game has increased player counts as it aged, instead of decreasing. Largely because the strength of POE1's sysyem complexity.

    Last Epoch does this way better, feels better to play
    Entirely subjective. But fwiw, a big gripe with LE among the ARPG community is that LE feels a lot more sluggish than POE1.

    "Feels better" is not a common sentiment for LE compared to POE 1 or D4; where many ARPG communities agree those 2 games have the best combat in the genre among released games.

    actual build crafting is more than just % increases, which is what this game seems to consist of mainly.
    If you mean POE1, no. That is incorrect.

    If you meant POE2, also no. Only the early nodes of the passive skill tree are like this and the nodes become more specific further out. The support gems now represent more skill dynamics.

    If you take Infernal Shade in LE, for example. The choices you make are prescriptive. They would only work with IS. Because the skills are contained within a limited point tree for both the skill power (or character power in the case of synergies) and the skill dynamic.

    In POE2, for example, Raging Spirits isn't contained or limited to it interactions within a set skill tree. Or within the skill itself. Or class. Just as a point of design comparison.

    Neither is better or worse. The way LE designs IS to work is intentionally meant to provide specific flavor. POE 2 (and POE1) intends for the skill to be up to you how to use.

    Maybe Raging Spitits is a thing you cast directly, maybe your totem casts it for you, maybe it auto summons on your firewall, maybe it only triggers when you crit... maybe you use it as a Monk with a bow to ignite gas grenades.

    These are just different design intentions.

    PoE players towards D4 and LE and this is what you guys were hyping up? Just a huge disappointment across the board.
    This seems like a personal issue you have to work on for yourself, my dude.
    Last edited by Fencers; 2024-12-08 at 03:08 AM.

  20. #15820
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Apr 2014
    Rhode Island
    the actual build crafting is more than just % increases, which is what this game seems to consist of mainly.
    Jesus christ dude.

    So it's likely these things will NOT be changed.
    No, they aren't going to fix what isn't broken because you don't like it. There are many benefits to doing inventory this way. Items feel like they have actual weight and importance. You aren't supposed to carry everything you can pick up in bulk andthen slam it on vendors. Crafting materials hold a significant amount more meaning than they do in the Diablo games because you use them manually, they aren't an arbitrary requirement that a craft vendor takes from your inventory automatically while you decide what you want in a separate menu.

    They're just different ways of doing things meant to emphasize different aspects of what's significant to each game.

    but yeah, a sort wouldn't hurt. We basically do have one, it's called a currency tab.
    Last edited by Beastiel; 2024-12-08 at 12:23 PM.

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