1. #15961
    Just start Cruel diff. I have gotten an ok amount of Unique's sadly too many are not for my class. Having 55% drop rate rarity increase is helpful(at least it seems that way), my buddy has over 70%.

  2. #15962
    Quote Originally Posted by Aoewy View Post
    Maybe you already know, but just in case. When you open the window to cut a support gem, there is a checkbox at the bottom saying something like : "show recommendation", and its always checked (well at least for me), so you only see 3 options per tier. You can uncheck this, and will have a lot more options to chose from. I know for a while I didn't know about this so just saying in case.
    I didn't know that ty, I was just going to go to the all gems tab and was going to just grab shit and hope it would support a skill.

    Your comment helped immensely, was able to kill the act 2 final boss in my first attempt after grabbing some non-recommended support gems.
    Last edited by qwerty123456; 2024-12-11 at 05:49 AM.

  3. #15963
    I just started up a Pathfinder Ranger today. Going really well. Having endgame gold to power low level characters through the campaign is a HUGE help. You can really fly if you have gold saved up.

    I am greatly enjoying this game.

  4. #15964
    Can pretty much guarantee that 90% of casual players will quit at Act 1 boss.

    It’s just insane considering it’s only Act 1 and the toon is weak.

    Did about 10 tries yesterday but I can’t survive multiple puppies phases, they just don’t die fast enough and I’m out of potions and I die to them. Honestly I don’t have much will to change my build just for that stupid phase.

    Will wait for a nerf.

  5. #15965
    Quote Originally Posted by chiddie View Post
    Can pretty much guarantee that 90% of casual players will quit at Act 1 boss.

    It’s just insane considering it’s only Act 1 and the toon is weak.

    Did about 10 tries yesterday but I can’t survive multiple puppies phases, they just don’t die fast enough and I’m out of potions and I die to them. Honestly I don’t have much will to change my build just for that stupid phase.

    Will wait for a nerf.
    Have in mind they recently added a hotfix (with more coming) that will bump the currency drop rates which might mean better gear for every new toon that reaches that boss -> more dmg/survivability -> dead adds etc etc. I'm sure they'll fine tune it eventually for the sweet spot between fun and challenge

  6. #15966
    Quote Originally Posted by Snakepit View Post
    Have in mind they recently added a hotfix (with more coming) that will bump the currency drop rates which might mean better gear for every new toon that reaches that boss -> more dmg/survivability -> dead adds etc etc. I'm sure they'll fine tune it eventually for the sweet spot between fun and challenge
    I like the encounter but that part is insane. It would just be enough to halve the puppies HPs, no other tuning needed.

  7. #15967
    Quote Originally Posted by chiddie View Post
    I like the encounter but that part is insane. It would just be enough to halve the puppies HPs, no other tuning needed.
    I had no problem with that boss on any toon so far.
    I mean, it can't get any worse than with a warrior, that has literally no DPS skills at that point and he wasn't a problem at all because standard auto attack DPS is just so high at that level (like 3-5% per hit)

    As long as you survive the "wolf dash" thingy when you are inside the mist/ice ring, I can't find the problem.

    What's the character you are using?

  8. #15968
    Quote Originally Posted by chiddie View Post
    I like the encounter but that part is insane. It would just be enough to halve the puppies HPs, no other tuning needed.
    Instead of waiting for nerf try to think can you change with your character.
    Maybe getting slightly more gear?
    Rolling affixes on items?
    Getting more exp?
    Cheking other abilities?

    Overcoming the challenge and finally killing boss that you died 20 times is the best feeling in this game.

  9. #15969
    The Lightbringer Kilpi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by deenman View Post
    a lot of people likely wont,poe2 is not the typical arpg zerg fest and loot raining from the sky like most exile-likes
    Exile-likes... That's a new one. As in ARPG? If it's something -like, Diablo would then be better, and even that would be stupid.

  10. #15970
    Titan Grimbold21's Avatar
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    As someone who didn't play poe1, and who's arpg xp amounts to playing paladin in d2, the slower and harder pace is certainly novel.

    I've only completed the first quest, but as a monk I certainly hope that this class moves away from ranged abilities, cause these starting skills all feel very range-y. My expectation is to do something similar to a Zealadin: be in the monsters face and attack fast

  11. #15971
    Quote Originally Posted by Mendzia View Post
    Instead of waiting for nerf try to think can you change with your character.
    Maybe getting slightly more gear?
    Rolling affixes on items?
    Getting more exp?
    Cheking other abilities?

    Overcoming the challenge and finally killing boss that you died 20 times is the best feeling in this game.
    Those are all things I can do, but I should not be expected to do in act ONE of any game. I should just be able to pew pew with whatever gear/skill at this stage of the game.

  12. #15972
    Quote Originally Posted by chiddie View Post
    Those are all things I can do, but I should not be expected to do in act ONE of any game.
    Looks like you just want participation trophy for being on this boss instead trying to fix something, okay.

    Quote Originally Posted by chiddie View Post
    I should just be able to pew pew with whatever gear/skill at this stage of the game.
    Compared to later game this boss is really, really easy and you don't really need to do much with your character to kill him.
    My Witch was extremely unoptimised when i finished Act 1 which i noticed on later encounters laughing at myself how could i be that bad 2 days earlier.

  13. #15973
    Quote Originally Posted by Mendzia View Post
    Looks like you just want participation trophy for being on this boss instead trying to fix something, okay.

    Compared to later game this boss is really, really easy and you don't really need to do much with your character to kill him.
    My Witch was extremely unoptimised when i finished Act 1 which i noticed on later encounters laughing at myself how could i be that bad 2 days earlier.
    No, I would just like to be able to kill it without having to specifically tune the toon for ONE specific phase in act ONE (the tutorial act) of the game. I know that as soon as I manage to adjust the sorc to bishot the wolves I’m done since I get to the puppies part without using any single potion charge, but I’m pissed off I’m already required to do such things in act - again - ONE.

    Even the first PoE was not remotely as bad as this in A1.

  14. #15974
    Quote Originally Posted by chiddie View Post
    but I’m pissed off I’m already required to do such things in act - again - ONE.
    Why? Is it too difficult to tune your toon?

  15. #15975
    Quote Originally Posted by chiddie View Post
    Even the first PoE was not remotely as bad as this in A1.

    Again... what exactly is the problem?
    I did this as a warrior with only auto attacks.
    That's pretty much the definition of " mindless pew pew" or in that case "unga bunga"?
    It took only 2 minutes as well.

    I think some amount of difficulty can be expected, for an Act 1 *endboss*. What makes you think that's a tutorial boss? A feverdream?
    It's not an alien concept to farm 1+2 more levels or something if you really struggle.

    This isn't the first boss in the game, by now you fought against like... 6+ ?
    What did you do against the executioner before you even get to the manor, that one hits harder and has way more adds than the endboss.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; 2024-12-11 at 11:30 AM.

  16. #15976
    Quote Originally Posted by chiddie View Post
    No, I would just like to be able to kill it without having to specifically tune the toon for ONE specific phase in act ONE
    You can do it easily but you clearly do not want to.

    Quote Originally Posted by chiddie View Post
    (the tutorial act) of the game.
    Using your logic you can also say that first 3 acts are just tutorial of next difficulty level so it also should be piss easy.

    Quote Originally Posted by chiddie View Post
    I know that as soon as I manage to adjust the sorc to bishot the wolves I’m done since I get to the puppies part without using any single potion charge, but I’m pissed off I’m already required to do such things in act - again - ONE.
    I do not know much about sorc but here you go - you got your simple recipe to win and yet you are unwilling to use it.

    Quote Originally Posted by chiddie View Post
    Even the first PoE was not remotely as bad as this in A1.
    Depends to what time of PoE1 you reply to.
    I played it during various leagues... but was also testing 1st beta... and that was something else.

    Anyway - i won't try to convince you anymore as you are just blaming the game for your unsuccessful play instead changing 1 skill which you by yourself pointed out.

  17. #15977
    Quote Originally Posted by Rageonit View Post
    Why? Is it too difficult to tune your toon?
    I don’t know. I guess I would have to try others skills I don’t use and see if one of them can blast the fog puppies quickly. Firewall + static orb + spark doesn’t work fast enough. I read ice is OP maybe I could switch to that but having to manage this stuff this early is annoying for me.

  18. #15978
    Quote Originally Posted by chiddie View Post
    I don’t know. I guess I would have to try others skills I don’t use and see if one of them can blast the fog puppies quickly. Firewall + static orb + spark doesn’t work fast enough. I read ice is OP maybe I could switch to that but having to manage this stuff this early is annoying for me.
    But it's also a nice opportunity to get to know different builds/skills and their weak/strong sides. At this point of the game, it doesn't cost anything. Say the campaign is easy enough to storm through in any shit build, and only in the endgame do you realize how many mistakes you made - after investing so much into your character. THAT would probably make you even more pissed, no?

    I'd argue it's actually a good thing if a game like this has those walls that force you to discover early how your class works.
    Last edited by Rageonit; 2024-12-11 at 11:39 AM.

  19. #15979
    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    Again... what exactly is the problem?
    I did this as a warrior with only auto attacks.
    That's pretty much the definition of " mindless pew pew" or in that case "unga bunga"?
    It took only 2 minutes as well.

    I think some amount of difficulty can be expected, for an Act 1 *endboss*. What makes you think that's a tutorial boss? A feverdream?
    It's not an alien concept to farm 1+2 more levels or something if you really struggle.

    This isn't the first boss in the game, by now you fought against like... 6+ ?
    What did you do against the executioner before you even get to the manor, that one hits harder and has way more adds than the endboss.
    Executioner died at first try. It took ages but as ranged I didn’t have those many issues. It’s true he summons stuff but the arena is larger and his minions are nowhere as fast and though as the wolves puppies.

    The problem with Sorc is that once you are surrounded, you either kill surrounding mobs fast enough or you’re dead, rolling out is not enough.

    Edit: oh, and also a waypoint at the beginning of the boss floor would be appreciated, I’m not that happy having to redo the whole manor again for the 4th time -.-
    Last edited by chiddie; 2024-12-11 at 11:46 AM.

  20. #15980
    The Unstoppable Force Gaidax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chiddie View Post
    Those are all things I can do, but I should not be expected to do in act ONE of any game. I should just be able to pew pew with whatever gear/skill at this stage of the game.
    I think you're correct and people who are telling you to gitgud are off base.

    All in all - it should indeed be a tutorial Act with a final boss that is not too much of an issue to dispatch with whatever you scrounged and did so far in these first few hours give or take.

    I think the game should ease in new players into this with correct difficulty curve. It's kind of funny, by the way, that said difficulty curve is pretty much lopsided - when you get to this boss in Cruel (NG+) difficulty - you simply destroy it. I have a feeling it should be the other way around.

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