1. #16501
    Quote Originally Posted by tikcol View Post
    I have 200 hours clocked and I haven't seen a single citadel. I'd say 160 of those were mapping. If I'm doing something wrong, there's an argument for that I shouldn't be able to do something *this* wrong to begin with.

    I am only clearing juiced nodes, not like I'm doing all nodes in the map. I've also checked multiple times if I didn't miss one.
    This guy discovered a dozen of citadels in this...weird...way.
    Seems like a schizo take but who knows!
    Hope this helps you:

    Last edited by Big Thanks; 2024-12-30 at 07:34 PM.

  2. #16502
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grimbold21 View Post
    I mean, as a noob who's midway through act 2 on cruel, I gotta say I'm a bit disappointed in the difficulty of the game in this later setting.

    I was expecting some what of a spike, but it's been a breeze so far, and I've been an Ice Strike monk from the start. Add shattering palm to the mix and everything explodes.

    I understand that as you grow more powerful the game evidently becomes easier, but I think I'd appreciate the struggle of the early game to somewhat exist later on.
    I'm assuming that act 1-3 cruel don't properly resemble the difficulty of acts 4-6 and to be fair probably shouldn't. They probably didn't think very hard about it and it's most important job is that it bridges early game and late game, people getting caught up on it or burned out would be the worst possible outcome.

  3. #16503
    Quote Originally Posted by Beastiel View Post
    I'm assuming that act 1-3 cruel don't properly resemble the difficulty of acts 4-6 and to be fair probably shouldn't. They probably didn't think very hard about it and it's most important job is that it bridges early game and late game, people getting caught up on it or burned out would be the worst possible outcome.
    I think HP wise it's probably about accurate. I think what you'll see is mobs with more mechanics or rather more punishing mechanics in act 4/5/6. Think in PoE1 like when you made it to act 6 and the fucking karui archers dumpster you with mass arrow rains of every element that you definitely didn't quite shore up before beginning act 6. Something that I think happens to all of us that first playthrough
    Dragonflight Summary, "Because friendship is magic"

  4. #16504
    Quote Originally Posted by Volatilis View Post
    Theres no way PoE 2 is anywhere close to the blink and you miss it gameplay of the zoomest's ARPG's.
    Do you still think that? Lol. Some of the videos I've seen...
    Quote Originally Posted by Gorsameth View Post
    The worst thing they can do is try to please both sides and satisfy neither.
    Agree and I hope they choose "make it different" because I already tried and quit POE1 eons ago for this very reason.

  5. #16505
    Quote Originally Posted by prwraith View Post
    Speaking of designs..

    The gem tab is attrocious. Gems need to stack like the f currency tab lmao
    Ugh. yeah. The idea is nice, but it was easier and better to buy what you needed in gems from Lily.

    A lot of things in POE 1 worked perfectly fine once you were aware of them or how to do a thing. The issues were entirely in GGG's poor way of pointing those things out to people.

    It doesn't make any sense that this mythical "new player" (who has never played any video games previously and chose POE 2 for some reason as their first game,) would be more confused by going to a Gem Vendor than this Uncut Gem system in POE2.

    All you have to do is put a sign over the NPC that says; Lily Roth [Skill Gem Vendor].

    So frustrating to me what we lost in POE 2 from POE 1.

    Quote Originally Posted by tikcol View Post
    I have 200 hours clocked and I haven't seen a single citadel. I'd say 160 of those were mapping. If I'm doing something wrong, there's an argument for that I shouldn't be able to do something *this* wrong to begin with.

    I am only clearing juiced nodes, not like I'm doing all nodes in the map. I've also checked multiple times if I didn't miss one.
    I found 3 or so. Every "method" I have seen tracking them down has been bullshit.

    Really, I am supposed to analyze the direction of the brooms on the ground? What the fuck even is this?

  6. #16506
    Quote Originally Posted by Fencers View Post
    So frustrating to me what we lost in POE 2 from POE1
    Yea I'd say as a general rule they've invented problems in poe2 that were well and truly solved in Poe1. Which is kinda mind boggling
    Dragonflight Summary, "Because friendship is magic"

  7. #16507
    Quote Originally Posted by prwraith View Post
    Yea I'd say as a general rule they've invented problems in poe2 that were well and truly solved in Poe1. Which is kinda mind boggling
    I think there was a point about a year or so ago, when Johnathan and Mark said the dev teams split and more started working on POE2 - that froze the design systems of POE2. Settlers was made by like 12 people. But some of the things in POE2 seem like things left over from POE pre-3.16 or so.

    Why else would POE 2 seemingly be using the old armor methodology? Why would MF work this way? Etc. It just seems like they were working off the bones of POE1 3.10-3.16 and haven't updated the underlying systems.

    Why the hell does Recoup work this way?

  8. #16508
    The Lightbringer zEmini's Avatar
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    Level 76 titan warrior. Just doing maps. XP progress is pretty slow and dying really puts me back. I need more of those djinn things so I can do the trails but I am not finding any.

  9. #16509
    Quote Originally Posted by BeepBoo View Post
    Do you still think that? Lol. Some of the videos I've seen...

    Agree and I hope they choose "make it different" because I already tried and quit POE1 eons ago for this very reason.
    I've seen the flicker strike builds yes

  10. #16510
    Quote Originally Posted by zEmini View Post
    Level 76 titan warrior. Just doing maps. XP progress is pretty slow and dying really puts me back. I need more of those djinn things so I can do the trails but I am not finding any.
    XP seems absolutely brutal, like the intent is very much for players to take much of a season to hit 100. Especially if they keep the double whammy of map deaths being - lose 10% xp and the map/drops you haven't picked up -_-

  11. #16511
    DarthMicrotransaction TV made a video "shitting" on other people's theories (like the video i posted) about how to spawn citadels...sorry about that
    Seems like is all fake.


  12. #16512
    Is there a reason to do Trials that do NOT give you ascendancy points? E.g I got some Bariya coins and stuff that will not give me points as I need to do higher level - is there any reason to do them at all in that case? Are the rewards vs effort worth it? Or what should I do with all the useless coins?

  13. #16513
    Quote Originally Posted by Snakepit View Post
    Is there a reason to do Trials that do NOT give you ascendancy points? E.g I got some Bariya coins and stuff that will not give me points as I need to do higher level - is there any reason to do them at all in that case? Are the rewards vs effort worth it? Or what should I do with all the useless coins?
    Only thing useful would be relic drops to get better relics for the higher level trial runs where you will want honor resistance so you don't take so much honor damage

  14. #16514
    Quote Originally Posted by Snakepit View Post
    Is there a reason to do Trials that do NOT give you ascendancy points? E.g I got some Bariya coins and stuff that will not give me points as I need to do higher level - is there any reason to do them at all in that case? Are the rewards vs effort worth it? Or what should I do with all the useless coins?
    Last boss in each one drops chase items
    Dragonflight Summary, "Because friendship is magic"

  15. #16515
    Quote Originally Posted by prwraith View Post
    Last boss in each one drops chase items
    Chase items? What do you mean?

  16. #16516
    Quote Originally Posted by Snakepit View Post
    Chase items? What do you mean?
    Ultimatum - if you want corrupted drops.
    Sanctum - good for farming relics for things like honor damage resistance to take on the harder difficulties.

    Chase items are usually powerful/desirable items, usually from specific higher end bosses that take some doing to farm (though not always). Not sure what drops from each, but I'm sure the "last last boss" has a strong unique that only drops from them, respectively.

  17. #16517
    Quote Originally Posted by Snakepit View Post
    Chase items? What do you mean?
    Highly desirable items one would aspire to own. You chase after them, so to speak.

  18. #16518
    Titan Grimbold21's Avatar
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    So I take it the whole game will be slower and harder was a philosophy applicable only to normal difficulty...

    One doesn't need to get to maps or whatever end game you're doing to see you blast through things.

    I'll be surprised if Ice Strike or just cold in general doesn't get nerfed.

  19. #16519
    Quote Originally Posted by Grimbold21 View Post
    So I take it the whole game will be slower and harder was a philosophy applicable only to normal difficulty...

    One doesn't need to get to maps or whatever end game you're doing to see you blast through things.

    I'll be surprised if Ice Strike or just cold in general doesn't get nerfed.
    Its not for nothing that you can't fully freeze bosses in PoE 1.
    It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death

  20. #16520
    Just me or has Monk's [Quarterstaff] Charged Staff ability's range been reduced?

    Feels a fair bit shorter than what I recall 2 weeks ago [took a break]. Was IMBA while using Tempest Flurry shooting out electric waves faster than a Ranger's attack.

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