1. #16661
    Quote Originally Posted by Fencers View Post
    Can zoom out in the atlas further.

    You can overwrite runes.

    Warrior sucks, but is also good. But it also sucks and you should deal.

    You get 6 tries at Arbiter. Other pinnacles to come.

    More towers.

    New tablets to spawn bosses.

    Strongboxes are buffed. But still feel bad.

    Visibility improvements of exploding enemies.

    Lots of bug fixes.

    Citadel have a light in the fog.

    Uniques buffed, but... uh, don't get your hopes up.

    Lots of under the hood changes like mod weights, rarity rolls, etc.

    Console item filters.

    Una sings a song.

    Patch notes this week with more changes.
    Cool thank you

  2. #16662
    So for those who actually listened, is GGG going to move PoE 2 closer to PoE 1 or do they seem committed to making it play differently and killing the zoom skills to make the gameplay more like ruthless?
    It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death

  3. #16663
    Quote Originally Posted by Nzx View Post
    ??? Did you miss the part where this is literally an early access release with more than half of the campaign content, some classes, 50% more ascendancies for the classes we already have, half the weapon types, skills from the weapons we do have, and a bunch of league mechanics aren't even finished yet?
    ??? Did you miss the part where I say

    "I dont have reason to play poe2 again until they release actually new content." The game isnt impressive in its current form with more than half of the campaign content, some classes, 50% more ascendancies for the classes we already have, half the weapon types, skills from the weapons we do have, and a bunch of league mechanics aren't even finished yet?

    Some of you guys I am worried are legitimately insane. They see anything negative and they forget all reading comprehension and instantly rage from 0 -> 100 when someone dares to say anything bad about the game since they think its masterpiece from day 1 is crazy. Some people think I talk something about replayablity or something an it makes no sense to me what they are even on about. It was always about the game not being fun rather than that I lack of content to play. Im not impressed by the inserting random arguments and lack of reading comprehension.

    Newsflash, games are supposed to be good waste of time, not just waste of time.
    Last edited by Morae; 2025-01-13 at 10:59 AM.

  4. #16664
    Quote Originally Posted by Gorsameth View Post
    So for those who actually listened, is GGG going to move PoE 2 closer to PoE 1 or do they seem committed to making it play differently and killing the zoom skills to make the gameplay more like ruthless?
    Still hard to say. On one hand they like the slower approach for campaign, but when you hit maps "you should feel powerful" and they're still leaning towards map clearing zoomers. They did say that the more maze-y maps should feel better for those that want a feel closer to the campaign, whereas the large open outdoor maps would cater more towards the one-click screen clears; not that this is their explicit design, but just that the outdoor maps can't really funnel and keep enemy groups separated as well as indoor maze maps.

    They did say that Breach has way too many enemies. So many that if they cut it by 20%, the players wouldn't notice because that 20% is unable to spawn in the first place (but they get tons of error logs letting them know LOL).

    EDIT: They also mentioned that Pinnacle Bosses should be a ~3 min fight the 1st time you get to them, and that's what they are aiming for balance-wise.

    Personally, I'd love to see an ARPG that had an end-game that's closer to PoE2's campaign, with a slower, more tactical approach to combat. Every ARPG seems to just give up and go full on AoE spam for end game, and honestly, after 25 years of the genre, its getting stale. But, if they can keep the campaign slower-paced all the way through Act 6, then that's good enough for me; I guess I'll just stop at the low tier maps and move on to a new character just like I do PoE1. /shrug Hopefully they'll add a league mechanic to the Atlas that caters towards the slower-paced combat.
    Last edited by Cyclone Jack; 2025-01-13 at 11:41 AM.

  5. #16665
    Quote Originally Posted by Gorsameth View Post
    So for those who actually listened, is GGG going to move PoE 2 closer to PoE 1 or do they seem committed to making it play differently and killing the zoom skills to make the gameplay more like ruthless?
    It seems they kinda intended for the endgame to be closer in speed to POE1. They suggested that maybe we get too fast, too quickly and thought it would take us longer to reach lightspeed. However, they did intend for us to Zoom at higher tiers/levels.

    They said bosses at the very top end should be like 2-3 minute fights.

    So yeah, we are supposed to blast after campaign. We just did so faster than they expected and they didn't have enough content ready to slow down blasters yet.

    Neither Mark or Johnathan seemed displeased with good builds/players being cracked in t15s.

    Edit: I should say that I am in favor of a much faster game. But I am just presenting what Mark and Johnathan said and suggested here. Not making my own statement of preference above.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I thought this guy's reactions were adorable.

    Last edited by Fencers; 2025-01-13 at 11:54 AM.

  6. #16666
    Patch supposedly coming tomorrow.

    Edit: Official post on the data breach.

    Last edited by Fencers; 2025-01-16 at 12:10 AM.

  7. #16667

  8. #16668
    "Reviving Minions that died from being out-of-range of you now instead immediately revive near you."

    is going to be huge QoL for me. Haven't played PoE2 in a while, this should bring me back.
    "In order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must be intolerant of intolerance." Paradox of tolerance

  9. #16669

  10. #16670
    woot, armour buffed 15% so it's still largely useless. they really gotta prioritize whatever their "proper" fix for armour is because having an entire class of gear functionally be garbage is not fuckin it.

    The improvement is small.
    Last edited by Edge-; 2025-01-16 at 05:08 PM.

  11. #16671
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    The improvement is small.
    "Use a shield." - Mark

  12. #16672
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    woot, armour buffed 15% so it's still largely useless. they really gotta prioritize whatever their "proper" fix for armour is because having an entire class of gear functionally be garbage is not fuckin it.

    The improvement is small.
    And its so stupid because they buffed PoE 1's armour (back when it was the same formula as PoE 2 is now) by 140% and even then its not amazing and needs the other dmg reductions like Enduring charges.

    to give it a 15% buff is just insulting.
    It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death

  13. #16673
    Quote Originally Posted by Gorsameth View Post
    And its so stupid because they buffed PoE 1's armour (back when it was the same formula as PoE 2 is now) by 140% and even then its not amazing and needs the other dmg reductions like Enduring charges.

    to give it a 15% buff is just insulting.
    Mark did say that it would be a very small buff because they wanted to "solve" armour in another way down the road. So it's the Early Access, "Wait until they fix this big mechanic" waiting game.

  14. #16674
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Mark did say that it would be a very small buff because they wanted to "solve" armour in another way down the road. So it's the Early Access, "Wait until they fix this big mechanic" waiting game.
    I don't have access to their metrics. However, I strongly suspect this is a design issue not with Armour but with the rending of Hits as a universal type of all monster attacks.

    Thinking about the problem from a top-down position, it is likely that Mark is being truthful in saying this issue is solved through design rather than just adjusting the values on X or Y.

    For players, it just feels bad in the course of play. Fair enough. Though I would bet going down the well of secondary defense layers to Armour such as Fortification wouldn't solve the issue either because it is fundamentally rooted in the source of damage; Hits.

    A meme for fellow Warrior bros in the meantime...

    Last edited by Fencers; 2025-01-16 at 08:41 PM.

  15. #16675
    I want to play more but I dunno, I'm just genuinely mad at the game and frustrated with it. Who on earth ever thought mobs being able to push you literally clear across a map was a good thing? Who thinks that's fun? Who played PoE and thought to themselves, "Do you know what this game needs? More ways to lose control of my character." I guess I should reroll ranged and play a metacuck build like everyone else. JUST USE HOICE FOR CLEAR, EXCITING.

    Also I'm unsure what the solution for armour is when enemies also having armour break to basically invalidate an entire defensive layer exists.

  16. #16676
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Also I'm unsure what the solution for armour is when enemies also having armour break to basically invalidate an entire defensive layer exists.
    Nah, that's good design. Chaos bypasses ES. Accuracy/Can't Miss Spells counter EV.

    Ideally, there should never be a single defensive layer that can counter all types of Hits. There ought to be a Hit that ignores each type of defense strike.

    So if a player had say Armour, Block, EV, ES, and Suppression - there should be a discrete way for a monster to defeat each of those strikes. Monster A's Hit brakes armor, -1 strike. Monster B's Hit 'Can't Be Blocked', -1 strike. Monster C's Hit 'Can't Be Evaded', -1 strike. Etc.

    A way some games solved this issue of a single untyped or hurt source was by having sub-layers of a given attribute. "+10 Armor against Slashing Damage", "+10 Block Spells", etc.

  17. #16677
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    I want to play more but I dunno, I'm just genuinely mad at the game and frustrated with it. Who on earth ever thought mobs being able to push you literally clear across a map was a good thing? Who thinks that's fun? Who played PoE and thought to themselves, "Do you know what this game needs? More ways to lose control of my character." I guess I should reroll ranged and play a metacuck build like everyone else. JUST USE HOICE FOR CLEAR, EXCITING.

    Also I'm unsure what the solution for armour is when enemies also having armour break to basically invalidate an entire defensive layer exists.

    They don't even need armor break, many abilities have overwhelm, which just ignores armor even if they have physical damage.
    On top of that. ES has more defensive options than armor. Or rather you can eliminate the weakness of ES through various means, but you can't do it for armor.

    Chaos only deals double damage, but you get way more than 2x the EHP than with armor anyway, so whatever.
    Poison bypasses it, but you can be immune,
    You can be immune to Chaos damage in general, and you'll still have more EHP than with armor in basically every imaginable scenario that matters.

    Armor is simply too weak for what it offers AND it has direct counters that ignore it.
    Funnily enough, lots of things don't even touch armor because even strikes/hits etc. can deal elemental damage (deals X% as extra Colddamage or whatever, and if I'm not mistaken, armor is *not* reducing the damage first, so it's extra X% of 100% physical damage, not X% of 100%-Armor% damage), so why would anyone ever pick it.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; 2025-01-16 at 09:50 PM.

  18. #16678
    Quote Originally Posted by Gorsameth View Post
    And its so stupid because they buffed PoE 1's armour (back when it was the same formula as PoE 2 is now) by 140% and even then its not amazing and needs the other dmg reductions like Enduring charges.

    to give it a 15% buff is just insulting.
    Were you able to roll in poe 1 ? I guess not.

  19. #16679
    Patch appears to have fucked up totems on warrior, they no longer auto-trigger and their detection/speed seems awful now, based on what I'm seeing some folks posting on reddit. likely a bug, but just hilarious to me

  20. #16680
    I'll give GGG this. It's impressive they stick to their guns. Especially when so many of their changes are just kind..eh

    I think most developers would overswing just to make it feel better (aka armor) in the short term
    Dragonflight Summary, "Because friendship is magic"

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