...For...for reals?!
I thought they only shipped by land in the States. This changes everything!!!
Not sure I've seen his stuff. Will have to check it out if it isn't too scawy. Man, my debit card is going to be hurting after I hit up the site for merch.
I know Anassi, but redbubble lacks a few shirts I'd want.
Although it did have that wonderful "Heroines of the Wasteland" shirt, but I can order that later.
Oh, and the Calamity one. :3
Nah, Rampage, Lacunae, Blackjack, Scotch Tape [instert a list that goes on and on here].. are all beter than Homage!
Well ok, Homage is pretty neat but really?
No. Left it on all night (because, you know, slow load), and it's ok for now.
I remember someone here talking about having issues with it taking so long. That's the only reason I remember that they did.
Does this call for a party?