Some pony dance for my entertainment :P
"Would you please let me join your p-p-party?
As you may be aware, San Diego Comic Con is happening right now, and along with all the other neat things announced there, this just happened: IDW and Hasbro have just announced a My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic comic series, by Catie Cook and Andy Price. It is slated to come out in November. You can find an article here that has more information. I, for one, am super exited to see it!
and finally big image is big
Last edited by Pendulous; 2012-07-13 at 12:46 AM.
Good night Ponies
"Would you please let me join your p-p-party?
Hi there Everypony,
I need help correcting a MLP Fanfic I wrote recently. I am looking for a Volunteer who wants to read and correct my story for me.
English isn't my first language since I am from Germany, yes the country where "Lothar Matthäus English" comes from. (>.<) There might be spelling Mistakes, wrong used tenses or dowdy Sentences within the text. I want to polish the Fic as much as I can before I publish it anywhere. I need someone to help me with that and give me constructive feedback or critic about it.
Unfortunately I do not know anyone in my circle of acquaintances who is a Brony and speaks/writes English well so I need someone else to aid me.
My goal is to send it to Equestria Daily and get it listed on their page. They have a very tight rulebook how Fics should be and it sounds like they are very unforgiving encountering mistakes. So only contact me if you seriously want to help me.
As a Volunteer English should be your first language and you should be very familiar with Grammar in general. You might even have written your own Stories or Blogs or whatever so you have other experiences that might help. You should be a Brony and actually like MLP FiM (because that's what is the story about)
Of course I will give you Credit for your help in the Authors Notes when we are done. If you want to help me send me a PM and if I think you can handle the task I will send you the Link to the Fic
I only need one skilled person to do the Job. I had 2 at the same time before but they impeded each other -.-. again please take it seriously, I guess you won't be finished in 30 Mins.. so please take your time so we can make this story as perfect as possible.
Send me a PM if you think you are up to the task
EDIT: Gotta sleep now
Last edited by Uriel; 2012-07-13 at 12:49 AM.