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More viable champions is always good. Hope it turns out well.
Also, with regards to JC--if you wanna scare the crap out of your lane opponent, stay in ranged form. When you can, land rE+rQ combo, hit rW, R to swap to melee, mQ to them, activate mW, wail on them with maximum attack speed hammer stance, then mE and back off. I've fought AD Nidalee, Jarvan, and a Renekton so far, and before about 10 minutes this combo does 65-80% of their max health (starting boots 3 or cloth 5).
(The notation I'm using is just Q,W,E,R prefaced with m for hammer stance and r for cannon stance.)
Depends on how you build him. I go tanky DPS with Triforce and Bloodthirster, possibly a Brutalizer somewhere in there then a Frozen Heart for CDR. Max CDR JC is really strong, and the Bloodthirster helps his damage stay high and gives him some staying power in teamfights with lifesteal.
Oh bother.