I'm yet to watch Season 2 of GoT actually. So I'm still abrupt to spoilers for that. I really should get on to it.
Anywho, I've procrastinated enough and should get to doing some work. Bye all.
Aah, didn't know Pend was here.
It can get quite silly in a life-gain deck, but it's expensive to get out.
Seems I underestimated the popularity of M:TG in the thread. Thanks. Sorry about the jelliness, can't do much about that.
3DS Friend Code: 0146-9205-4817. Could show as either Chris or Chrysia.
Well you also have to look at it from the other side Arrowstorm. Try and turn the situation.
---------- Post added 2012-07-15 at 07:24 AM ----------
i dont care too much for the show either, then again the only movies i liked based off the books were the harry potter movies =/ i couldnt get into the books