Gemini still about?
"Would you please let me join your p-p-party?
Draw Blue Thunder having to do lots o' paper work in the office just like I do on tuesdays xD
Doodles is the filly, Etcha'sketch is the stallion.
I drew these awhile ago, but their designs haven't actually changed at all.
CYOA comic updated regularly!
Not necessarily, they may have originally been female. But, yeah, 63'd spa twins are attractive.
Also, I love this song.
Good morning ponies! How is everyone?
Turns out the massive storms we had fried the 9.2 surround sound system and our good computer (the one with a vidya card with 2 GB of GDDR5 and 16 GB of RAM and 2 TB hard drive space). I was extremely upset.
Fortunately, we have renter's insurance, which should cover part of the cost...but still.