I mean, Quantum Conundrum is only a few weeks old so it would've been awesome to get it for -33% already, but nooooo.
Besides, narrated by freakin' Discord!
Guess what, I been unbanned for what? 12 hours, and already been infracted because they didn't like my signature. Is it just me, or is it really challenging to simply be able to casually post in this forum?
I mean, Quantum Conundrum is only a few weeks old so it would've been awesome to get it for -33% already, but nooooo.
Besides, narrated by freakin' Discord!
I voted for it because it looks like an interesting game. I have no interest in adding yet another dungeon crawler to my list of games. I guess everyone was like SIXTY PERCENT OFF IS MORE THEN 33 MUST VOTE FOR THAT ONE.
I voted for it because it looks like an interesting game. I have no interest in adding yet another dungeon crawler to my list of games. I guess everyone was like SIXTY PERCENT OFF IS MORE THEN 33 MUST VOTE FOR THAT ONE.
I voted for it because it looks like an interesting game. I have no interest in adding yet another dungeon crawler to my list of games. I guess everyone was like SIXTY PERCENT OFF IS MORE THEN 33 MUST VOTE FOR THAT ONE.
I kinda knew it'd end like this. People just look at percentages and pick the highest one.
And yeah, I played the demo and it seems great.
Sorry for the troubles you're going through, Dag, but if it's too big it's too big. If you think moderators are unfairly harassing you, please feel free to let Sunshine know so she can investigate.
Well can you at least send out a warning first. It's really annoying to get automatically banned by a automated system for something I could change in 10 seconds if I got a warning that says I got 12 hours to fix it, or I will be infracted.