Twilight Sparkle pic done. Doing another soon. Link for those who want to comment or favorite or just you know, what ever.
actual picture for those who DON'T want to click the link, but you know, it makes me a sad panda when you don.t Q.Q
Also, i'm still livestreaming. For those who want to check it out.
Dinner time, cya later ponies
* Shakes wet mane around
Back from sauna!
I write, too! ▬► OC Sky Shatter first-person narrative: Breakthrough
You wanted it, you got it — ask Lady Rarity and Sky Shatter on Tumblr
I initially wanted to mention the mouseover functionality, but then I remembered that you could just macro those. Still, it's much more annoying.
Also, rockets at Saurfang.
Stoopid Ryanair, lower your prices for the friday 24th flight already!
Hate it how it keeps bouncing back and forth. x_x
Didn't I say 7 hours ago that I was exhausted, not going to draw, and was heading to bed?
I write, too! ▬► OC Sky Shatter first-person narrative: Breakthrough
You wanted it, you got it — ask Lady Rarity and Sky Shatter on Tumblr