1. #30561
    Quote Originally Posted by Sofii View Post
    Well, I failed at staying up and passed out at noon, woke up at 4pm. So, I'll try again tonight to not sleep.
    Good luck with that.

  2. #30562
    Blademaster Freyera's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Golden Sparkle View Post
    Watching Common Law, Criminal Minds, Law and Order: Criminal Intent, Law and Order: SVU, NCIS, and NCIS: LA it seems that laws are made to protect criminals, that is assuming that these shows use real US laws.
    Also, I can kill people and get away with it, just from watching these shows.
    Laws are made to protect the accused, as the system is supposed to believe you are innocent until proven guilty. What actually happens in the real world... well I'm not a police officer so...

    Sig: Elyssia | DJoron is the Best

  3. #30563
    Quote Originally Posted by Xelk View Post
    I think the Queen should reinstate the old longbow rule from the middle ages, then we can compete with the Americans in numbers of people with weapons that I wouldn't trust.
    Also longbows are cool, and we would be great arm wrestlers.
    Fun fact you likely know, given that you think longbows are cool.

    The rude gesture "flipping the bird," or raising one's middle finger, originated with English longbowmen. Longbowmen captured by the French at the time would have their middle fingers cut off, pretty much ruining their ability to use a bow. In response, prior to a volley, the longbowmen would show off to the French their in-tact middle digit, then proceed to feather them quite thoroughly.

    3DS Friend Code: 0146-9205-4817. Could show as either Chris or Chrysia.

  4. #30564
    The Lightbringer De Lupe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chrysia View Post
    Not quite. It's more like, as a country, we have, for some damn reason, a ludicrous number of criminal orginizations, from the petty to high crime. Depending on where you live, the chances of encountering said criminals can be minimal to quite high.
    Compton, for example, has like a murder a night because gangs have this strange mentality that they own the town and can do what they want.

    I want HIM in office.^^
    US - Eitrigg
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  5. #30565
    Dreadlord Sofii's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joyful View Post
    Good luck with that.
    Thanks. I just won't go anywhere near my bed this time.

  6. #30566
    Quote Originally Posted by Freyera View Post
    Laws are made to protect the accused, as the system is supposed to believe you are innocent until proven guilty. What actually happens in the real world... well I'm not a police officer so...
    Yea, but the "Guilty" are sometimes "Not Guilty," and the "Not Guilty" are sometimes "Guilty."

  7. #30567
    Quote Originally Posted by Freyera View Post
    Laws are made to protect the accused, as the system is supposed to believe you are innocent until proven guilty. What actually happens in the real world... well I'm not a police officer so...
    Feels like I wanna say something here, but I think I wont.

  8. #30568
    Dreadlord Sofii's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sasquatch View Post
    Compton, for example, has like a murder a night because gangs have this strange mentality that they own the town and can do what they want.
    Gangs can only do what they want in Gotham, and even then, only before Batman starts his work.

  9. #30569
    Quote Originally Posted by Sofii View Post
    Thanks. I just won't go anywhere near my bed this time.
    Yeah, well going to lay down without sleeping is damn near impossible, so suit your self

  10. #30570
    Blademaster Freyera's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chrysia View Post
    Fun fact you likely know, given that you think longbows are cool.

    The rude gesture "flipping the bird," or raising one's middle finger, originated with English longbowmen. Longbowmen captured by the French at the time would have their middle fingers cut off, pretty much ruining their ability to use a bow. In response, prior to a volley, the longbowmen would show off to the French their in-tact middle digit, then proceed to feather them quite thoroughly.
    While we're on fun facts about Longbows:

    Longbowmen were taken at age 7 to train to become a Longbowmen. Without the invention of the compound bow, they had to be specially trained to pull the bow back upwards of 250 pounds. As a result, the entire bone structure in their right arm changed as they grew to be able to do this, which of course, caused some problems in their later years.

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  11. #30571
    Immortal Vetali's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chrysia View Post
    Fun fact you likely know, given that you think longbows are cool.

    The rude gesture "flipping the bird," or raising one's middle finger, originated with English longbowmen. Longbowmen captured by the French at the time would have their middle fingers cut off, pretty much ruining their ability to use a bow. In response, prior to a volley, the longbowmen would show off to the French their in-tact middle digit, then proceed to feather them quite thoroughly.
    And then they invented trigger releases.

  12. #30572
    Dreadlord Sofii's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joyful View Post
    Feels like I wanna say something here, but I think I wont.
    I was meant to ask you this last night, are you male or female?


  13. #30573
    Immortal Zelk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chrysia View Post
    Fun fact you likely know, given that you think longbows are cool.

    The rude gesture "flipping the bird," or raising one's middle finger, originated with English longbowmen. Longbowmen captured by the French at the time would have their middle fingers cut off, pretty much ruining their ability to use a bow. In response, prior to a volley, the longbowmen would show off to the French their in-tact middle digit, then proceed to feather them quite thoroughly.
    Sorry, I'm a history nerd.

    The "one-finger salute," or at any rate sexual gestures involving the middle finger, are thousands of years old. In Gestures: Their Origins and Distribution, Desmond Morris and colleagues note that the digitus infamis or digitus impudicus (infamous or indecent finger) is mentioned several times in the literature of ancient Rome. Turning to our vast classical library, we quickly turn up three references. Two are from the epigrammatist Martial: "Laugh loudly, Sextillus, when someone calls you a queen and put your middle finger out."

  14. #30574
    Quote Originally Posted by Sofii View Post
    Also, this is one of the awesomest costumes I have ever seen. Wolverine Fett is best Mutant Bounty Hunter.
    That is ridiculously amazing.

  15. #30575
    Quote Originally Posted by Sofii View Post
    I was meant to ask you this last night, are you male or female?


    [img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m746ibWKWL1qkvbwso1_500.png[ /img]
    Male, think you've asked before.

  16. #30576
    Stood in the Fire Azmaria's Avatar
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    Life doesn’t get easier, we just grow stronger.

  17. #30577
    Dreadlord Sofii's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joyful View Post
    Male, think you've asked before.
    I have not, but I suspected as much.

  18. #30578
    Quote Originally Posted by Vetali View Post
    And then they invented trigger releases.
    Actually, trigger released projectile weaponry predates the longbow by at least several centuries. There are well documented instances of Greek and Roman crossbow designs.

    The longbow, as Frey described above, was so long in coming because of the strength it required to draw it. The human arm isn't naturally made to hold up to that.

    3DS Friend Code: 0146-9205-4817. Could show as either Chris or Chrysia.

  19. #30579
    The Lightbringer De Lupe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sofii View Post
    Gangs can only do what they want in Gotham, and even then, only before Batman starts his work.
    Have you ever seen the shit these gangs pull off?

    They raid a person's house just because he "dissed" them by walking into "their" territory and shoot him, his mom, siblings, and any one else caught in the house at the time...in broad day light.

    And then the cops can't arrest them because there's always 20 other people who all say "Na, he didn't do it. He was here with me."
    US - Eitrigg
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  20. #30580
    Quote Originally Posted by Xelk View Post
    Sorry, I'm a history nerd.

    The "one-finger salute," or at any rate sexual gestures involving the middle finger, are thousands of years old. In Gestures: Their Origins and Distribution, Desmond Morris and colleagues note that the digitus infamis or digitus impudicus (infamous or indecent finger) is mentioned several times in the literature of ancient Rome. Turning to our vast classical library, we quickly turn up three references. Two are from the epigrammatist Martial: "Laugh loudly, Sextillus, when someone calls you a queen and put your middle finger out."
    Ok, so it didn't originate with them. I guess "came back in vogue" would be more appropriate then. I'm quite certain that, at the time, the middle finger thing wasn't otherwise a common rude gesture in the area.

    3DS Friend Code: 0146-9205-4817. Could show as either Chris or Chrysia.

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