Would anypony be intrested in me streaming 2½ hours of heroic spine wipes followed by a normal kill of the last 2 bosses?
Don't get too excited. I've drawing...uh...
One, two, three, four, five...
I'm drawing Tavi in the same Wind Waker-esque style as Solazz's, at least six different times in different poses every time, possibly ten times. This is gonna take a while, especially considering I'm trying to translate human anatomy accurately and believably to pony anatomy.
I should also technically be working on Sasquatch's first, but his idea is a tad lackluster (his OC needs work too) compared to Vergil!Tavi, an idea I (obviously) adore.
I need to talk to him. >.<
What'd you eat? :<
[Spider Dance - Toby Fox] [♫] [t] [Splinterfox | MW/BM | Tanaris-NA]
[OSaS A1 ~ 80% Completion] ~ [Thank You, MLP] ~ [ ??? ]
I return from napping!
Hey guise, I return from somewhere!
Be warned: nothing is going on atm, officers are discussing what our options are. Nopony knows what will happen.
But, if you still wanna poke around: http://www.livestream.com/mehman