1. #32061
    Bloodsail Admiral Coffer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pendulous View Post
    So, The Amazing Spiderman was good. Warning to Frey and others: They really emphasize the holy-crap-it's-a-spider, throughout the first part of the movie. I like smart-ass Peter over emo Peter by far, but there was still....something that I didn't like about him. I couldn't put my finger on it. The similarities to the other story are obvious, and I didn't really prefer one over the other. The only thing that bothered me at the end is that Gwen knows he's Spiderman, and Aunt May probably does. So it stands to reason that Gwen knows how he became Spiderman, because he shows her the spider. If she really wanted, she could hop on up and find the massive amount of spiders, and get bitten herself. Not knowing anything about the comics, it stands to reason she could become Spidergirl or whatever her name was.

    Second movie looks to be scheduled to be released in 2014, at least according to IMDB.
    I only watched a playthrough of the game version (which was also released recently). How different was the movie from that?

  2. #32062
    Dreadlord Sofii's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vetali View Post
    If you are going for looks, the new Civics look terribad.

    Hyundai is a good car company if you buy their newer stuff.
    You know they're most likely talking about the game, right?

  3. #32063
    Quote Originally Posted by Drekmen View Post
    yeah yeah and now watch fate/stay night and zero


  4. #32064
    Fluffy Kitten Pendulous's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coffer View Post
    I only watched a playthrough of the game version (which was also released recently). How different was the movie from that?
    I don't know, I tend to avoid video games based off movies.

  5. #32065
    Blademaster Freyera's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coffer View Post
    I only watched a playthrough of the game version (which was also released recently). How different was the movie from that?
    Usually they are vastly different

    Sig: Elyssia | DJoron is the Best

  6. #32066
    Quote Originally Posted by Pendulous View Post
    So, The Amazing Spiderman was good. Warning to Frey and others: They really emphasize the holy-crap-it's-a-spider, throughout the first part of the movie. I like smart-ass Peter over emo Peter by far, but there was still....something that I didn't like about him. I couldn't put my finger on it. The similarities to the other story are obvious, and I didn't really prefer one over the other. The only thing that bothered me at the end is that Gwen knows he's Spiderman, and Aunt May probably does. So it stands to reason that Gwen knows how he became Spiderman, because he shows her the spider. If she really wanted, she could hop on up and find the massive amount of spiders, and get bitten herself. Not knowing anything about the comics, it stands to reason she could become Spidergirl or whatever her name was.

    Second movie looks to be scheduled to be released in 2014, at least according to IMDB.
    Ok, a couple of things. I love smart-ass Spidey, because that's classic Spidey. It's Spidey as he should be.

    Second the thing is, Gwen is a scientist, and, given the information they had and the results they were getting with their own experiments, Gwen likely viewed Pete as a fluke. There is simply no way, given the information they had and the trials they were going through with their splicing, that Pete should have lived, let alone gotten the powers he did. She would be [I]very[/I] careful before trying to replicate it, even if she really desired to.

    I could spoiler some more things, but I don't want to ruin movie 2 for you.

    3DS Friend Code: 0146-9205-4817. Could show as either Chris or Chrysia.

  7. #32067
    Quote Originally Posted by Pendulous View Post
    Eh, I don't like the new guy.(Havn't seen the movie yet)
    But then again, I don't like change.

  8. #32068
    Field Marshal Zanon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Golden Sparkle View Post
    You're having way too much fun with that. :P
    Please, continue.

    Night Thunder.
    I need to think up something new XD.

  9. #32069
    Immortal Vetali's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sofii View Post
    You know they're most likely talking about the game, right?
    Wait really? Shit hahaha.

    Pick whatever goes fastest.

  10. #32070
    Quote Originally Posted by Golden Sparkle View Post
    Eh, I don't like the new guy.(Havn't seen the movie yet)
    But then again, I don't like change.
    If you know anything about Spiderman canon, Andrew Garfield's portrayal is roughly 5000X better than Tobey Maquire's.

    3DS Friend Code: 0146-9205-4817. Could show as either Chris or Chrysia.

  11. #32071
    Quote Originally Posted by Zanon View Post
    I need to think up something new XD.
    Zanon editing an image of you.
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  12. #32072
    Fluffy Kitten Pendulous's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chrysia View Post
    Ok, a couple of things. I love smart-ass Spidey, because that's classic Spidey. It's Spidey as he should be.

    Second the thing is, Gwen is a scientist, and, given the information they had and the results they were getting with their own experiments, Gwen likely viewed Pete as a fluke. There is simply no way, given the information they had and the trials they were going through with their splicing, that Pete should have lived, let alone gotten the powers he did. She would be [I]very[/I] careful before trying to replicate it, even if she really desired to.

    I could spoiler some more things, but I don't want to ruin movie 2 for you.
    Feel free to spoiler me. If that's true, then why exactly did it work? There has to be some scientific (within the bounds of the universe of course) reason why he didn't suffer any drawbacks. It was never brought up in the movie, not once.

  13. #32073
    Quote Originally Posted by DarkFerret View Post
    Define old looking car.
    toyota corolla and nissan 240sx that are in that game for an example

  14. #32074
    Quote Originally Posted by Chrysia View Post
    If you know anything about Spiderman canon, Andrew Garfield's portrayal is roughly 5000X better than Tobey Maquire's.
    Well, I mean more of the actor... I agree, emo spider-man is horrible.

  15. #32075
    Blademaster Freyera's Avatar
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    Spec Ops continues to make you do horrible... horrible things.

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  16. #32076
    Immortal Vetali's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chrysia View Post
    If you know anything about Spiderman canon, Andrew Garfield's portrayal is roughly 5000X better than Tobey Maquire's.
    I didn't like his movies. I don't think I ever saw anything past spiderman 2. Even then I didn't like it.

  17. #32077
    Field Marshal Bluesparkks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coffer View Post
    It's hard to match a HUGE FREAKING SPIDER, after all. Doesn't make the game any worse though.
    It's not so much the spider itself as it is what you end up doing to it--first pincering a good number of its legs off, then almost drowning it, then even after you finally kill it, you have to rip off all its remaining legs and use its hairy body as a puzzle key. "Puzzle your way through some cold unfeeling factory" just can't compare, although like you said, pretty hard to follow up the spider and not disappoint, I think.

  18. #32078
    Bloodsail Admiral Coffer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drekmen View Post
    toyota corolla and nissan 240sx that are in that game for an example
    But the 240SX looks quite good.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pendulous View Post
    I don't know, I tend to avoid video games based off movies.
    This one wasn't that bad apparently.

  19. #32079
    Blademaster Freyera's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Golden Sparkle View Post
    Well, I mean more of the actor... I agree, emo spider-man is horrible.
    So Spiderman is more of a Smartass than a nerd?

    Sig: Elyssia | DJoron is the Best

  20. #32080
    Quote Originally Posted by Pendulous View Post
    Feel free to spoiler me. If that's true, then why exactly did it work? There has to be some scientific (within the bounds of the universe of course) reason why he didn't suffer any drawbacks. It was never brought up in the movie, not once.
    The spiders were spliced by his father with the correct formula before he went missing. Connors didn't know that, so was extremely hesitant to do any human trials without knowing more. There is also some speculation that Pete was prepared in some way for this, either intentionally or unintentionally.

    As for the super spoilery spoiler, Gwen Stacy is slated to die. Gotta make way for MJ, and it follows one of the early Spider-man plots for Gwen to get on the wrong end of one of his nemesis'.

    3DS Friend Code: 0146-9205-4817. Could show as either Chris or Chrysia.

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