Sig: Elyssia | DJoron is the Best
It doesn't happen often to me, but I have some...very odd cases. Like a 70 minute 21-2 Sniper game which we barely won (I was getting so frustrated with my team that I started making mistakes left, right and center), and that other game that I told you about a while ago where I left a game that was pretty much won because I was detrimental to my team.
---------- Post added 2012-07-18 at 04:23 AM ----------
It also means you get caught out less, and don't fall prey to greed. That was pretty much the inhouse players' biggest weakness. Plus, you make up for it via the extra farm.
I'm ashamed I still have In Flames discography on my HDD.
Oh both--
-stares blankly forward-
Exactly. Everyone rages and gets frustrated, but every individual shows it (or doesn't show it) in different ways. Personally, I usually never rage, but when I do or I get frustrated, I just get quieter and terser. Usually more focused too, but while trying to maintain enough awareness that I don't get totally tunnel visioned.
[Spider Dance - Toby Fox] [♫] [t] [Splinterfox | MW/BM | Tanaris-NA]
[OSaS A1 ~ 80% Completion] ~ [Thank You, MLP] ~ [ ??? ]
In Flames is my melodeath band of choice. They didn't get me into metal, I grew up listening to metal and rock thanks to my mom being a MASSIVE metal head in her day, as well as my aunt, so yeah there's that. And yes, in flames are really really good, i just like come clarity (album) more than any other. The song aint half bad either. My favorite in flames song though will ALWAYS be Reflect the storm. always. And I'm an ap Mid player in Lol. I CAN Ad carry solo top and jungle, i suck at support, but i prefer my AP mid <3
Sig: Elyssia | DJoron is the Best
I usually get both quieter and louder (quieter in the game, louder IRL), though I think I can usually still discern between my own stupid mistakes and those of the team. I tend to downplay myself a whole lot more in those conditions as well.
All that shows is that you're playing her the way she's meant to be played. And I've only seen you play her once, so I can't really say much else.
Nope, not working. Tomorrow.
Those are the hardest things to deal with in LoL IMO. Some of the cases are pretty cut-and-dried, but sometimes--especially when it comes to hectic lategame teamfights--it's really hard to tell who did what wrong, or if wasn't any one error but a compounded set of them made by the team as a whole.
I just get straight-up quieter. I'll talk less on Skype or Vent and I won't say anything in chat (although I don't say a whole lot there either, usually).
[Spider Dance - Toby Fox] [♫] [t] [Splinterfox | MW/BM | Tanaris-NA]
[OSaS A1 ~ 80% Completion] ~ [Thank You, MLP] ~ [ ??? ]
Oh man I feel like shit.
Wtb happy youtube video's and images... And pony...
Sig: Elyssia | DJoron is the Best
Sig: Elyssia | DJoron is the Best
In all fairness, it's merely the fact that I pay way too much attention to myself that allows me to say (a bit more clearly) if it was me or them that made a mistake. I think just about everyone here knows that I'm morbidly afraid of messing up.
Even when I can clearly see that it wasn't predominantly my fault I still tend to think "was there something that I could've done earlier that would've made things a bit better for us here?" And then my self-deprecation kicks in and I end up saying "of course, you idiot."
I need to fix that.
I'd say that's a good thing. While you sacrifice a slight bit of communication, it also makes you far less prone to raging. And raging isn't good.
Also, trains.
It's a standalone microphone with no controls.
Ventrilo doesn't pick up anything at all, Skype does pick up something - when I'm furiously blowing into the mic.
---------- Post added 2012-07-18 at 03:34 AM ----------
But then I stand at a risk of buying something that doesn't work either!
Sig: Elyssia | DJoron is the Best
Soilwork is pretty good, i've listen to a few of their songs and what i've heard I've enjoyed.
And I love pantheon. My friend use to do a taric pantheon bot kill lane, oh my god it was amazing. Not even a SORAKA AND VAYNE boy lane combo could beat us. He normally picked up clarity and got mana manipulator early on, so i was good with mana the whole time, and with his heal i would fine on health. I would constantly poke with my spear, and when we went in for a kill he would stun, i would spear, i would jump stun, he would aoe smashy smash, and i would just beat them up till they died.