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I feel terrible now, and I shouldn't.
I have a friend, she's very cool and we've talked a lot and I like to think of her as a close friend. She travels a lot. Every time she's back in town, we talk about meeting up and catching up. For the past year and a half, it has never happened. We get to the point of hammering out details, then she goes silent on me. The next thing I hear from her, usually after a week or two, is she's going to be halfway around the world again, but that we'll meet up when she gets back.
This latest time, I know for a fact she's in town until August. She talks to me like she's excited to see me, we start talking about meeting up tomorrow afternoon last Tuesday. We get to the point of talking specifics, and she goes silent again. I ask her Sunday if we're still on for this Thursday. No response.
Today, I blow the fuck up. I pour my heart out to her, explaining how fucking hurt and angry I feel right now. My whole body is shaking the entire time. I hit send, and immediately I feel like a prick for basically forcing her into a corner where she has to answer me or feel like a bitch. Goddammit.