Fingers crossed the results I found on Google actually work. Otherwise I just lost a tiny bit of work on Vergil!Tavi and and my entire current art project.
-punches a wall-
It's missing.
I knew it! It was you all along!
I blame the school computers.
Just digital art, at the moment. Might be taking more, I dunno. I'm taking them (and some other classes) mostly because otherwise I'd just be sitting on my bum and getting nowhere.
Night night.
[Spider Dance - Toby Fox] [♫] [t] [Splinterfox | MW/BM | Tanaris-NA]
[OSaS A1 ~ 80% Completion] ~ [Thank You, MLP] ~ [ ??? ]
*dashes and lands with a big stomp in the thread*
Work done and I feel fanfuckingtastic! Had lots o' different things to do and I believe the trust of my superiors is rising as buck!
I'm out, family you know...
I don't know what to contribute to any of these conversations, so I'm just going to do a little dance.
Aaand she responded, and she's pissed. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck.
3DS Friend Code: 0146-9205-4817. Could show as either Chris or Chrysia.