Also, thank you FG for pointing out the Total War pack. I already own half of it, but the other half for 12 is a steal.
3DS Friend Code: 0146-9205-4817. Could show as either Chris or Chrysia.
There we go. Problem solved.
US - Eitrigg
Delupi, Amoora, Jisu, Beahru, Rusa, Yeun, Neralyis, Usii, Onnoope, Zaramja, Kaeya, Shawnie, Iziss
Note to self: every damn secondsry char in FFII dies. Expect that.
Da fuq... You can buy SimCity4 on Steam again? /vote
Suddenly, pouring rain and a heavy lightning strike warning. How's everyone else doing?
Walking to Mordor. 120.4/6230km1RMs: bench-111.1kg, squat-147.4kg, deadlift-158.8kg
gutlers new OC