This, but he's obviously not a carry.
I would imagine that dagger is almost 100% required on him in competitive play, since anyone with a brain can counter that invis when it really matters.
---------- Post added 2012-07-19 at 03:10 AM ----------
Aw, I thought that was you at first.
And then I clicked the link.
Oh man.
I hate Street-X. Dumbest race mode in the game.
Walking to Mordor. 120.4/6230km1RMs: bench-111.1kg, squat-147.4kg, deadlift-158.8kg
Were you playing a bot game? If so, why the fuck do people still whine about that sort of stuff in those games?
Hell, even if not, what's the point? The guy screwed up both his stats and potentially yours by doing what he did. It's just dumb.
As for laning with him...yeah, one of the most boring things on the planet, no matter how you try to build him.
Also, try Viper. Or a ranged hard carry. I want to see the results. For added effect, get Zefie to support you or something.