There are a lot, but normally she will come down first and wreck things long before.
In the story she wasn't exactly crazy strong, but as a card she is stupid strong.
The reason why she is so strong is because she has protection from 2 of the colors that would normally wreck her, albeit that was back then when MBC was a real deck. In a color like white that will control you until she comes down and protects her and she just beats you over the head until you go down.
---------- Post added 2012-07-19 at 01:25 AM ----------
You will have to know how to play it right. Playing the instant draw spells during your opponent's turn will allow you to double your miracle triggers and really hurt your opponent. They definitely are very strong, but that is usually only when you get them as a miracle, if you don't you need a lot of mana to make them worth it, but that is what control decks are good at.
You would be surprised how easily you can get him out by turn 4.
---------- Post added 2012-07-19 at 01:32 AM ----------
Albeit if you are playing against white and they foresee artifacts being a problem they will be playing something like Revoke Existence.
Bit smaller here
Also, good morning. sorry not use to imgur but yeah rainbow dash and background still needed