1. #35381
    Quote Originally Posted by isi View Post
    gah *twitches*
    You seem to be twitching a lot. You should get that looked at.

  2. #35382
    Field Marshal isi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Storeandersfn View Post
    You seem to be twitching a lot. You should get that looked at.
    you think?

  3. #35383
    Quote Originally Posted by Freyera View Post

    I laughed. xD

    Sorry for ze lurk

  4. #35384
    Quote Originally Posted by isi View Post
    you think?
    Yeah. It can't be healthy. You have some red marks as well. As if you've been swatted a lot.

  5. #35385
    Okay, I have come out of lurking for now.

  6. #35386
    Quote Originally Posted by Yakobo15 View Post
    Well mine's an actual image... not resized
    Also why ;__;
    I bet it's not as kawaii as mine though.

  7. #35387
    The Lightbringer eternalwhitemoon's Avatar
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    Rezzing. Again.
    Good morning ponies! I'm posting from home momentarily more or less because I can.

    So, the edema is still here, without an explanation. It's concentrated on the left arm and hand more than anywhere else, and it's worse when I'm too warm or active, and gets better when I'm cold or resting (but I still am too swollen to take my wedding ring off to clean it ). When I went to the ER about it on Monday, they said it was due to too much salt in my body from the IV from Sunday and eating salty foods (I just had some chicken noodle soup, gawd), and to drink plenty of water and avoid salt. Well, even though I knew it was BS from the get-go, I've been doing that, and it's still not going down. So now I'm thinking it's something super srs.

    I have a doctor's appointment for Saturday, but as soon as they open I'm going to see if they have any cancellations that will let me get in today. I do not want to be playing around with heart or blood issues, especially since they run in the family.

  8. #35388
    Quote Originally Posted by eternalwhitemoon View Post
    Good morning ponies! I'm posting from home momentarily more or less because I can.

    So, the edema is still here, without an explanation. It's concentrated on the left arm and hand more than anywhere else, and it's worse when I'm too warm or active, and gets better when I'm cold or resting (but I still am too swollen to take my wedding ring off to clean it ). When I went to the ER about it on Monday, they said it was due to too much salt in my body from the IV from Sunday and eating salty foods (I just had some chicken noodle soup, gawd), and to drink plenty of water and avoid salt. Well, even though I knew it was BS from the get-go, I've been doing that, and it's still not going down. So now I'm thinking it's something super srs.

    I have a doctor's appointment for Saturday, but as soon as they open I'm going to see if they have any cancellations that will let me get in today. I do not want to be playing around with heart or blood issues, especially since they run in the family.
    Hi \o

    That stuff sounds serious.

  9. #35389
    Quote Originally Posted by eternalwhitemoon View Post
    Good morning ponies! I'm posting from home momentarily more or less because I can.

    So, the edema is still here, without an explanation. It's concentrated on the left arm and hand more than anywhere else, and it's worse when I'm too warm or active, and gets better when I'm cold or resting (but I still am too swollen to take my wedding ring off to clean it ). When I went to the ER about it on Monday, they said it was due to too much salt in my body from the IV from Sunday and eating salty foods (I just had some chicken noodle soup, gawd), and to drink plenty of water and avoid salt. Well, even though I knew it was BS from the get-go, I've been doing that, and it's still not going down. So now I'm thinking it's something super srs.

    I have a doctor's appointment for Saturday, but as soon as they open I'm going to see if they have any cancellations that will let me get in today. I do not want to be playing around with heart or blood issues, especially since they run in the family.
    Sheesh, you really need a break from all the shit you've had to put up with recently.
    Hope it works out well for you though.

  10. #35390
    Field Marshal isi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Storeandersfn View Post
    Yeah. It can't be healthy. You have some red marks as well. As if you've been swatted a lot.
    you got them too! strange, isn't it?

    Quote Originally Posted by eternalwhitemoon View Post
    Good morning ponies! I'm posting from home momentarily more or less because I can.

    So, the edema is still here, without an explanation. It's concentrated on the left arm and hand more than anywhere else, and it's worse when I'm too warm or active, and gets better when I'm cold or resting (but I still am too swollen to take my wedding ring off to clean it ). When I went to the ER about it on Monday, they said it was due to too much salt in my body from the IV from Sunday and eating salty foods (I just had some chicken noodle soup, gawd), and to drink plenty of water and avoid salt. Well, even though I knew it was BS from the get-go, I've been doing that, and it's still not going down. So now I'm thinking it's something super srs.

    I have a doctor's appointment for Saturday, but as soon as they open I'm going to see if they have any cancellations that will let me get in today. I do not want to be playing around with heart or blood issues, especially since they run in the family.
    chrysalis damnit eternal! stop getting these weird sicknessess! it's not healthy!

  11. #35391
    The Lightbringer eternalwhitemoon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kohtiko View Post
    Sheesh, you really need a break from all the shit you've had to put up with recently.
    I know right? A dear friend of mine is convinced that my ex put some kind of curse on me or something. XD

  12. #35392
    Quote Originally Posted by eternalwhitemoon View Post
    Good morning ponies! I'm posting from home momentarily more or less because I can.

    So, the edema is still here, without an explanation. It's concentrated on the left arm and hand more than anywhere else, and it's worse when I'm too warm or active, and gets better when I'm cold or resting (but I still am too swollen to take my wedding ring off to clean it ). When I went to the ER about it on Monday, they said it was due to too much salt in my body from the IV from Sunday and eating salty foods (I just had some chicken noodle soup, gawd), and to drink plenty of water and avoid salt. Well, even though I knew it was BS from the get-go, I've been doing that, and it's still not going down. So now I'm thinking it's something super srs.

    I have a doctor's appointment for Saturday, but as soon as they open I'm going to see if they have any cancellations that will let me get in today. I do not want to be playing around with heart or blood issues, especially since they run in the family.
    Good morning Eternal. I really hope it's nothing serious... Although, knowing your recent luck regarding health issues....

    ---------- Post added 2012-07-19 at 02:24 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by isi View Post
    you got them too! strange, isn't it?
    Yeah, I know! No idea what's causing it

  13. #35393
    Quote Originally Posted by eternalwhitemoon View Post
    I know right? A dear friend of mine is convinced that my ex put some kind of curse on me or something. XD
    Damn curses.
    Let's hope this is the last of it.

  14. #35394
    Field Marshal Zanon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eternalwhitemoon View Post
    Good morning ponies! I'm posting from home momentarily more or less because I can.

    So, the edema is still here, without an explanation. It's concentrated on the left arm and hand more than anywhere else, and it's worse when I'm too warm or active, and gets better when I'm cold or resting (but I still am too swollen to take my wedding ring off to clean it ). When I went to the ER about it on Monday, they said it was due to too much salt in my body from the IV from Sunday and eating salty foods (I just had some chicken noodle soup, gawd), and to drink plenty of water and avoid salt. Well, even though I knew it was BS from the get-go, I've been doing that, and it's still not going down. So now I'm thinking it's something super srs.

    I have a doctor's appointment for Saturday, but as soon as they open I'm going to see if they have any cancellations that will let me get in today. I do not want to be playing around with heart or blood issues, especially since they run in the family.
    Noo eternal! I do wish you well. I hope you get better soon
    * Gives Eterntal gentle hugs and timbits

    ---------- Post added 2012-07-19 at 08:27 AM ----------

    I need my isi.

  15. #35395
    Quote Originally Posted by eternalwhitemoon View Post
    Good morning ponies! I'm posting from home momentarily more or less because I can.

    So, the edema is still here, without an explanation. It's concentrated on the left arm and hand more than anywhere else, and it's worse when I'm too warm or active, and gets better when I'm cold or resting (but I still am too swollen to take my wedding ring off to clean it ). When I went to the ER about it on Monday, they said it was due to too much salt in my body from the IV from Sunday and eating salty foods (I just had some chicken noodle soup, gawd), and to drink plenty of water and avoid salt. Well, even though I knew it was BS from the get-go, I've been doing that, and it's still not going down. So now I'm thinking it's something super srs.

    I have a doctor's appointment for Saturday, but as soon as they open I'm going to see if they have any cancellations that will let me get in today. I do not want to be playing around with heart or blood issues, especially since they run in the family.
    Mornin' Eternal.
    Let's hope you get a appointment earlier than scheduled to get it checked.
    Get better soon, oki?

  16. #35396
    Elemental Lord Flutterguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eternalwhitemoon View Post
    Good morning ponies! I'm posting from home momentarily more or less because I can.

    So, the edema is still here, without an explanation. It's concentrated on the left arm and hand more than anywhere else, and it's worse when I'm too warm or active, and gets better when I'm cold or resting (but I still am too swollen to take my wedding ring off to clean it ). When I went to the ER about it on Monday, they said it was due to too much salt in my body from the IV from Sunday and eating salty foods (I just had some chicken noodle soup, gawd), and to drink plenty of water and avoid salt. Well, even though I knew it was BS from the get-go, I've been doing that, and it's still not going down. So now I'm thinking it's something super srs.

    I have a doctor's appointment for Saturday, but as soon as they open I'm going to see if they have any cancellations that will let me get in today. I do not want to be playing around with heart or blood issues, especially since they run in the family.
    8( good god. It's like you can't catch a break.

  17. #35397
    Quote Originally Posted by Flutterguy View Post
    8( good god. It's like you can't catch a break.
    Let's start a fundraiser so we can hire someone to replace Eternal for a week at work so she can have time off. \o/

  18. #35398
    Field Marshal isi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zanon View Post
    I need my isi.
    what is this... i don't even...

  19. #35399
    Quote Originally Posted by eternalwhitemoon View Post
    Good morning ponies! I'm posting from home momentarily more or less because I can.

    So, the edema is still here, without an explanation. It's concentrated on the left arm and hand more than anywhere else, and it's worse when I'm too warm or active, and gets better when I'm cold or resting (but I still am too swollen to take my wedding ring off to clean it ). When I went to the ER about it on Monday, they said it was due to too much salt in my body from the IV from Sunday and eating salty foods (I just had some chicken noodle soup, gawd), and to drink plenty of water and avoid salt. Well, even though I knew it was BS from the get-go, I've been doing that, and it's still not going down. So now I'm thinking it's something super srs.

    I have a doctor's appointment for Saturday, but as soon as they open I'm going to see if they have any cancellations that will let me get in today. I do not want to be playing around with heart or blood issues, especially since they run in the family.
    That doesn't sound very uplifting... Wish I could lend you part of my inmune system yo everything cuz despite the things I eat, the amount and still be so thin, I barely get sick or catch weird illness.

  20. #35400
    Elemental Lord Flutterguy's Avatar
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    I suddenly need a collar...

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