good evening, everypony
how goes?
He used to be 1900 (which is near the competitive scene, if not already there) but for some reason he started sucking a lot recently. That and the stat compression brought him back to 1600, and he hasn't gotten up from there ever since.
And yeah, I noticed that, along with a shitload of other things. How he can be worse than me now I will never know. This guy used to be good, despite his problems.
I need to find out more about getting a manual provisional driving license. I know I said earlier this year that I would never drive a manual even if my life depended upon it, but my opinion has been swayed.
That was a serious wall of text.
As far as I can go, Blue Thunder color schemes fits more or less well for standard ponies (I think).
Black Bolt instead was ment to be aggressive on purpose, because he was raised to be that. (also his coat, eyes and mane color changed to those because of excessive dark magic infusion)
"Would you please let me join your p-p-party?
So, after last night I think I've figured out two things. 1) I would kill for an R34 GT-R Z-Tune, and 2) when I join the Army, I would like to become an Intelligence Corps Officer.
Hey guys. I know nobody cares but I'm reworking my OC from (almost) the ground upChanging his race of pony (from unicorn to earth pony) changing his . . . shape? W/e, he's becoming much bigger and heavier (think like bic macintosh) and completely changing his mane, and reworking the tail a bit. Woo!
Oh, and how goes everyone on this lovely . . . evening?
I would just like to let everyone know, that I suck.
And that I'm a girl.
And I like ribbons in my hair.
And I want to kiss all the boys.