Ohh well, either I'll get my pc back in the next couple of days, or I have to wait for the actual repair guy to get back from holiday and fix stuff, which will be 14 days at the very least.
Well, I hope you get it back as soon as possible. It always sucks to not have a good computer.
For me, I can understand most spoken Swedelandish, but it gets a bit harder when reading. Then again reading Danelandish is much easier seeing as our the Norwegelandish Bokmål is based on Danelandish. But listening to them speak? No wai. Not unless they slow down and start pronouncing the whole words.
It was unheard of. Unknown to them till now. It was clear. Project Z.A.N.O.N. is real. They just never saw it comming. Nopony was prepared. It just keeps comming back.
Will Frelo and Shaedris ever get rid of the looming threat called Zanon?.
Nah, sorry. The one that keeps coming back is Rampage.
You? I'll throw you into the tunnels under Hoofington and let the enervation deal with you.