I'm . . . bored right now, so i'm gonna go play some league, feel free to join me if you want.
my ponies
i come asking for stuff to make me smile, ive been angry for far too long and no game is fixing it -_-
I don't get it but LOL! And alright, that's fine. Have fun downloading.
---------- Post added 2012-07-25 at 12:58 AM ----------
Oh god only 30 seconds in and i'm laughing my ass off. Thank you thank you thank you, i was kind of in the border line of bad in terms of mood but now i'm in a good mood.
Basically it is making fun of FPSs in general. The name of the fake game making fun of how almost all shooting games have become bland in color and how they have been turning everything into zombies or aliens to make the same point, but without seeming racist. Plus how every single one of them do nothing, but multiplayer nowadays.
all of these things work so very well, i thank you my friends.
I found all the pieces *save for one =/* of the fluttershy that was broken, im going to attempt to fix it if i do not hear from shearx within 2 days... heres hoping i find the last piece before then...
oh and the warranty i got for my tablet states that it will be replaced if broken, so im happy about that....
My main reason for installing windows 8 is just to see how much quicker its rumored to be. The boot times look really good in HDD environments. With various optimizations that MS is boasting, it should make this piece of shit computer bearable for the simple tasks I do like browsing folders and the internet.
Might as well get used to metro anyway, not like its going to go away now.. even though I don't agree with it.
Oh I see. Still funny, and yeah, that's why i dont play shooters.
Well that's good to hear, and you're welcome! What I linked was from my own personal drawings so <3 And again, good to hear that you found all of the pieces (except one) of the fluttershy and you can get your tablet replaced.