Because, that's not what she looks like. Her design does not say "bruiser" it says "dps". Hell, the "riot champion info" says Irelia deals a high amount of damage and has low defense.
It doesn't make sense, yes, but AD Katarinas make me laugh.
Guys, is this a known bug in WoW or something because the TBfG I just joined was causing people to get Idle debuff at random and was forcing us to leave our defensive positions...
Last edited by Runeweaver; 2012-07-04 at 11:04 PM.
Touhou Ranks
Steam Profile
Lost Emotion
Rammus is king. Spin taunt curl ultimate win.
I don't venture much beyond fun stuff these days, so I haven't been paying attention to the hell-hole it is beyond this "safe-zone".
Plus, I am tired, hungry, have a headache, and my allergies are going nuts today, so everything is a little fuzzy.
Oh, I agree. That hat just screams AP. Literally. Ever turned up the sound really loud while playing Caitlyn? You'll hear it.
Ugh. I missed 3 pages.
I build Wriggles on Graves now that he has to be closer for buckshot.
"Would you please let me join your p-p-party?