This is what I'm using at the moment.
It has served me greatly so far.
@Blue The Naga is really nice but you are right with the usage of the buttons
If you want a mouse which can handle rageplosions I could suggest it to you tho ^^
Edit : derp <.<
Wanna watch Archery, Fencing, exciting shit like that... What's on?
Cycling... Zzzzz...
Soccer.. Zzzzz..
More soccer... Zzzzz..
Tennis... ZZzzzzzz
Well, it's cool to look at. I'm not going to get it because I don't play Cho enough, but someone might be interested. The skins I've bought were for champions I play(ed) fairly often. I still use those skins whenever I play those champions now, though. They (usually) look better than the original skin, imo.
It's a good sign of how they're improving skin quality, though. Even adding new sounds and voice acting instead of just the new skin and some altered animations.
Other than Diana's extra skin on release, there were no others on the Skin Spotlight, so I don't know.
Also, looks like they have the Battlecast treatment planned out for one more non-human champion.
Last edited by An-Tuirseach; 2012-07-28 at 04:02 PM.
Touhou Ranks
Steam Profile
Lost Emotion
The cord doesn't bother me in the slightest, and as mostly a gamer I like not having tiny but noticeable delays on my mouse movements.
That said, if I were to get a laptop mouse (which I'm not), I'd probably pick up the Razer Orochi. Wired/wireless mode would be nice, but I hardly take my laptop anywhere, and in any case I'd just take the slightly-larger regular mouse and a mousepad with me.
I've heard the G15 keyboard's pretty nice, but my keyboard's not going to break anytime soon, I don't think.
That would be tragic...
Mine's used mostly for surfing and LoL. I use my tablet+keyboard more for Photoshop 'n' stuff, and I hardly use my mouse at all when writing.
But you've remembered the all-important 10%, so who cares?
Yeah, heard good things about that one. But I'd rather shell out another $20 to get a mouse I know I'll be happy with and will last a while; IIRC the G500 is a good bit bigger than the G9, and I'm not a fan of big mice.
Haha, thanks, but no thanks. I've never broken anything out of a game-induced rage. Hell, I hardly ever rage.
I think I own a skin for at least 90% of the champions I own.
Riot haz all mah monies.
[Spider Dance - Toby Fox] [♫] [t] [Splinterfox | MW/BM | Tanaris-NA]
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