Here, a couple badass soccer goals.
One. I advise you to stop watching around 1:00 unless you like hearing someone who has no idea what's he's talking about, talking about it like he totally knows what he's talking about, and expects the fact he's standing in a sciencey-looking lab to give him credibility.
And two. Nothing more to be said about this one, really.
You won't get much better if all you do is play the same thing over and over. Guardsman Bob brought this up briefly on-stream the other day; in ranked, a lot of people get 'stuck' in "ELO hell" because they try to win every single game, and to achieve that they just play what they know best. If you're looking to improve as a player, that's not the way to go. Just try other roles or champions--even if you don't pick them up as a main or become super-good at them, you'll likely become decent with that role or champion and, by extension, become more intimate with how that champion/role can or is played, and therefore you better know how to play
against that role or champion.
Hehe, that was pretty funny. Hecarim spent most of that game trying to kill me, sadly, but the rest of y'all stepped in and kicked ass, so it's k.
Not much else to say here but I agree.