I'm Trydene and I'm addicted to LoL ARAM and WC3 map making, and fricken proud of it! No matter how many times I crashed WC3 or get dominated in ARAM, still loving it... *slowlys back up into the pond*
I'm Trydene and I'm addicted to LoL ARAM and WC3 map making, and fricken proud of it! No matter how many times I crashed WC3 or get dominated in ARAM, still loving it... *slowlys back up into the pond*
Im freee.. yay free of wife aggro.
Some pony please keep me awake for the next 3½ hours or i will miss my train ride to the airport
It's nice to be important, but it is more important to be niceMLP Fan Fics with my OC as main character: Re-earning Your Cutie Mark
I finally did something I should have done long long ago.
I uninstalled LoL, and it's not coming back on this computer.
It's nice to be important, but it is more important to be niceMLP Fan Fics with my OC as main character: Re-earning Your Cutie Mark
I'm off to bed everypony. Going to read some more of FoE:PH, then pass out. Goodnight.
I can now live my life.
In the TF2 lane.
I didn't have fun. At all.
I played LoL quite a lot yesterday, and I won one match. I raged quite hard, but today I thought that I would play the game with a positive mind, so I sat down with a mate and played my favorite heroes and stuff. We lost every single match. And it's not like we lost because we were bad. We lost because we were bullshitted to infinity by the game.
So I am calling quits. I don't want to play a game that only makes me rage. It's not a good game, then. And I could write a freaking essay over how bad a game I think LoL is, but I held on to it because there were some fun moments to be had. But I guess all those moments have now been aquired, and it's time to see it as it is: A shitty MOBA game that wouldn't know balance if it hit it on the forehead.
you know...when you have this goal of making a web comic series but then your like fuck it i dont want to work that much but i do still want to do it one day.....yeah pretty much in that mood.
Somebody is bbqing outside.
Smells so good. Might have to raid it.
I was going to do something, but I can't remember what it was so I'll just post here instead.