They weren't linked here, lol. But yeah. They were like, porno story bad.
Also, this folks is how to start a flacco shitstorm. Take note.
They weren't linked here, lol. But yeah. They were like, porno story bad.
Also, this folks is how to start a flacco shitstorm. Take note.
Well, I probably wouldn't've flipped my shit, but I would've been pretty unsettled. Not a fan of violence for the sake of violence (or violence for the sake of trying to creep the heck out of people who don't like violence). Dark stuff isn't my thing--I think pretty much every character in SDBW is a pacifist in one way or another. The antagonist does get violent occasionally, but not without good reason to (and no, not just because she's the antagonist and needs to be evil >.>).
It wasn't fic's written by anyone from here, just random ones.
@Enze: LoL's working just fine for me. I dunno.
Anywho I'm off to bed. Need sleep, work tomorrow. Hopefully will be more productive tomorrow, too. G'night y'all.
[Spider Dance - Toby Fox] [♫] [t] [Splinterfox | MW/BM | Tanaris-NA]
[OSaS A1 ~ 80% Completion] ~ [Thank You, MLP] ~ [ ??? ]
Well my story was based off of a role-play that me and my ex just recently started around the time, but never took off, so I went from there. and parts of the story were based off of a roleplay we did a few years ago, with some minor changes. I wanted it to be dark, the plot was relatively weak, but hell it was stronger than some of the plots that my fellow classmates had. I had fun reading it and had fun seeing the look on their face, and I also got pretty good score on the assignment as well. Got maybe like 1 point knocked off from presentation but overall i got an almost flawless score on the story.
Hahahahahaha. Oh now that's funny.
---------- Post added 2012-08-02 at 12:11 AM ----------
Oh shit, the competition is pretty fierce for Jesse Cox's contest to win the headphones. Some of those pictures are good, I'm kind of worried now that I may not be able to win, which would sadden me a bit.
Evening y'all
Was done at lunch a while ago today when I asked people here about telling me objects.
Kind of a nice way to try focus testing with design, though it would of been cool to have more than 15 minutes of time to work on them (and maybe something other then paper napkins to draw on).
I think I've finally found what I kind of want to do for a major (been doing a lot of research on stuff lately). :O
Want to try some more detailed ones that I take some more time on. Giev maor things for me to put together!
:3 My Deviant Art :3
Oh, nah, those really were just sketchy things I did in a few minutes between noming foodz before going back to work.
But I do want to try putting together some things and actually take more time with the designs and details. Doing so in photoshop and not on a napkip would be cool too.
Edit: and with that, giev more objects!
Last edited by Zookz25; 2012-08-02 at 04:34 AM.
:3 My Deviant Art :3
Here, I'll type out my assignment for you.
This is the summer reading assignment for those students entering English 11 honors in the fall of 2012.
Your selection should be a work of fiction (at least 150 pages) but not a play. Titles NOT to be chosen for this assignment are *insert irrelevant books here*. full credit will not be given if one of these titles is selected.
As you read, you are to wrtire a personal response/dialectical journal. Entries are made in a two column journaln the left side of a sheet of notebook paper or in a copy book, you will list direct quotations from each chapter. These quotations musst be accompanied by the corresponding page number.
One entry should be written for every 5 pages of text. this would mean a minimum of 30 entries.
When you have finished each chapter, return to the quotations you have listed and reflect on the quote by commenting in the right hand column opposite the quote:
1. You should be reflecting on the significance of the quotations as they relate to the elements of a novel: plot, character, setting, theme, mood, or author's style and purpose.
2. You should also include your personal reaction and comment on why you selected each quotation.
3. Reflections are NOT one or two sentence responses.
Consider answering questions such as:
Why did the quote stand out to you?
What does the quote make you think about?
Do you agree or disagree with the quote and why?
What connections can you make between the quote and your own experiences?
How does the quote make you feel and why?
---------- Post added 2012-08-02 at 12:37 AM ----------
Huh well then. Oh, question, did you ever finish your steam-punk cloudsdale?
hello there
is there any news on when the new season of MLP is starting or has it already started maybe?