Me too, but I get this odd feeling I get on peoples' nerves more often than not. Either that or people just really like ignoring me. I dunno.
Your name may have come up.
People react to anger differently. Personally, when I'm angry, I'm really quiet, I'm speak tersely and usually with a biting tone if I'm mad at you, and if you set me off, it's a cold sort of fury.
I think what Vetali's saying is that when people are angry/upset/whatever, the societal filters of politeness and courtesy are weakened if not completely removed, which means what they say is probably stuff that they're thinking most of the time, but usually keep quiet about. That's not to say they're wrong or right, because they can certainly be both, and anger has a way of twisting one's views, but they generally don't just make shit up.
Aww, but your rants are fun, and you're such a nice 'n' clever person.
[Spider Dance - Toby Fox] [♫] [t] [Splinterfox | MW/BM | Tanaris-NA]
[OSaS A1 ~ 80% Completion] ~ [Thank You, MLP] ~ [ ??? ]
Oh. So I betrayed you by making a list? I'm sorry. I don't remember most of your posts. The only ones I really remember are your birthday, you saying you knew what a fleshlight was, and the car accident at 30 thing. Also, if it's the way I said what I said, I meant that's the reason you're so high.
But if you, for an example, go into a heated discussion about... Zelda (Let's run with that), and this ends in you and me going totally nuts on each other because we both think the other ones arguements and ideas towards the game is retarded, and it ends in a flamefeast, then I would never be like "Well you raged and called me a faggot in that debate, so I'll never speak to you again."
Whenever we are in heavy emotional ruckus we change into something that are more honest, yes, but also not ourselves. It's not fair to a guy that is happy 90% of the time to judge him on his angerflip he had when his wife left him, just as I do not think it is fair to judge a cynic on that one day where he just listened to Bob Marley and hugged everyone he met. I think we have who we are, and then emotions smack who we are around a bit at times, usually in debates and such, but it's not something that we can solely judge upon.
I do agree that there are people who acts without thought, but I would never judge a person from an action he or she makes that doesn't involve a thought from that person. I am judging a person, not a machine.
Currently, in the real world, or rather, when I'm outside, because this thread is part of the real world. So, yeah, when I get angry, I generally just walk away from the shit, and refrain from beating the shit out of them. Because I say what I'm feeling better with actions than words, because words require time and thinking, two things being angry doesn't let me have.
Nah, it's just difficult to pay full attention to everyone and everything. Things can quickly get stressful if you do that.
Sounds familiar.
Yep. That's what I got from the very beginning.
I can see your point, but I do not agree with it.
I think that people who act in a moment of rage or anger make up a lot more lies than people who are just indifferent to the subject or maybe even likes the subject. If not to others, then to himself. I've tried many times where I've blinded myself to a obvious truth or reason just so I could continue my revenge spree.
As I said before, and I think it is like that with many, when we get angry we say things we regret. If we got into a heated fight and I called you an asshole, then I would regret it tons in the morning, and I think that says enough about honesty to myself and others.