Hey Zan- I mean Sno.
---------- Post added 2012-08-03 at 05:17 PM ----------
This picture is cute.
Octavia and vinyl scratch sketch dumps for those who are wondering. Not really shameless self promotion, just linking them here for those who want to see 'em.
You mean best.
It's rather hard for me to appreciate dogs of any kind.
Also, watching the 1996 review (which is less than 400mb and only 1h30m long). Wow, Schumacher knew that Ferrari were shit and that he wouldn't stand a chance in the championship. I wish more people took his example and had more "realistic" expectations.
Read below but thanks
Yeah I know, I don't like the faces on some of them. Hell they're just sketches, i'm sure if i took my time and dedicated a bit to each picture, and not just like 15 MAYBE 20 mins, then it would turn out better.
On that note, EQD Newbie Artist training grounds day 2, time to go do that.