1. #65801
    Dreadlord Sofii's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zirusianna View Post
    I can tell you why I dislike it.

    I do not like metalcore because I see no red line in it. It is the same reason why I dislike black metal and death metal. I like breaks, I like tempo shifts, I like the guitars to battle and such. But that doesn't happen in metalcore.

    Metalcore is pretty much the last step for metal to take before it becomes 'noise', and you have to go /musicnerd to get music out of it. And I can see why many people do not like it: It's too extreme. Metalcore is like what punk is to rock 'n' roll, and many who love Led Zeppelin or Guns'n'Roses doesn't necessarily like Sex Pistols and The Clash.

    When talking about metal, the term 'proper metal fan', in my head, means one of two things: Either it's a term used to describe the people who follow the 'heavy metal', the grandfathers of the genre. People who are fans of Judas Priest, Sabbath, Maiden, King Diamond etc. Many consider this the 'proper' metal, because it's the most basic metal sound, this is where it started. I am one of those people (Though I am very open to other music cultures and music).

    Then there's what I consider the cultural metalhead, who likes his music fast, aggressive, spiteful, and that's what the metal genre can offer. Growling vocals, screaming vocals, high pitched guitars, very fast drumplay. A jumpstone to metalcore. These are things like death metal, melodic death metal, black metal and such. Extreme metal genres, whereas metalcore and grindcore is one of them.

    This is the main reason why me and Sofii never can agree with music. He's number two and I'm number one. It's just what culture you support, what music speaks to you and most importantly: Why it appeals to you.
    I don't JUST like growled or screamed vocals, I think that there is a place for every vocal style even *shudder* rapping. Also, I don't necessarily want spiteful music, whatever you mean by that. I don't necessarily like high pitched guitar, I like very low detuned guitars like Meshuggah. Anyway, I'm not sure what my point is, but I know that I'm into every metal subgenre, it's just Melodic Death Metal is my favourite, because it has everything I like.

  2. #65802
    Immortal Vetali's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alaitoc View Post
    I think I read that on these forums but I can't remember.
    I literally go pants on head retarded everytime I visit that board.

    The amount of hate Tool gets because Mayard is too whiny makes me sick when people praise crap like Radiohead and Muse.

  3. #65803
    Quote Originally Posted by Enzefik View Post
    What the fuck is metalcore?
    This is metalcore.

    Whereas this is the traditional, 'proper metal' I was talking about. Also power metal, just to display the changes in sound with culture and subgenre.

  4. #65804
    Quote Originally Posted by Kohtiko View Post
    I love how there's a broken fly swatter there that has been fixed with duct tape.

    Duct tape fixes everything.

    ---------- Post added 2012-08-04 at 02:03 AM ----------

    G'night Hudson.
    It's electrical tape but (blame the dog when he was still a pub) but yea fix everything with tape xD
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  5. #65805
    Quote Originally Posted by Sofii View Post
    I don't JUST like growled or screamed vocals, I think that there is a place for every vocal style even *shudder* rapping. Also, I don't necessarily want spiteful music, whatever you mean by that. I don't necessarily like high pitched guitar, I like very low detuned guitars like Meshuggah. Anyway, I'm not sure what my point is, but I know that I'm into every metal subgenre, it's just Melodic Death Metal is my favourite, because it has everything I like.
    If I were to make an analysis of your favorited music style, and why it differs with mine (and how), it would fill pages. Many pages.

    This was very simplified.

  6. #65806
    Dreadlord Sofii's Avatar
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    Also, Melodic Metalcore is best Metalcore.

  7. #65807
    Quote Originally Posted by Goriq View Post
    lol what do you expect of a "metal song" ? metal has growling, grunting, shouting, screaming and all of that shit. there's stuff without it, but usually metal comes with that stuff.
    I don't like "metal" vocals.

  8. #65808
    Quote Originally Posted by Vetali View Post
    I literally go pants on head retarded everytime I visit that board.

    The amount of hate Tool gets because Mayard is too whiny makes me sick when people praise crap like Radiohead and Muse.
    /mu/ is pretty much the only board where I say "no, I'm too good for this, I can't be bothered".

    My hate for that board is immense. Especially their Boner for Radiohead, which makes no sense because their arguements are so bad that they never even explain why.

  9. #65809
    Stood in the Fire Affixiation's Avatar
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    omnomnom steak and very hot hot sauce.
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  10. #65810
    Immortal Vetali's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zirusianna View Post
    /mu/ is pretty much the only board where I say "no, I'm too good for this, I can't be bothered".

    My hate for that board is immense. Especially their Boner for Radiohead, which makes no sense because their arguements are so bad that they never even explain why.
    Muse and Radiohead both suck a LOT in my opinion just because of their terrible vocals.

    Very few vocalist can pull off the whole "whiny" vocals right without it sounding like they're getting rammed up the ass while singing.

    Incite rage.

  11. #65811
    I just don't understand why people like screaming/growling vocals. I even understand the appeal of rap better than that.

    I like the music better without people making ugly noises over it.

  12. #65812

  13. #65813
    Quote Originally Posted by Alaitoc View Post
    I just don't understand why people like screaming/growling vocals. I even understand the appeal of rap better than that.

    I like the music better without people making ugly noises over it.
    I agree with you there.
    Just in my opinion of course.

  14. #65814
    Dreadlord Sofii's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alaitoc View Post
    I just don't understand why people like screaming/growling vocals. I even understand the appeal of rap better than that.

    I like the music better without people making ugly noises over it.
    It adds to the atmosphere that the music is trying to convey to you. Also, I don't understand how people can like such high pitched vocals that the vocalist probably had his balls in a clamp while he was doing them.

  15. #65815
    Quote Originally Posted by Alaitoc View Post
    I don't like "metal" vocals.
    There are many types of vocals. Some come in actual singing vocals, where others are very deep growls or very high screams. And many more.

    Quote Originally Posted by Goriq View Post
    I knew that you'd link that for power metal^^
    this is metalcore too
    Even though all fans will now beat my to death, I won't call Killswitch Engage "Metalcore".

    But I have a lot of those small fights with the culture. I refuse to see Disturbed as NU-metal too.

  16. #65816
    I have never visited /mu/

  17. #65817
    Quote Originally Posted by Zirusianna View Post
    This is metalcore.
    Whereas this is the traditional, 'proper metal' I was talking about. Also power metal, just to display the changes in sound with culture and subgenre.
    So... Metalcore is the annoying shit where they scream and the lyrics are completely incomprehensible?

  18. #65818
    Immortal Vetali's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alaitoc View Post
    I just don't understand why people like screaming/growling vocals. I even understand the appeal of rap better than that.

    I like the music better without people making ugly noises over it.
    I've actually been having the same feel to music as of recently.

    Then again I also enjoy rap

  19. #65819
    Quote Originally Posted by Goriq View Post
    opinions and taste.
    I know that, I'm not saying it's objectively bad. I know that there's a reason some people like it, but I don't know what it is.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zirusianna View Post
    There are many types of vocals. Some come in actual singing vocals, where others are very deep growls or very high screams. And many more.
    Actual singing ones are fine but rarely exceptional in my opinion. In many cases I would still rather not have them at all.

  20. #65820
    Dreadlord Sofii's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zirusianna View Post
    There are many types of vocals. Some come in actual singing vocals, where others are very deep growls or very high screams. And many more.
    I personally like clear singing. And low-mid growls. And mid screams, as in this sort of scream.

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