Best KsE song
Don't fite it. Embrace it.
Best KsE song
Don't fite it. Embrace it.
I really like Radiohead. Muse is okay, a mediocre band in my head, but Radiohead rocks. But that's talking mainly about their Kid A, The Bends and OK Computer albums.
I think their vocalist is doing a great job in getting emotions into their songs, I think their lyrics are pretty good, but the reason I love them is their ability to web everything together. It's not a band where you say "Oh man, their guitarist is super good!" or "I love their drummer!". No, you love the whole band, because like bands like Tool, they know how to make songs, how to use their individual instruments to support everyone, while still showing off themselves.
Radiohead is definitely one of my favorite rock bands. But not their later works, it's shit.
I dislike growl vocals quite the bit, but I love screaming vocals. I think, personally, that a scream can induce a lot of emotion. Mix this with my general love for high pitched sounds like whining guitars or notes from the high end of the octave, then it's only natural that singers like Rob Halford makes my pants wet.
Take one of my favorite singers: Ozzy Osbourne. He can't sing for shit, he's a terrible singer. But his voice is so loud, so powerful, so metal incarnate that if Black Sabbath made their music around his voice, they would win everything. And they did. Which is why I love them so much (among other things, again trying to limit my words here).
To many, yes.
To metalheads it's easier to digest. Mostly because we can understand what they are singing, because we are used to that kind of vocals.
But as I said, I don't like it, and what you brought up is one of the main reasons. I dislike when I can't hear what they are saying, and if their voice, to me, sounds hollow. Bands like Red Fang have a ton of emotion, flow and rhytm in their vocals. Very few metalcore bands have. And that's not just "Meh, I don't like them", because I've tried to listen to them and I've failed more than once.
You like Eurobeat? Get out. Now. Eurobeat is like, EWWWWWWWWWW.
Also, relevant.
Have you considered adding Eurobeat to that list? It’s a mix between Disco and Techno produced only in Europe and then sold only in Japan. As you could guess, Eurobeat is used mostly in animes such as Initial D and other crappy forms of Japanese entertainment.
It’s only in anime? Why would I bother making fun of a genre that normal people wouldn’t even have any excuse for knowing about? Complaining about Eurobeat and then saying it’s mostly in anime is like complaining that you hate the lighting in crackhouses: your initial complaint is couched in a much deeper and more disturbing problem.
I think, for making songs like Paranoid Android, they deserve their place in the Hall of Fame. But their sound is unique, and as with any unique sounding band, if you do not like the way they bend the sound of the genre, then you simply do not like the band. I have those kinds of bands too. Like Led Zeppelin, Dark Tranquility, Inflames. I don't really like these bands, because their whole sound just isn't catching my ear.
This is why I don't classify music into genres or categories.
Anywho, I'm done with this drawing, don't need any more ideas getting ahead of me.
- Concept sketch of "Dust" -
(Click for full)
[Spider Dance - Toby Fox] [♫] [t] [Splinterfox | MW/BM | Tanaris-NA]
[OSaS A1 ~ 80% Completion] ~ [Thank You, MLP] ~ [ ??? ]
I kind of like repetitive, boring songs.
Does this mean I have autism?