Last edited by Zookz25; 2012-08-05 at 08:06 AM.
:3 My Deviant Art :3
Weeeelll...they've started developing the woods near my house, and me being a way too curious person I go out there on a regular basis to walk around and investigate. They have people that stay there overnight to make sure no one messes with the digging materials and such, so my first stop was to make my way around and look at what the people stay in. I brought a scope to see further and got close enough to use it and checked things out. Pretty boring. The guy didnt come out and all there really was was a boat, motorhome, and an old truck. I moved on and wandered down a random path away from the motorhome. A few paths later I heard something relatively big rustling through the brush up ahead and hunkered down and listened. While waiting I heard the faint sound of a car starting up in the distance and didnt think much of it. No other sounds were heard so I started to move forward again. A few hundred feet down this path, I noticed that the sound of a car was getting louder and louder. Theres a lot of roads around though, so I continued on. The sound continued to increase and I looked behind me. Through the trees I saw a truck round a corner and move closer to me. Throughly, worried (I wasnt exactly supposed to be over there) I ran off the path and hid down in the bushes. Good thing too, because he turned down the path I was on and slowly began to drive down it. It passed and then about 20 feet later stopped. It waited a moment and then went into reverse. At this point I thought I was fucked, but stayed still anyway. Luckily he continued to back up and went back the way he came.
That over with, I got back on the path and began walking down it again. It opened up into a clearing with a large ditch that looked like it was for storm water or something. I heard something moving on the side across from me and, again, hunkered down to listen. I didnt see anything from that far away, but I could hear whatever it was walking. Holy shit did that thing have loud steps. Seriously like friggin thuds. Before I could listen longer, I heard loud rustling in the bushes to my left and decided id had my fun for the night and left. Welp...theres my story that no one needed to hear XD
:3 My Deviant Art :3
Nah, but now that I think about it, it seems kinda Splinter Cell-y. I think it was Splinter Cell, anyway, where you could blow out a candle, or turn off a light, and all they'd do is come relight it/turn it back on. No investigation, no nothing. Just "eh, must have been some completely off the wall explanation, oh well."
3DS Friend Code: 0146-9205-4817. Could show as either Chris or Chrysia.
Evening everypony. Just stopping in to chat, if anyone remembers me. Been a long time.
:3 My Deviant Art :3