1. #73381
    Quote Originally Posted by Mehman View Post
    I know. I'm not completely stupid.
    Alright, thats good.

  2. #73382
    Quote Originally Posted by Sonic Raindoom View Post
    Meanwhile, I think I'll force myself into a comatose state for several hours while having vivid hallucinations that I probably won't remember upon emerging.

    Good night.
    That actually reminds me of the dream I had last night.

    I was walking around, being awesome... you know, just a usual day for me. Then, I get confronted by a guy who looks exactly how I imagine my dark side to look. After a bit of him threatening me, and be trying to calm him down, he suckerpunches me. While I'm reeling from the punch, he punches me again square in the gut.

    I wake up at that moment with the worst headache, and I shoot upright in bed and grab my belly, actually feeling like someone just punched me in real life.

    That's the first time I've ever experienced something like that... not sure I like it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gutler View Post
    Good morning everypony how are we all doing on this fine morning?
    Mornin' Gutler! I'm doing pretty decent, how about you?

  3. #73383
    Quote Originally Posted by Mehman View Post
    Yes. Yes there is.
    I knew it. Best thing for me to do is to meditate for 400 years.

    Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866

  4. #73384
    I'm going to snag a nap, before I punch my monitor hoping the idiots in this other thread somehow receive it.

    See you ponies in a bit.

    3DS Friend Code: 0146-9205-4817. Could show as either Chris or Chrysia.

  5. #73385
    Brewmaster Gutler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dontrike View Post
    Yozzers Gutler. I am..........iono. How are you today?

    Doing great as always.

    Sig by Elyssia "When you do things right people won't be sure you've done anything at all"

  6. #73386
    Elemental Lord Flutterguy's Avatar
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    "So go head and log off, then log back in."
    "You want me to reboot?"
    "No, just choose the log off button."
    "I don't know what you mean..."

    It's right fucking there. It's a button next to shutdown that says "LOG OFF" L.O.G. O.F.F. Click it click it.


  7. #73387
    I really can't believe how awesome everyone here's been about this. I can see why all the trans people hang out in here.

  8. #73388
    Quote Originally Posted by Flutterguy View Post
    "So go head and log off, then log back in."
    "You want me to reboot?"
    "No, just choose the log off button."
    "I don't know what you mean..."

    It's right fucking there. It's a button next to shutdown that says "LOG OFF" L.O.G. O.F.F. Click it click it.

    I would love to work in Tech Support. But ONLY if I am allowed to be an asshole to idiots.

  9. #73389
    Please wait Temp name's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dontrike View Post
    I knew it. Best thing for me to do is to meditate for 400 years.
    Atleast 400 years.

  10. #73390
    Stood in the Fire Affixiation's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flutterguy View Post
    "So go head and log off, then log back in."
    "You want me to reboot?"
    "No, just choose the log off button."
    "I don't know what you mean..."

    It's right fucking there. It's a button next to shutdown that says "LOG OFF" L.O.G. O.F.F. Click it click it.

    But im not a lumberjack, I cant log off.

  11. #73391
    Quote Originally Posted by Cranica View Post
    I really can't believe how awesome everyone here's been about this. I can see why all the trans people hang out in here.
    We're, by and large, grown men watching a show about technicolor ponies. I don't think we have much call to demand masculinity from anyone.

    If you're TG, you're TG. Just means you were born with a different brain than your body.

    3DS Friend Code: 0146-9205-4817. Could show as either Chris or Chrysia.

  12. #73392
    Quote Originally Posted by Cranica View Post
    I really can't believe how awesome everyone here's been about this. I can see why all the trans people hang out in here.
    That is because it shouldn't matter except for the person going through such things, much in the same way that sexual orientation, and favorite color shouldn't matter.

    Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866

  13. #73393
    Brewmaster Gutler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cranica View Post
    I really can't believe how awesome everyone here's been about this. I can see why all the trans people hang out in here.

    As i see it whatever floats your boat its not my job to judge people on how they feel.

    Sig by Elyssia "When you do things right people won't be sure you've done anything at all"

  14. #73394
    Field Marshal Bluesparkks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cranica View Post
    I really can't believe how awesome everyone here's been about this. I can see why all the trans people hang out in here.
    To be completely honest, I don't even consider gender or sexual orientation a factor in how I treat people or how they behave. I've got and had lesbian, trans, hetero, and gay friends, and if they hadn't said anything to me about it, I wouldn't've ever known save for perhaps one guy I knew in high school who was...flamboyantly gay. Other than that it just doesn't seem to make a difference whatsoever.

    That said, I'm glad to hear you're happy about it.

  15. #73395
    Quote Originally Posted by Cranica View Post
    I really can't believe how awesome everyone here's been about this. I can see why all the trans people hang out in here.
    Love and tolerance, bitch.

    Plus, I REALLY don't see how a grown man who loved My Little Pony could POSSIBLY be judgmental of a person's gender-based... choices, I guess.

  16. #73396
    Quote Originally Posted by Mixup View Post
    Plus, I REALLY don't see how a grown man who loved My Little Pony could POSSIBLY be judgmental of a person's gender-based... choices, I guess.
    I suppose that's true enough.

  17. #73397
    Quote Originally Posted by Dontrike View Post
    Then until we actually see her parents I will just go with that they are dead.
    Well, since that was Faust's original intention, you can still believe that until they show up in the series or til The studios gets enough balls of steel to go with Faust's original idea. Second one most likely never gonna happen due to the shows target audience but you never know... They already showed a bit subtle for the kids a funeral.

  18. #73398
    Nrr, I need to stop refreshing this other thread and actually go take my nap. I'm seriously going to end up punching my monitor.

    "I quitted (not a native English speaker, I'm assuming, for the sake of my sanity) because LFR took all the glory out of raiding! LFR should be removed so I will come back!"

    What? You have your special titles for doing it the hard way. You have your shiny mount. I have my ability to log in and actually do something despite my busy uni + work schedule. You don't like it? Eat it.

    3DS Friend Code: 0146-9205-4817. Could show as either Chris or Chrysia.

  19. #73399
    Quote Originally Posted by Chrysia View Post
    Nrr, I need to stop refreshing this other thread and actually go take my nap. I'm seriously going to end up punching my monitor.

    "I quitted (not a native English speaker, I'm assuming, for the sake of my sanity) because LFR took all the glory out of raiding! LFR should be removed so I will come back!"

    What? You have your special titles for doing it the hard way. You have your shiny mount. I have my ability to log in and actually do something despite my busy uni + work schedule. You don't like it? Eat it.
    That is something I don't get either. They already have it done and don't want to make it fun for anyone else. Plus LFR helps people be geared to get into guilds that need people when attendance gets low.

    Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866

  20. #73400
    Quote Originally Posted by Blue Thunder View Post
    Well, since that was Faust's original intention, you can still believe that until they show up in the series or til The studios gets enough balls of steel to go with Faust's original idea. Second one most likely never gonna happen due to the shows target audience but you never know... They already showed a bit subtle for the kids a funeral.
    I'm trying EVER so hard to remember what you're talking about.

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